Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 350]
Code Context
/version-01-20/letters/view/5029" data-language=""></ul>
<div id="zoomImage1" style="height:695px" class="open-sea-dragon" data-src="<?php echo $this->Html->url($dzi_imagesDruck[0]) ?>" data-language="<?=$this->Session->read('Config.language')?>"></div>
$viewFile = '/var/www/awschlegel/version-01-20/app/View/Letters/view.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-10094 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<br>Sir<br>I was in hopes of meeting you today at </span><span class="family-courier index-5874 tp-69076 ">the public library</span><span class="family-courier "> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as </span><span class="family-courier index-112 tp-37379 ">M</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier "> Dasdorff</span><span class="family-courier "> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at </span><span class="family-courier index-13 tp-37375 ">Dresden</span><span class="family-courier "> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing </span><span class="family-courier index-11438 tp-69083 ">sketches, biographical and critical</span><span class="family-courier ">, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 ">your version of </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 index-4 tp-37377 ">our immortal bard</span><span class="family-courier ">) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of </span><span class="family-courier index-5755 tp-69085 ">a trifling performance</span><span class="family-courier "> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<br>Your obed & hble Servant <br>B Beresford<br>Golden Angel.<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-10095 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer] </span>', 'isaprint' => false, 'isnewtranslation' => true, 'statemsg' => 'betamsg23', 'cittitle' => '', 'description' => 'Benjamin Beresford an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 11.09.1798, Dresden, Dresden', 'adressatort' => 'Dresden <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>', 'absendeort' => 'Dresden <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>', 'date' => '11.09.1798', 'adressat' => array(), 'adrCitation' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel', 'absender' => array( (int) 1422 => array( 'ID' => '1422', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-02-19 15:48:06', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-09 14:38:26', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-003x', 'docTyp' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), '39_name' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_toddatum' => '1819-04-29', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '137991517 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Beresford, Benjamin Geistlicher, Philologe, Anglist Benjamin Beresford war ein englischer Theologe und promovierte an der Universität Halle. Von 1803 bis 1806 war er als Lektor für englische und italienische Sprache an der Universität von Dorpat tätig. Später arbeitete er als Lektor für englische Sprache an der Berliner Universität. Er publizierte zahlreiche Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Englische.', '39_werke' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Eroto or a collection of favourite songs translated into English with their original music. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1797. Beresford, Benjamin: The most remarkable year of the life of August von Kotzebue. 3 Bde. London 1802. Beresford, Benjamin: The Life of General de Ziethen, a distinguished commander under Frederick the Great. 2 Bde. Übers. v. Mme de Blumenthal. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1810. Beresford, Benjamin: A narrative of circumstances attending Mr. Beresford's marriage with Miss Hamilton. London 1782. [Elektron. Ressource 2009].', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_beziehung' => 'AWS lernte Beresford 1798 in Dresden kennen. Er schätzte die Übersetzungen des Briten. Benjamin Beresford berichtete Schlegel über seine Übersetzungsversuche und den Alltag in Berlin. AWS rezensierte Beresfords Übersetzungen „The German Erato“ 1798 wohlwollend in der Jenaischen Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung.', '39_gebdatumfrei' => '1750', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) ), 'absCitation' => 'Benjamin Beresford', 'percount' => (int) 1, 'notabs' => false, 'tabs' => array( 'text' => array( 'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift', 'exists' => '1' ), 'manuscript' => array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) ), 'parallelview' => array( (int) 0 => '1', (int) 1 => '1' ), 'dzi_imagesHand' => array( (int) 0 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/b2e544551f265faa4b10fd597edfe9e8.jpg.xml', (int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/16ffc9aa3d02d60a19e8375122e29331.jpg.xml' ), 'dzi_imagesDruck' => array(), 'indexesintext' => array( 'Namen' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Körperschaften' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Orte' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Werke' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'right' => '', 'left' => 'manuscript', 'handschrift' => array( 'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', 'OAI Id' => 'DE-611-38972', 'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.19', 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '1 S., hs. m. U.', 'Incipit' => '„[1] Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<br>Sir<br>I was in hopes of meeting you today at the public library to have had [...]“' ), 'editors' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia', (int) 1 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), 'druck' => array(), 'docmain' => array( 'ID' => '5029', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2014-05-02 11:11:16', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-23 14:21:15', 'key' => 'AWS-aw-03bf', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Brief', 'id' => '36' ), 'index_werke_12' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_personen_11' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_orte_10' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_koerperschaften_15' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'notes' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-10094 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<br>Sir<br>I was in hopes of meeting you today at </span><span class="family-courier index-5874 tp-69076 ">the public library</span><span class="family-courier "> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as </span><span class="family-courier index-112 tp-37379 ">M</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier "> Dasdorff</span><span class="family-courier "> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at </span><span class="family-courier index-13 tp-37375 ">Dresden</span><span class="family-courier "> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing </span><span class="family-courier index-11438 tp-69083 ">sketches, biographical and critical</span><span class="family-courier ">, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 ">your version of </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 index-4 tp-37377 ">our immortal bard</span><span class="family-courier ">) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of </span><span class="family-courier index-5755 tp-69085 ">a trifling performance</span><span class="family-courier "> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<br>Your obed & hble Servant <br>B Beresford<br>Golden Angel.<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-10095 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer] </span>', '36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="10094"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10094"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<lb/>Sir<lb/>I was in hopes of meeting you today at <orgName key="5874">the public library</orgName> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as </hi><persName key="112"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Dasdorff</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at <placeName key="13">Dresden</placeName> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing <name key="11438" type="work">sketches, biographical and critical</name>, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in <name key="344" type="work">your version of <persName key="4">our immortal bard</persName></name>) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of <name key="5755" type="work">a trifling performance</name> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<lb/>Your obed & hble Servant <lb/>B Beresford<lb/>Golden Angel.<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="10095"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10095"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer] </hi></p>', '36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="10094"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10094"/> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<lb/>Sir<lb/>I was in hopes of meeting you today at <anchor type="b" n="5874" ana="15" xml:id="NidB69076"/>the public library<anchor type="e" n="5874" ana="15" xml:id="NidE69076"/> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as <anchor type="b" n="112" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37379"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Dasdorff<anchor type="e" n="112" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37379"/> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at <anchor type="b" n="13" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37375"/>Dresden<anchor type="e" n="13" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37375"/> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing <anchor type="b" n="11438" ana="12" xml:id="NidB69083"/>sketches, biographical and critical<anchor type="e" n="11438" ana="12" xml:id="NidE69083"/>, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in <anchor type="b" n="344" ana="12" xml:id="NidB37378"/>your version of <anchor type="b" n="4" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37377"/>our immortal bard<anchor type="e" n="4" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37377"/><anchor type="e" n="344" ana="12" xml:id="NidE37378"/>) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of <anchor type="b" n="5755" ana="12" xml:id="NidB69085"/>a trifling performance<anchor type="e" n="5755" ana="12" xml:id="NidE69085"/> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<lb/>Your obed & hble Servant <lb/>B Beresford<lb/>Golden Angel.<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="10095"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10095"/> [leer] </hi>', '36_absender' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_datumvon' => '1798-09-11', '36_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_purlhand' => 'DE-611-38972', '36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.19', '36_h1zahl' => '1 S., hs. m. U.', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-611-2453899', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,S.81-82', '36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Absende- und Empfangsort erschlossen.', '36_heditor' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia' ), '36_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_hredaktion' => array( (int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), '36_purl_web' => '1289', '36_Link_Hand' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_Datum' => '1798-09-11', '36_facet_absender' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '36_facet_absender_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Beresford, Benjamin' ), '36_facet_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' ), '36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von' ), '36_facet_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Dresden' ), '36_facet_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Dresden' ), '36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_facet_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_facet_korrespondenten' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Letter', '_model_title' => 'Letter', '_model_titles' => 'Letters', '_url' => '' ), 'doctype_name' => 'Letters', 'captions' => array( '36_dummy' => '', '36_absender' => 'Absender/Verfasser', '36_absverif1' => 'Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absender2' => 'Verfasser 2', '36_absverif2' => 'Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp2' => 'Verfasser 2 Brieftyp', '36_absender3' => 'Verfasser 3', '36_absverif3' => 'Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp3' => 'Verfasser 3 Brieftyp', '36_adressat' => 'Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrverif1' => 'Empfänger Verifikation', '36_adressat2' => 'Empfänger 2', '36_adrverif2' => 'Empfänger 2 Verifikation', '36_adressat3' => 'Empfänger 3', '36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch', '36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser', '36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau', '36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2', '36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3', '36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation', '36_datumvon' => 'Datum von', '36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis', '36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell', '36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation', '36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren', '36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen', '36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung', '36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung', '36_typ' => 'Brieftyp', '36_briefid' => 'Brief Identifier', '36_purl_web' => 'PURL web', '36_status' => 'Bearbeitungsstatus', '36_anmerkung' => 'Anmerkung (intern)', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Anmerkung (extern)', '36_datengeber' => 'Datengeber', '36_purl' => 'OAI-Id', '36_leitd' => 'Druck 1:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck2' => 'Druck 2:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck3' => 'Druck 3:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift', '36_datengeberhand' => 'Datengeber', '36_purlhand' => 'OAI-Id', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'OAI-Id (alternative)', '36_signaturhand' => 'Signatur', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)', '36_h1prov' => 'Provenienz', '36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl', '36_h1format' => 'Format', '36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten', '36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung', '36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen: Information über den Inhalt', '36_heditor' => 'Editor/in', '36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in', '36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck', '36_band' => 'KFSA Band', '36_briefnr' => 'KFSA Brief-Nr.', '36_briefseite' => 'KFSA Seite', '36_incipit' => 'Incipit', '36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle', '36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus', '36_gattung' => 'Gattung', '36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS', '36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS', '36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von', '36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)', '36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)', '36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos', '36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos', '36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos', '36_' => '', '36_KFSA Hand.hueberleiferung' => 'Ãœberlieferungsträger', '36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur', '36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz', '36_KFSA Hand.harchivlalt' => 'Archiv_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format', '36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse', '36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Hand.hzusatzinfo' => 'H Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Druck.drliteratur' => 'Druck in', '36_KFSA Druck.drsigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Druck.drbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Druck.drfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Druck.drvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Druck.dzusatzinfo' => 'D Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Doku.dokliteratur' => 'Dokumentiert in', '36_KFSA Doku.doksigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Doku.dokbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Doku.dokfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos', '36_Link Druck.url_titel_druck' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Druck.url_image_druck' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_Link Hand.url_titel_hand' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Hand.url_image_hand' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_verlag' => 'Verlag', '36_anhang_tite0' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename0' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite1' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename1' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite2' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename2' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite3' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename3' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite4' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename4' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite5' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename5' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite6' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename6' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite7' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename7' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite8' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename8' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite9' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename9' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titea' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamea' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeb' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameb' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titec' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamec' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tited' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamed' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titee' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamee' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeu' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameu' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titev' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamev' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titew' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamew' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titex' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamex' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titey' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamey' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titez' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamez' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite10' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename10' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite11' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename11' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite12' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename12' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite13' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename13' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite14' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename14' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite15' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename15' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite16' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename16' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite17' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename17' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite18' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename18' => 'Image', '36_h_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_anhang_titef' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamef' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeg' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameg' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeh' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameh' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titei' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamei' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titej' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamej' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titek' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamek' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titel' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamel' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titem' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamem' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titen' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamen' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeo' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameo' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titep' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamep' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeq' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameq' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titer' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamer' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tites' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenames' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titet' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamet' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite19' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename19' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite20' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename20' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite21' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename21' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite22' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename22' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite23' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename23' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite24' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename24' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite25' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename25' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite26' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename26' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite27' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename27' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite28' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename28' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite29' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename29' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite30' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename30' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite31' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename32' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite33' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename33' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite34' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename34' => 'Image', '36_Relationen.relation_art' => 'Art', '36_Relationen.relation_link' => 'Interner Link', '36_volltext' => 'Brieftext (Digitalisat Leitdruck oder Transkript Handschrift)', '36_History.hisbearbeiter' => 'Bearbeiter', '36_History.hisschritt' => 'Bearbeitungsschritt', '36_History.hisdatum' => 'Datum', '36_History.hisnotiz' => 'Notiz', '36_personen' => 'Personen', '36_werke' => 'Werke', '36_orte' => 'Orte', '36_themen' => 'Themen', '36_briedfehlt' => 'Fehlt', '36_briefbestellt' => 'Bestellt', '36_intrans' => 'Transkription', '36_intranskorr1' => 'Transkription Korrektur 1', '36_intranskorr2' => 'Transkription Korrektur 2', '36_intranscheck' => 'Transkription Korr. geprüft', '36_intranseintr' => 'Transkription Korr. eingetr', '36_inannotcheck' => 'Auszeichnungen Reg. geprüft', '36_inkollation' => 'Auszeichnungen Kollationierung', '36_inkollcheck' => 'Auszeichnungen Koll. geprüft', '36_himageupload' => 'H/h Digis hochgeladen', '36_dimageupload' => 'D Digis hochgeladen', '36_stand' => 'Bearbeitungsstand (Webseite)', '36_stand_d' => 'Bearbeitungsstand (Druck)', '36_timecreate' => 'Erstellt am', '36_timelastchg' => 'Zuletzt gespeichert am', '36_comment' => 'Kommentar(intern)', '36_accessid' => 'Access ID', '36_accessidalt' => 'Access ID-alt', '36_digifotos' => 'Digitalisat Fotos', '36_imagelink' => 'Imagelink', '36_vermekrbehler' => 'Notizen Behler', '36_vermekrotto' => 'Anmerkungen Otto', '36_vermekraccess' => 'Bearb-Vermerke Access', '36_zeugenbeschreib' => 'Zeugenbeschreibung', '36_sprache' => 'Sprache', '36_accessinfo1' => 'Archiv H (+ Signatur)', '36_korrekturbd36' => 'Korrekturen Bd. 36', '36_druckbd36' => 'Druckrelevant Bd. 36', '36_digitalisath1' => 'Digitalisat_H', '36_digitalisath2' => 'Digitalisat_h', '36_titelhs' => 'Titel_Hs', '36_accessinfo2' => 'Archiv H (+ Signatur)', '36_accessinfo3' => 'Sigle (Dokumentiert in + Bd./Nr./S.)', '36_accessinfo4' => 'Sigle (Druck in + Bd./Nr./S.)', '36_KFSA Hand.hschreibstoff' => 'Schreibstoff', '36_Relationen.relation_anmerkung' => null, '36_anhang_tite35' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename35' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite36' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename36' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite37' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename37' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite38' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename38' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite39' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename39' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite40' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename40' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite41' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename41' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite42' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename42' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite43' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename43' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite44' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename44' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite45' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename45' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite46' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename46' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite47' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename47' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite48' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename48' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite49' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename49' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite50' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename50' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite51' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename51' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite52' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename52' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite53' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename53' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite54' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename54' => 'Image', '36_KFSA Hand.hbeschreibung' => 'Beschreibung', '36_KFSA Kritanhang.krit_infotyp' => 'Infotyp', '36_KFSA Kritanhang.krit_infotext' => 'Infotext', '36_datumspezif' => 'Datum Spezifikation', 'index_orte_10' => 'Orte', 'index_orte_10.content' => 'Orte', 'index_orte_10.comment' => 'Orte (Kommentar)', 'index_personen_11' => 'Personen', 'index_personen_11.content' => 'Personen', 'index_personen_11.comment' => 'Personen (Kommentar)', 'index_werke_12' => 'Werke', 'index_werke_12.content' => 'Werke', 'index_werke_12.comment' => 'Werke (Kommentar)', 'index_periodika_13' => 'Periodika', 'index_periodika_13.content' => 'Periodika', 'index_periodika_13.comment' => 'Periodika (Kommentar)', 'index_sachen_14' => 'Sachen', 'index_sachen_14.content' => 'Sachen', 'index_sachen_14.comment' => 'Sachen (Kommentar)', 'index_koerperschaften_15' => 'Koerperschaften', 'index_koerperschaften_15.content' => 'Koerperschaften', 'index_koerperschaften_15.comment' => 'Koerperschaften (Kommentar)', 'index_zitate_16' => 'Zitate', 'index_zitate_16.content' => 'Zitate', 'index_zitate_16.comment' => 'Zitate (Kommentar)', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17' => 'Korrespondenzpartner', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17.content' => 'Korrespondenzpartner', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17.comment' => 'Korrespondenzpartner (Kommentar)', 'index_archive_18' => 'Archive', 'index_archive_18.content' => 'Archive', 'index_archive_18.comment' => 'Archive (Kommentar)', 'index_literatur_19' => 'Literatur', 'index_literatur_19.content' => 'Literatur', 'index_literatur_19.comment' => 'Literatur (Kommentar)', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20.content' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20.comment' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA (Kommentar)', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21' => 'Druckwerke KFSA', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21.content' => 'Druckwerke KFSA', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21.comment' => 'Druckwerke KFSA (Kommentar)', '36_fulltext' => 'XML Volltext', '36_html' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_publicHTML' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_plaintext' => 'Volltext', 'transcript.text' => 'Transkripte', 'folders' => 'Mappen', 'notes' => 'Notizen', 'notes.title' => 'Notizen (Titel)', 'notes.content' => 'Notizen', 'notes.category' => 'Notizen (Kategorie)', 'key' => 'FuD Schlüssel' ) ) $html = '<span class="family-courier notice-10094 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<br>Sir<br>I was in hopes of meeting you today at </span><span class="family-courier index-5874 tp-69076 ">the public library</span><span class="family-courier "> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as </span><span class="family-courier index-112 tp-37379 ">M</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier "> Dasdorff</span><span class="family-courier "> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at </span><span class="family-courier index-13 tp-37375 ">Dresden</span><span class="family-courier "> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing </span><span class="family-courier index-11438 tp-69083 ">sketches, biographical and critical</span><span class="family-courier ">, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 ">your version of </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 index-4 tp-37377 ">our immortal bard</span><span class="family-courier ">) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of </span><span class="family-courier index-5755 tp-69085 ">a trifling performance</span><span class="family-courier "> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<br>Your obed & hble Servant <br>B Beresford<br>Golden Angel.<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-10095 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer] </span>' $isaprint = false $isnewtranslation = true $statemsg = 'betamsg23' $cittitle = '' $description = 'Benjamin Beresford an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 11.09.1798, Dresden, Dresden' $adressatort = 'Dresden <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>' $absendeort = 'Dresden <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>' $date = '11.09.1798' $adressat = array() $adrCitation = 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' $absender = array( (int) 1422 => array( 'ID' => '1422', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-02-19 15:48:06', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-09 14:38:26', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-003x', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Person', 'id' => '39' ), '39_name' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_toddatum' => '1819-04-29', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '137991517 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Beresford, Benjamin Geistlicher, Philologe, Anglist Benjamin Beresford war ein englischer Theologe und promovierte an der Universität Halle. Von 1803 bis 1806 war er als Lektor für englische und italienische Sprache an der Universität von Dorpat tätig. Später arbeitete er als Lektor für englische Sprache an der Berliner Universität. Er publizierte zahlreiche Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Englische.', '39_werke' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Eroto or a collection of favourite songs translated into English with their original music. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1797. Beresford, Benjamin: The most remarkable year of the life of August von Kotzebue. 3 Bde. London 1802. Beresford, Benjamin: The Life of General de Ziethen, a distinguished commander under Frederick the Great. 2 Bde. Übers. v. Mme de Blumenthal. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1810. Beresford, Benjamin: A narrative of circumstances attending Mr. Beresford's marriage with Miss Hamilton. London 1782. [Elektron. Ressource 2009].', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_beziehung' => 'AWS lernte Beresford 1798 in Dresden kennen. Er schätzte die Übersetzungen des Briten. Benjamin Beresford berichtete Schlegel über seine Übersetzungsversuche und den Alltag in Berlin. AWS rezensierte Beresfords Übersetzungen „The German Erato“ 1798 wohlwollend in der Jenaischen Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung.', '39_gebdatumfrei' => '1750', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( (int) 0 => 'Personen', (int) 1 => 'Personen' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) ) $absCitation = 'Benjamin Beresford' $percount = (int) 2 $notabs = false $tabs = array( 'text' => array( 'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift', 'exists' => '1' ), 'manuscript' => array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) ) $parallelview = array( (int) 0 => '1', (int) 1 => '1' ) $dzi_imagesHand = array( (int) 0 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/b2e544551f265faa4b10fd597edfe9e8.jpg.xml', (int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/16ffc9aa3d02d60a19e8375122e29331.jpg.xml' ) $dzi_imagesDruck = array() $indexesintext = array( 'Namen' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '112', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Dassdorf, Karl Wilhelm', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '4', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Shakespeare, William', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Körperschaften' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '5874', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'Königliche Öffentliche Bibliothek (Dresden)', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Orte' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '13', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Dresden', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Werke' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '5755', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Erato', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '11438', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: Werke', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '344', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Shakespeare, William: Dramatische Werke. Ü: August Wilhelm von Schlegel (1797–1810)', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ) ) $right = '' $left = 'manuscript' $handschrift = array( 'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', 'OAI Id' => 'DE-611-38972', 'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.19', 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '1 S., hs. m. U.', 'Incipit' => '„[1] Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<br>Sir<br>I was in hopes of meeting you today at the public library to have had [...]“' ) $editors = array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia', (int) 1 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ) $druck = array() $docmain = array( 'ID' => '5029', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2014-05-02 11:11:16', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-23 14:21:15', 'key' => 'AWS-aw-03bf', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Brief', 'id' => '36' ), 'index_werke_12' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '5755', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Erato', 'comment' => '', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '11438', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: Werke', 'comment' => '', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '344', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Shakespeare, William: Dramatische Werke. Ü: August Wilhelm von Schlegel (1797–1810)', 'comment' => '', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_personen_11' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '112', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Dassdorf, Karl Wilhelm', 'comment' => 'GND:116028254', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '4', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Shakespeare, William', 'comment' => 'GND:118613723', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_orte_10' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '13', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Dresden', 'comment' => 'GND:37172-5', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_koerperschaften_15' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '5874', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'Königliche Öffentliche Bibliothek (Dresden)', 'comment' => 'GND:65951-4', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'notes' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '10094', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '10095', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ) ), '36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-10094 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<br>Sir<br>I was in hopes of meeting you today at </span><span class="family-courier index-5874 tp-69076 ">the public library</span><span class="family-courier "> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as </span><span class="family-courier index-112 tp-37379 ">M</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-112 tp-37379 family-courier "> Dasdorff</span><span class="family-courier "> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at </span><span class="family-courier index-13 tp-37375 ">Dresden</span><span class="family-courier "> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing </span><span class="family-courier index-11438 tp-69083 ">sketches, biographical and critical</span><span class="family-courier ">, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 ">your version of </span><span class="family-courier index-344 tp-37378 index-4 tp-37377 ">our immortal bard</span><span class="family-courier ">) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of </span><span class="family-courier index-5755 tp-69085 ">a trifling performance</span><span class="family-courier "> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<br>Your obed & hble Servant <br>B Beresford<br>Golden Angel.<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-10095 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer] </span>', '36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="10094"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10094"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<lb/>Sir<lb/>I was in hopes of meeting you today at <orgName key="5874">the public library</orgName> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as </hi><persName key="112"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Dasdorff</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at <placeName key="13">Dresden</placeName> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing <name key="11438" type="work">sketches, biographical and critical</name>, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in <name key="344" type="work">your version of <persName key="4">our immortal bard</persName></name>) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of <name key="5755" type="work">a trifling performance</name> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<lb/>Your obed & hble Servant <lb/>B Beresford<lb/>Golden Angel.<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="10095"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10095"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer] </hi></p>', '36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="10094"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10094"/> Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<lb/>Sir<lb/>I was in hopes of meeting you today at <anchor type="b" n="5874" ana="15" xml:id="NidB69076"/>the public library<anchor type="e" n="5874" ana="15" xml:id="NidE69076"/> to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as <anchor type="b" n="112" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37379"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Dasdorff<anchor type="e" n="112" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37379"/> informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at <anchor type="b" n="13" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37375"/>Dresden<anchor type="e" n="13" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37375"/> being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing <anchor type="b" n="11438" ana="12" xml:id="NidB69083"/>sketches, biographical and critical<anchor type="e" n="11438" ana="12" xml:id="NidE69083"/>, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in <anchor type="b" n="344" ana="12" xml:id="NidB37378"/>your version of <anchor type="b" n="4" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37377"/>our immortal bard<anchor type="e" n="4" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37377"/><anchor type="e" n="344" ana="12" xml:id="NidE37378"/>) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of <anchor type="b" n="5755" ana="12" xml:id="NidB69085"/>a trifling performance<anchor type="e" n="5755" ana="12" xml:id="NidE69085"/> I have lately published, and I remain, Sir<lb/>Your obed & hble Servant <lb/>B Beresford<lb/>Golden Angel.<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="10095"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="10095"/> [leer] </hi>', '36_absender' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '7635', 'content' => 'Benjamin Beresford', 'bemerkung' => '', 'altBegriff' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), '36_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '7125', 'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel', 'bemerkung' => '', 'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), '36_datumvon' => '1798-09-11', '36_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '13', 'content' => 'Dresden', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:37172-5', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), '36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_purlhand' => 'DE-611-38972', '36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.19', '36_h1zahl' => '1 S., hs. m. U.', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-611-2453899', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,S.81-82', '36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Absende- und Empfangsort erschlossen.', '36_heditor' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia' ), '36_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '13', 'content' => 'Dresden', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:37172-5', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), '36_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_hredaktion' => array( (int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), '36_purl_web' => '1289', '36_Link_Hand' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ), (int) 1 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ) ), '36_Datum' => '1798-09-11', '36_facet_absender' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '36_facet_absender_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Beresford, Benjamin' ), '36_facet_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' ), '36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von' ), '36_facet_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Dresden' ), '36_facet_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Dresden' ), '36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_facet_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_facet_korrespondenten' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Letter', '_model_title' => 'Letter', '_model_titles' => 'Letters', '_url' => '' ) $doctype_name = 'Letters' $captions = array( '36_dummy' => '', '36_absender' => 'Absender/Verfasser', '36_absverif1' => 'Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absender2' => 'Verfasser 2', '36_absverif2' => 'Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp2' => 'Verfasser 2 Brieftyp', '36_absender3' => 'Verfasser 3', '36_absverif3' => 'Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp3' => 'Verfasser 3 Brieftyp', '36_adressat' => 'Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrverif1' => 'Empfänger Verifikation', '36_adressat2' => 'Empfänger 2', '36_adrverif2' => 'Empfänger 2 Verifikation', '36_adressat3' => 'Empfänger 3', '36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch', '36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser', '36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau', '36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2', '36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3', '36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation', '36_datumvon' => 'Datum von', '36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis', '36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell', '36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation', '36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren', '36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen', '36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung', '36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung', '36_typ' => 'Brieftyp', '36_briefid' => 'Brief Identifier', '36_purl_web' => 'PURL web', '36_status' => 'Bearbeitungsstatus', '36_anmerkung' => 'Anmerkung (intern)', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Anmerkung (extern)', '36_datengeber' => 'Datengeber', '36_purl' => 'OAI-Id', '36_leitd' => 'Druck 1:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck2' => 'Druck 2:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck3' => 'Druck 3:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift', '36_datengeberhand' => 'Datengeber', '36_purlhand' => 'OAI-Id', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'OAI-Id (alternative)', '36_signaturhand' => 'Signatur', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)', '36_h1prov' => 'Provenienz', '36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl', '36_h1format' => 'Format', '36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten', '36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung', '36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen: Information über den Inhalt', '36_heditor' => 'Editor/in', '36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in', '36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck', '36_band' => 'KFSA Band', '36_briefnr' => 'KFSA Brief-Nr.', '36_briefseite' => 'KFSA Seite', '36_incipit' => 'Incipit', '36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle', '36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus', '36_gattung' => 'Gattung', '36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS', '36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS', '36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von', '36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)', '36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)', '36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos', '36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos', '36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos', '36_' => '', '36_KFSA Hand.hueberleiferung' => 'Ãœberlieferungsträger', '36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur', '36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz', '36_KFSA Hand.harchivlalt' => 'Archiv_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format', '36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse', '36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Hand.hzusatzinfo' => 'H Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Druck.drliteratur' => 'Druck in', '36_KFSA Druck.drsigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Druck.drbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Druck.drfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Druck.drvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Druck.dzusatzinfo' => 'D Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Doku.dokliteratur' => 'Dokumentiert in', '36_KFSA Doku.doksigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Doku.dokbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Doku.dokfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos', '36_Link Druck.url_titel_druck' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Druck.url_image_druck' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_Link Hand.url_titel_hand' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Hand.url_image_hand' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_verlag' => 'Verlag', '36_anhang_tite0' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename0' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite1' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename1' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite2' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename2' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite3' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename3' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite4' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename4' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite5' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename5' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite6' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename6' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite7' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename7' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite8' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename8' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite9' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename9' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titea' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamea' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeb' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameb' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titec' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamec' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tited' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamed' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titee' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamee' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeu' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameu' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titev' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamev' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titew' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamew' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titex' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamex' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titey' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamey' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titez' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamez' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite10' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename10' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite11' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename11' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite12' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename12' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite13' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename13' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite14' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename14' 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'36_anhang_titeo' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameo' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titep' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamep' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeq' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameq' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titer' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamer' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tites' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenames' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titet' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamet' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite19' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename19' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite20' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename20' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite21' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename21' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite22' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename22' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite23' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename23' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite24' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename24' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite25' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename25' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite26' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename26' => 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'36_publicHTML' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_plaintext' => 'Volltext', 'transcript.text' => 'Transkripte', 'folders' => 'Mappen', 'notes' => 'Notizen', 'notes.title' => 'Notizen (Titel)', 'notes.content' => 'Notizen', 'notes.category' => 'Notizen (Kategorie)', 'key' => 'FuD Schlüssel' ) $query_id = '6743648223b29' $value = '„[1] Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.<br>Sir<br>I was in hopes of meeting you today at the public library to have had [...]“' $key = 'Incipit' $adrModalInfo = array( 'ID' => '1422', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-02-19 15:48:06', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-09 14:38:26', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-003x', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Person', 'id' => '39' ), '39_name' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_toddatum' => '1819-04-29', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '137991517 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Beresford, Benjamin Geistlicher, Philologe, Anglist Benjamin Beresford war ein englischer Theologe und promovierte an der Universität Halle. Von 1803 bis 1806 war er als Lektor für englische und italienische Sprache an der Universität von Dorpat tätig. Später arbeitete er als Lektor für englische Sprache an der Berliner Universität. Er publizierte zahlreiche Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Englische.', '39_werke' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Eroto or a collection of favourite songs translated into English with their original music. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1797. Beresford, Benjamin: The most remarkable year of the life of August von Kotzebue. 3 Bde. London 1802. Beresford, Benjamin: The Life of General de Ziethen, a distinguished commander under Frederick the Great. 2 Bde. Übers. v. Mme de Blumenthal. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1810. Beresford, Benjamin: A narrative of circumstances attending Mr. Beresford's marriage with Miss Hamilton. London 1782. [Elektron. Ressource 2009].', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_beziehung' => 'AWS lernte Beresford 1798 in Dresden kennen. Er schätzte die Übersetzungen des Briten. Benjamin Beresford berichtete Schlegel über seine Übersetzungsversuche und den Alltag in Berlin. AWS rezensierte Beresfords Übersetzungen „The German Erato“ 1798 wohlwollend in der Jenaischen Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung.', '39_gebdatumfrei' => '1750', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( (int) 0 => 'Personen', (int) 1 => 'Personen' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) $version = 'version-01-20' $domain = '' $url = '' $purl_web = '' $state = '15.01.2020' $citation = 'Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels [15.01.2020]; Benjamin Beresford an August Wilhelm von Schlegel; 11.09.1798' $lettermsg1 = 'August Wilhelm Schlegel: Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz [Version-01-20]' $lettermsg2 = ' <a href=""></a>.' $sprache = 'Englisch' $editor = 'Varwig, Olivia' $caption = array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) $tab = 'manuscript' $n = (int) 1 $image = '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/16ffc9aa3d02d60a19e8375122e29331.jpg.xml'
include - APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 350 View::_evaluate() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
[1] Tuesday afternoon 11 Sep. 98.
I was in hopes of meeting you today at the public library to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as Mr Dasdorff informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at Dresden being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing sketches, biographical and critical, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in your version of our immortal bard) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of a trifling performance I have lately published, and I remain, Sir
Your obed & hble Servant
B Beresford
Golden Angel.
[2] [leer]
I was in hopes of meeting you today at the public library to have had the honor of being introduced to you, as Mr Dasdorff informed me yesterday you generally came there in a morning. My stay at Dresden being very short, I beg youʼll inform me, by return of the bearer, if this afternoon or tomorrow, it would be agreeable to you to be waited upon. – I am writing sketches, biographical and critical, of the German poets, with select specimens of their works translated into the same measure as the original (a method, I find with pleasure, you have followed in your version of our immortal bard) and I am naturally ambitious to know personally a gentlemen who will make a distinguished appearance in my list of poetical writers. I beg your acceptance of a trifling performance I have lately published, and I remain, Sir
Your obed & hble Servant
B Beresford
Golden Angel.
[2] [leer]