• Henry T. Colebrooke to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Place of Dispatch: London · Place of Destination: Bonn · Date: 21.05.1824
Edition Status: Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated
    Metadata Concerning Header
  • Sender: Henry T. Colebrooke
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Place of Dispatch: London
  • Place of Destination: Bonn
  • Date: 21.05.1824
    Printed Text
  • Bibliography: Rocher, Rosane und Ludo Rocher: Founders of Western Indology. August Wilhelm von Schlegel and Henry Thomas Colebrooke in correspondence 1820–1837. Wiesbaden 2013, S. 111–112.
  • Incipit: „[1] Argyll Street
    21 May 1824
    My dear Sir
    A month has elapsed since I had the pleasure of hearing from you; & I [...]“
  • Provider: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-33441
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,Nr.52
  • Number of Pages: 3S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U. u. Adresse
  • Format: 22,6 x 18,5 cm
  • English
  • Müller, Bianca
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] Argyll Street
21 May 1824
My dear Sir
A month has elapsed since I had the pleasure of
hearing from you; & I must apologize for allowing so long a time to elapse: but I have been very busy & still am so. I have had the satisfaction of hearing from my son mean time; & Mr Lassen on his return gave me very good accounts of him. I am glad to find that he is sensible of the necessity of diligent attention to mathematics: and I hope he will make as good progress as you anticipate. It is one of the greatest defects of our public schools, that so very important a branch of study is entirely neglected at the age best calculated for entering upon it. I am much obliged to you for your kindness in arranging for him that his [2] deficiency in that branch may not be inconvenient & discouraging to him at his outset Indeed I am greatly obliged to you for your kindness to him in all respects. In answer to your question what time I destine for his studies, I can only say I have not fixed any time: but I supposed three years might suffice. I may be better able to judge on this point, after he is ripe for admission at the university.
I will endeavour to send you Oriental Intelligence for the purpose you mention
We have received from
Mr Wilson of Calcutta a dissertation on the original of the fables of Pilpay, which he agrees with me in determining to be the Panchatantrá. He inserts several large extracts: & has made it an interesting paper – We have begun reading it at the R. Asiatic Society.
The transactions of the Society are in the press: but I do not think they will be ready for publication for some months. Perhaps our first fasciculus or half volume may be ready in November
[3] The 15th volume of Asiatic Researches is completed; & may be expected before the end of the Year. It contains some good papers: particularly one by Mr Wilson on the History of Cashmír: the only history that was even written in Sanscrit A manuscript translation of it by Dr Leyden is unpublished with the rest of his posthumous works.
I am glad to learn that the merit of
Your Sanscrit Devanagari types has been so honorably acknowledged
Yours very truly
[4] A Monsieur
Monsieur A W DeSchlegel
sur le Rhin
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[1] Argyll Street
21 May 1824
My dear Sir
A month has elapsed since I had the pleasure of
hearing from you; & I must apologize for allowing so long a time to elapse: but I have been very busy & still am so. I have had the satisfaction of hearing from my son mean time; & Mr Lassen on his return gave me very good accounts of him. I am glad to find that he is sensible of the necessity of diligent attention to mathematics: and I hope he will make as good progress as you anticipate. It is one of the greatest defects of our public schools, that so very important a branch of study is entirely neglected at the age best calculated for entering upon it. I am much obliged to you for your kindness in arranging for him that his [2] deficiency in that branch may not be inconvenient & discouraging to him at his outset Indeed I am greatly obliged to you for your kindness to him in all respects. In answer to your question what time I destine for his studies, I can only say I have not fixed any time: but I supposed three years might suffice. I may be better able to judge on this point, after he is ripe for admission at the university.
I will endeavour to send you Oriental Intelligence for the purpose you mention
We have received from
Mr Wilson of Calcutta a dissertation on the original of the fables of Pilpay, which he agrees with me in determining to be the Panchatantrá. He inserts several large extracts: & has made it an interesting paper – We have begun reading it at the R. Asiatic Society.
The transactions of the Society are in the press: but I do not think they will be ready for publication for some months. Perhaps our first fasciculus or half volume may be ready in November
[3] The 15th volume of Asiatic Researches is completed; & may be expected before the end of the Year. It contains some good papers: particularly one by Mr Wilson on the History of Cashmír: the only history that was even written in Sanscrit A manuscript translation of it by Dr Leyden is unpublished with the rest of his posthumous works.
I am glad to learn that the merit of
Your Sanscrit Devanagari types has been so honorably acknowledged
Yours very truly
[4] A Monsieur
Monsieur A W DeSchlegel
sur le Rhin