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Mary Manning an August Wilhelm von SchlegelJochenStrobelPhilipps-Universität MarburgClaudiaBambergPhilipps-Universität MarburgRadoslavPetkovUniversität TrierOliviaVarwigPhilipps-Universität MarburgPhilipps-Universität MarburgSächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek DresdenKompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften an der Universität Trier / Trier Center for Digital HumanitiesMitwirkendeThomasBürgerHermioneCookOliviaVarwigJochenStrobelClaudiaBambergNamensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE)version-01-20Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm SchlegelsNeu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und UniversitätsbibliothekMscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27DE-1a-34292DE-1a-1947061Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118ManuscriptOriginal7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.22,6 x 17,8 cmEmpfangsort erschlossen.Mary ManningLondon1829-07-04August Wilhelm von SchlegelBonn

[1]Paginierung des Editors Lady Malcolm8 Hereford Street. Oxford StreetVon unbekannter HandLondon July 4th 1829 –My dear friend –Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and Lady Malcolm & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –When we left Godesberg our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it [2]Paginierung des Editors to the utmost. – We spent some days at St Goar, Ehrenbreitsten, Rudesheim, & Heidelberg – the delightful fortnight we gave to Baden – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw Benjamin Constant! – Our friend Mr Hare was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his Cambridge duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who differed from Me on almost every subject, & the children lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to Berne, Lausanne & Geneva – we looked at Copet with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled [3]Paginierung des Editors you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with the Gifted Being who once dwelt at Copet! – The Baroness & her infant son live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of her late husband. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when Lady Malcolm received letters from India containing accounts of Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm) prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jany and travelled to Paris during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed [4]Paginierung des Editors sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to Dugald Stewarts definition of sublimity. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of [5]Paginierung des Editors Sun Moon & lamp – – –Lady Campbell reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of Hyde Hall –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to our friend Mr HareLady Malcolm has the most delightful accounts from Sir John – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must [6]Paginierung des Editors terminate the seperation from his family – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at Bonn & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to Godesberg – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with Lady Malcolm – her wonder is still undiminished that such an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know our friend Mr Whewell, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead [7]Paginierung des Editors of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust Mr Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –Lady Malcolm unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to Dr Lassen and believe Me My dear friendYours Most sincerelyM Manning –[8]Paginierung des Editors [leer]