• Mary Manning an August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Absendeort: Bad Godesberg · Empfangsort: Bonn · Datum: [ca. 25. August 1828]
Editionsstatus: Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert
  • Absender: Mary Manning
  • Empfänger: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Absendeort: Bad Godesberg
  • Empfangsort: Bonn
  • Datum: [ca. 25. August 1828]
  • Anmerkung: Datum sowie Absende- und Empfangsort erschlossen. – Datierung durch den Aufenthalt von Charlotte Malcolm und Mary Manning in Bad Godesberg. Der 25. August 1828 fiel zudem auf einen Montag.
  • Datengeber: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-34292
  • Signatur: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.29
  • Blatt-/Seitenzahl: 2S. auf Doppelbl., hs. u. U.
  • Format: 18,8 x 11,6 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] I am grieved to tell you that we are compelled to give up the pleasure of visiting you tomorrow [...]“
  • Englisch
    Editorische Bearbeitung
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] I am grieved to tell you that we are compelled to give up the pleasure of visiting you tomorrow – Lady Malcolm is so very unwell today that she feels quite unequal to the exertion – and she would regret exceedingly to have any alloy to the gratification of that visit – She begs therefore that you will permit her to [2] delay it for a few days when I trust she may be able to enjoy Bonn. The town – to the utmost –
– We need not assure you how enchanted we shall be to see you
here as often as may be – Lady Malcolm unites with me in best and kindest regards –
ever believe Me
Most truly Yours
M. Manning
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Unable to open [object Object]: Unable to load TileSource
[1] I am grieved to tell you that we are compelled to give up the pleasure of visiting you tomorrow – Lady Malcolm is so very unwell today that she feels quite unequal to the exertion – and she would regret exceedingly to have any alloy to the gratification of that visit – She begs therefore that you will permit her to [2] delay it for a few days when I trust she may be able to enjoy Bonn. The town – to the utmost –
– We need not assure you how enchanted we shall be to see you
here as often as may be – Lady Malcolm unites with me in best and kindest regards –
ever believe Me
Most truly Yours
M. Manning
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