• Benjamin Beresford an August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Absendeort: Berlin · Empfangsort: Jena · Datum: 22.05.1799
Editionsstatus: Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert
  • Absender: Benjamin Beresford
  • Empfänger: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Absendeort: Berlin
  • Empfangsort: Jena
  • Datum: 22.05.1799
  • Anmerkung: Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Datengeber: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-611-38972
  • Signatur: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.22
  • Blatt-/Seitenzahl: 2 S., hs. m. U.
  • Format: 23,1 x 19,1 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] Berlin, 22nd May. 1799.
    You will find by the collection of ballads and songs, that I have been tempted from [...]“
  • Englisch
    Editorische Bearbeitung
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] Berlin, 22nd May. 1799.
You will find by the collection of ballads and songs, that I have been tempted from the flattering hint you gave in
your able critique of my former publications, to translate the Fisher and Harper of Göthe. Leonora, I beg to observe, is newly set to music my friend. Mr Reichardt having done me the favor to compose the melodies from my M. S. translation. I had an unpleasant task in Wenn ich ein schönes Mädchen seh, and, I hope I have made it less unmeaning than it was in the original. Hebe sieh in sanfter Feier wanted amendment too. and Nicht blos für diese Unterwelt, I shortened because I could not well understand the latter part. I inserted it indeed, because the queen gave it me to translate, as a song, the words of which, she was highly delighted with.
I now beg you, Sir, to do me the favour to announce and review the publication in the
All: Germ: Lit. Zeitung as soon as convenient. Should the contents be found [2] to merit your approbation, and were it possible soon to find a place in the journal; those circumstances would greatly contribute to further a plan I now have of cultivating German literature and giving my country men frequent translated specimens of the best German poets.
I am going in a few days to
Eutin and shall return to Berlin through Jena, I shall then show you a translation of your admired Campaspe, and, I hope, some other pieces of your composition.
The silence of the Journal relative to
the 2nd. edition of the German Erato, which I sent you with a letter some months ago I readily impute to the multiplicity of business. I hope however mention will soon be made of it. My above mentioned plan wou[ld] be never assisted by were it made known thru that channel, that the book has succeeded so far as to have gone thru a second Edition.
I remain, Sir, with great esteem
Your obliged and obedient hble serv
B Beresford
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Unable to open [object Object]: Unable to load TileSource
[1] Berlin, 22nd May. 1799.
You will find by the collection of ballads and songs, that I have been tempted from the flattering hint you gave in
your able critique of my former publications, to translate the Fisher and Harper of Göthe. Leonora, I beg to observe, is newly set to music my friend. Mr Reichardt having done me the favor to compose the melodies from my M. S. translation. I had an unpleasant task in Wenn ich ein schönes Mädchen seh, and, I hope I have made it less unmeaning than it was in the original. Hebe sieh in sanfter Feier wanted amendment too. and Nicht blos für diese Unterwelt, I shortened because I could not well understand the latter part. I inserted it indeed, because the queen gave it me to translate, as a song, the words of which, she was highly delighted with.
I now beg you, Sir, to do me the favour to announce and review the publication in the
All: Germ: Lit. Zeitung as soon as convenient. Should the contents be found [2] to merit your approbation, and were it possible soon to find a place in the journal; those circumstances would greatly contribute to further a plan I now have of cultivating German literature and giving my country men frequent translated specimens of the best German poets.
I am going in a few days to
Eutin and shall return to Berlin through Jena, I shall then show you a translation of your admired Campaspe, and, I hope, some other pieces of your composition.
The silence of the Journal relative to
the 2nd. edition of the German Erato, which I sent you with a letter some months ago I readily impute to the multiplicity of business. I hope however mention will soon be made of it. My above mentioned plan wou[ld] be never assisted by were it made known thru that channel, that the book has succeeded so far as to have gone thru a second Edition.
I remain, Sir, with great esteem
Your obliged and obedient hble serv
B Beresford