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'ID' => '3710',
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'docTyp' => array(
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$docsource = array(
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'timelastchg' => '2019-07-04 10:47:24',
'key' => 'AWS-aw-02gv',
'docTyp' => array(
'name' => 'Brief',
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4071914-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => 'GND:4004169-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => 'GND:4009351-7',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
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'content' => 'Coppet',
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'altBegriff' => '',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => 'GND:4471790-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
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'altBegriff' => '',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von Sir John und Charlotte Malcolm, (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
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(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Constant, Benjamin',
'comment' => 'GND:118638475',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => 'GND:1055180052',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => 'GND:119512831',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag, Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; jüngste Tochter von Charlotte Malcolm (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)
Margaret (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)
Catherine Wellesley (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => 'GND:118938759X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Sohn von John und Charlotte Malcolm',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => 'GND:11906006X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => 'GND:1019724137',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => 'GND:118616617',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => 'GND:117202770',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => 'nicht identifiziert, Sohn von Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => 'GND:117242632',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => 'GND:118632116',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => '',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '43746',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '43745',
'title' => 'Von unbekannter Hand',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '43747',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '43748',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '43749',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '43750',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '43751',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '43752',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '43753',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7463',
'content' => 'Mary Manning',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Manning, Mary',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7125',
'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'content' => 'London',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000083.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 1 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000084.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 2 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000085.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 3 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000086.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 4 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000115.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 5 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000116.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 6 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000117.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 7 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000118.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$druck = array()
$datengeber = ''
$splittext = array(
(int) 0 => '[1]',
(int) 1 => 'Lady',
(int) 2 => 'Malcolm<br>8',
(int) 3 => 'Hereford',
(int) 4 => 'Street.',
(int) 5 => 'Oxford',
(int) 6 => 'Street<br>London',
(int) 7 => 'July',
(int) 8 => '4th',
(int) 9 => '1829',
(int) 10 => '–<br>My',
(int) 11 => 'dear',
(int) 12 => 'friend',
(int) 13 => '–<br>Mr',
(int) 14 => 'Whewell',
(int) 15 => 'is',
(int) 16 => 'hastening',
(int) 17 => 'to',
(int) 18 => 'Bonn',
(int) 19 => 'and',
(int) 20 => 'Lady',
(int) 21 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 22 => '&',
(int) 23 => 'myself',
(int) 24 => 'cannot',
(int) 25 => 'allow',
(int) 26 => 'him',
(int) 27 => 'to',
(int) 28 => 'depart',
(int) 29 => 'without',
(int) 30 => 'entreating',
(int) 31 => 'that',
(int) 32 => 'he',
(int) 33 => 'will',
(int) 34 => 'bear',
(int) 35 => 'to',
(int) 36 => 'you',
(int) 37 => 'our',
(int) 38 => 'most',
(int) 39 => 'affectionate',
(int) 40 => 'remembrances',
(int) 41 => '–',
(int) 42 => 'Can',
(int) 43 => 'it',
(int) 44 => 'be',
(int) 45 => 'that',
(int) 46 => 'a',
(int) 47 => 'year',
(int) 48 => 'is',
(int) 49 => 'gone',
(int) 50 => 'since',
(int) 51 => 'we',
(int) 52 => 'were',
(int) 53 => 'with',
(int) 54 => 'you!',
(int) 55 => '–',
(int) 56 => 'A',
(int) 57 => 'year',
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(int) 59 => 'has',
(int) 60 => 'borne',
(int) 61 => 'to',
(int) 62 => 'us',
(int) 63 => 'much',
(int) 64 => 'of',
(int) 65 => 'change',
(int) 66 => 'and',
(int) 67 => 'painful',
(int) 68 => 'anxiety',
(int) 69 => '–<br>When',
(int) 70 => 'we',
(int) 71 => 'left',
(int) 72 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 73 => 'our',
(int) 74 => 'aim',
(int) 75 => 'was',
(int) 76 => 'Italy',
(int) 77 => '–',
(int) 78 => 'We',
(int) 79 => 'were',
(int) 80 => 'enchanted',
(int) 81 => 'by',
(int) 82 => 'the',
(int) 83 => 'scenery',
(int) 84 => 'of',
(int) 85 => 'the',
(int) 86 => 'Rhine;',
(int) 87 => '–',
(int) 88 => 'the',
(int) 89 => 'weather',
(int) 90 => 'was',
(int) 91 => 'very',
(int) 92 => 'fine',
(int) 93 => 'and',
(int) 94 => 'we',
(int) 95 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 96 => 'it',
(int) 97 => '[2]',
(int) 98 => 'to',
(int) 99 => 'the',
(int) 100 => 'utmost.',
(int) 101 => '–',
(int) 102 => 'We',
(int) 103 => 'spent',
(int) 104 => 'some',
(int) 105 => 'days',
(int) 106 => 'at',
(int) 107 => 'St',
(int) 108 => 'Goar,',
(int) 109 => 'Ehrenbreitsten,',
(int) 110 => 'Rudesheim,',
(int) 111 => '&',
(int) 112 => 'Heidelberg',
(int) 113 => '–',
(int) 114 => 'the',
(int) 115 => 'delightful',
(int) 116 => 'fortnight',
(int) 117 => 'we',
(int) 118 => 'gave',
(int) 119 => 'to',
(int) 120 => 'Baden',
(int) 121 => '–',
(int) 122 => 'that',
(int) 123 => 'region',
(int) 124 => 'of',
(int) 125 => 'dark',
(int) 126 => 'woods',
(int) 127 => 'and',
(int) 128 => 'silvery',
(int) 129 => 'mists,',
(int) 130 => '–',
(int) 131 => 'where',
(int) 132 => 'we',
(int) 133 => 'tasted',
(int) 134 => 'Kirchen',
(int) 135 => 'Wasser',
(int) 136 => '&',
(int) 137 => 'saw',
(int) 138 => 'Benjamin',
(int) 139 => 'Constant!',
(int) 140 => '–',
(int) 141 => 'Our',
(int) 142 => 'friend',
(int) 143 => 'Mr',
(int) 144 => 'Hare',
(int) 145 => 'was',
(int) 146 => 'compelled',
(int) 147 => 'to',
(int) 148 => 'leave',
(int) 149 => 'us',
(int) 150 => 'at',
(int) 151 => 'Baden',
(int) 152 => 'to',
(int) 153 => 'return',
(int) 154 => 'to',
(int) 155 => 'his',
(int) 156 => 'Cambridge',
(int) 157 => 'duties',
(int) 158 => '&',
(int) 159 => 'his',
(int) 160 => 'departure',
(int) 161 => 'caused',
(int) 162 => 'a',
(int) 163 => 'blank',
(int) 164 => 'to',
(int) 165 => 'us',
(int) 166 => 'all.',
(int) 167 => '–',
(int) 168 => 'I',
(int) 169 => 'lost',
(int) 170 => 'the',
(int) 171 => 'society',
(int) 172 => 'of',
(int) 173 => 'a',
(int) 174 => 'friend',
(int) 175 => 'who',
(int) 176 => 'differed',
(int) 177 => 'from',
(int) 178 => 'Me',
(int) 179 => 'on',
(int) 180 => 'almost',
(int) 181 => 'every',
(int) 182 => 'subject,',
(int) 183 => '&',
(int) 184 => 'the',
(int) 185 => 'children',
(int) 186 => 'lamented',
(int) 187 => 'the',
(int) 188 => 'absence',
(int) 189 => 'of',
(int) 190 => 'the',
(int) 191 => 'kind',
(int) 192 => 'Companion',
(int) 193 => 'of',
(int) 194 => 'their',
(int) 195 => 'rambles',
(int) 196 => '–',
(int) 197 => 'I',
(int) 198 => 'must',
(int) 199 => 'not',
(int) 200 => 'weary',
(int) 201 => 'you',
(int) 202 => 'with',
(int) 203 => 'a',
(int) 204 => 'history',
(int) 205 => 'of',
(int) 206 => 'our',
(int) 207 => 'progress',
(int) 208 => '–',
(int) 209 => 'only',
(int) 210 => 'hint',
(int) 211 => 'that',
(int) 212 => 'we',
(int) 213 => 'did',
(int) 214 => 'pass',
(int) 215 => 'through',
(int) 216 => 'the',
(int) 217 => 'beauteous',
(int) 218 => 'Vale',
(int) 219 => 'of',
(int) 220 => 'Kinzig',
(int) 221 => '&',
(int) 222 => 'thence',
(int) 223 => 'to',
(int) 224 => 'Berne,',
(int) 225 => 'Lausanne',
(int) 226 => '&',
(int) 227 => 'Geneva',
(int) 228 => '–',
(int) 229 => 'we',
(int) 230 => 'looked',
(int) 231 => 'at',
(int) 232 => 'Copet',
(int) 233 => 'with',
(int) 234 => 'deep',
(int) 235 => 'interest,',
(int) 236 => '–',
(int) 237 => 'the',
(int) 238 => 'sight',
(int) 239 => 'of',
(int) 240 => 'it',
(int) 241 => 'recalled',
(int) 242 => '[3]',
(int) 243 => 'you',
(int) 244 => 'also',
(int) 245 => 'to',
(int) 246 => 'our',
(int) 247 => 'thoughts',
(int) 248 => '–',
(int) 249 => 'associated',
(int) 250 => 'as',
(int) 251 => 'you',
(int) 252 => 'are',
(int) 253 => 'in',
(int) 254 => 'our',
(int) 255 => 'minds',
(int) 256 => 'with',
(int) 257 => 'the',
(int) 258 => 'Gifted',
(int) 259 => 'Being',
(int) 260 => 'who',
(int) 261 => 'once',
(int) 262 => 'dwelt',
(int) 263 => 'at',
(int) 264 => 'Copet!',
(int) 265 => '–',
(int) 266 => 'The',
(int) 267 => 'Baroness',
(int) 268 => '&',
(int) 269 => 'her',
(int) 270 => 'infant',
(int) 271 => 'son',
(int) 272 => 'live',
(int) 273 => 'there',
(int) 274 => 'in',
(int) 275 => 'unbroken',
(int) 276 => 'retirement.',
(int) 277 => '–',
(int) 278 => 'She',
(int) 279 => 'is',
(int) 280 => 'said',
(int) 281 => 'to',
(int) 282 => 'be',
(int) 283 => 'preparing',
(int) 284 => 'a',
(int) 285 => 'Memoir',
(int) 286 => 'of',
(int) 287 => 'her',
(int) 288 => 'late',
(int) 289 => 'husband.',
(int) 290 => '–',
(int) 291 => 'We',
(int) 292 => 'remained',
(int) 293 => 'some',
(int) 294 => 'weeks',
(int) 295 => 'near',
(int) 296 => 'Geneva',
(int) 297 => '&',
(int) 298 => 'were',
(int) 299 => 'on',
(int) 300 => 'the',
(int) 301 => 'very',
(int) 302 => 'eve',
(int) 303 => 'of',
(int) 304 => 'setting',
(int) 305 => 'out',
(int) 306 => 'for',
(int) 307 => 'Italy',
(int) 308 => 'when',
(int) 309 => 'Lady',
(int) 310 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 311 => 'received',
(int) 312 => 'letters',
(int) 313 => 'from',
(int) 314 => 'India',
(int) 315 => 'containing',
(int) 316 => 'accounts',
(int) 317 => 'of',
(int) 318 => 'Lady',
(int) 319 => 'Campbell’s',
(int) 320 => '(formerly',
(int) 321 => 'Miss',
(int) 322 => 'Malcolm)',
(int) 323 => 'prolonged',
(int) 324 => 'illness,',
(int) 325 => '–',
(int) 326 => 'which',
(int) 327 => 'rendered',
(int) 328 => 'her',
(int) 329 => 'immediate',
(int) 330 => 'return',
(int) 331 => 'to',
(int) 332 => 'England',
(int) 333 => 'absolutely',
(int) 334 => 'necessary.',
(int) 335 => '–',
(int) 336 => 'Lady',
(int) 337 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 338 => 'instantly',
(int) 339 => 'decided',
(int) 340 => 'to',
(int) 341 => 'hasten',
(int) 342 => 'home',
(int) 343 => 'to',
(int) 344 => 'receive',
(int) 345 => 'her',
(int) 346 => 'daughter',
(int) 347 => '–',
(int) 348 => 'She',
(int) 349 => 'left',
(int) 350 => 'Geneva',
(int) 351 => 'the',
(int) 352 => 'beginning',
(int) 353 => 'of',
(int) 354 => 'Jany',
(int) 355 => 'and',
(int) 356 => 'travelled',
(int) 357 => 'to',
(int) 358 => 'Paris',
(int) 359 => 'during',
(int) 360 => 'a',
(int) 361 => 'deep',
(int) 362 => 'fall',
(int) 363 => 'of',
(int) 364 => 'snow:',
(int) 365 => '–',
(int) 366 => 'assuredly',
(int) 367 => 'there',
(int) 368 => 'seemed',
(int) 369 => '[4]',
(int) 370 => 'sufficient',
(int) 371 => 'danger',
(int) 372 => 'to',
(int) 373 => 'render',
(int) 374 => 'the',
(int) 375 => 'scene',
(int) 376 => 'sublime,',
(int) 377 => 'even',
(int) 378 => 'according',
(int) 379 => 'to',
(int) 380 => 'Dugald',
(int) 381 => 'Stewarts',
(int) 382 => 'definition',
(int) 383 => 'of',
(int) 384 => 'sublimity.',
(int) 385 => '–',
(int) 386 => 'I',
(int) 387 => 'speak',
(int) 388 => 'not',
(int) 389 => 'of',
(int) 390 => 'our',
(int) 391 => 'hairbreadth',
(int) 392 => 'escapes,',
(int) 393 => '–',
(int) 394 => 'still',
(int) 395 => 'less',
(int) 396 => 'shall',
(int) 397 => 'I',
(int) 398 => 'mention',
(int) 399 => 'the',
(int) 400 => 'minor',
(int) 401 => 'horrors',
(int) 402 => 'of',
(int) 403 => 'our',
(int) 404 => 'winter',
(int) 405 => 'journey.',
(int) 406 => '–',
(int) 407 => 'Green',
(int) 408 => 'firewood,',
(int) 409 => 'damp',
(int) 410 => 'sheets,',
(int) 411 => 'doors',
(int) 412 => 'and',
(int) 413 => 'windows',
(int) 414 => 'ingeniously',
(int) 415 => 'contrived',
(int) 416 => 'to',
(int) 417 => 'give',
(int) 418 => 'free',
(int) 419 => 'currency',
(int) 420 => 'to',
(int) 421 => 'the',
(int) 422 => 'winds',
(int) 423 => 'of',
(int) 424 => 'Heaven.',
(int) 425 => '&',
(int) 426 => 'Chimneys',
(int) 427 => 'which',
(int) 428 => 'instead',
(int) 429 => 'of',
(int) 430 => 'receiving',
(int) 431 => 'smoke',
(int) 432 => 'showed',
(int) 433 => 'their',
(int) 434 => 'disgust',
(int) 435 => 'by',
(int) 436 => 'throwing',
(int) 437 => 'it',
(int) 438 => 'on',
(int) 439 => 'our',
(int) 440 => 'faces',
(int) 441 => '–',
(int) 442 => 'We',
(int) 443 => 'were',
(int) 444 => 'detained',
(int) 445 => 'nearly',
(int) 446 => 'a',
(int) 447 => 'month',
(int) 448 => 'at',
(int) 449 => 'Paris',
(int) 450 => 'by',
(int) 451 => 'the',
(int) 452 => 'illness',
(int) 453 => 'of',
(int) 454 => 'Lady',
(int) 455 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 456 => '–',
(int) 457 => 'during',
(int) 458 => 'our',
(int) 459 => 'stay',
(int) 460 => 'I',
(int) 461 => 'did',
(int) 462 => 'not',
(int) 463 => 'once',
(int) 464 => 'leave',
(int) 465 => 'her',
(int) 466 => 'sick',
(int) 467 => 'room,',
(int) 468 => 'and',
(int) 469 => 'of',
(int) 470 => 'course',
(int) 471 => 'I',
(int) 472 => 'did',
(int) 473 => 'not',
(int) 474 => 'see',
(int) 475 => 'one',
(int) 476 => 'of',
(int) 477 => 'the',
(int) 478 => 'many',
(int) 479 => 'sights',
(int) 480 => 'I',
(int) 481 => 'expected',
(int) 482 => 'to',
(int) 483 => 'see',
(int) 484 => 'at',
(int) 485 => 'Paris.',
(int) 486 => '–',
(int) 487 => 'Our',
(int) 488 => 'Hotel',
(int) 489 => 'was',
(int) 490 => 'on',
(int) 491 => 'the',
(int) 492 => 'Place',
(int) 493 => 'Vendome',
(int) 494 => '&',
(int) 495 => 'I',
(int) 496 => 'had',
(int) 497 => 'full',
(int) 498 => 'leisure',
(int) 499 => 'to',
(int) 500 => 'contemplate',
(int) 501 => 'the',
(int) 502 => 'Trajan',
(int) 503 => 'Pillar',
(int) 504 => 'under',
(int) 505 => 'every',
(int) 506 => 'light',
(int) 507 => 'of',
(int) 508 => '[5]',
(int) 509 => 'Sun',
(int) 510 => 'Moon',
(int) 511 => '&',
(int) 512 => 'lamp',
(int) 513 => '–',
(int) 514 => '–',
(int) 515 => '–<br>Lady',
(int) 516 => 'Campbell',
(int) 517 => 'reached',
(int) 518 => 'England',
(int) 519 => 'two',
(int) 520 => 'months',
(int) 521 => 'ago',
(int) 522 => '–',
(int) 523 => 'in',
(int) 524 => 'a',
(int) 525 => 'state',
(int) 526 => 'of',
(int) 527 => 'extreme',
(int) 528 => 'debility',
(int) 529 => '–',
(int) 530 => 'She',
(int) 531 => 'is',
(int) 532 => 'already',
(int) 533 => 'stronger',
(int) 534 => '&',
(int) 535 => 'I',
(int) 536 => 'trust',
(int) 537 => 'the',
(int) 538 => 'change',
(int) 539 => 'of',
(int) 540 => 'climate',
(int) 541 => '&',
(int) 542 => 'the',
(int) 543 => 'medical',
(int) 544 => 'skill',
(int) 545 => 'of',
(int) 546 => 'the',
(int) 547 => 'physicians',
(int) 548 => 'here',
(int) 549 => 'may',
(int) 550 => 'soon',
(int) 551 => 'restore',
(int) 552 => 'her',
(int) 553 => 'to',
(int) 554 => 'health',
(int) 555 => '–',
(int) 556 => 'Lady',
(int) 557 => 'Campbell',
(int) 558 => 'begs',
(int) 559 => 'to',
(int) 560 => 'have',
(int) 561 => 'a',
(int) 562 => 'place',
(int) 563 => 'in',
(int) 564 => 'your',
(int) 565 => 'recollections',
(int) 566 => 'of',
(int) 567 => 'Hyde',
(int) 568 => 'Hall',
(int) 569 => '–.',
(int) 570 => 'She',
(int) 571 => 'looks',
(int) 572 => 'forward',
(int) 573 => 'with',
(int) 574 => 'delight',
(int) 575 => 'to',
(int) 576 => 'the',
(int) 577 => 'probability',
(int) 578 => 'of',
(int) 579 => 'visiting',
(int) 580 => 'Germany',
(int) 581 => 'next',
(int) 582 => 'summer',
(int) 583 => '–',
(int) 584 => 'if',
(int) 585 => 'her',
(int) 586 => 'health',
(int) 587 => 'admit',
(int) 588 => 'of',
(int) 589 => 'that',
(int) 590 => 'pleasure',
(int) 591 => '–',
(int) 592 => 'Lady',
(int) 593 => 'Campbell',
(int) 594 => 'owes',
(int) 595 => 'her',
(int) 596 => 'knowledge',
(int) 597 => 'of',
(int) 598 => 'the',
(int) 599 => 'German',
(int) 600 => 'language',
(int) 601 => '&',
(int) 602 => 'her',
(int) 603 => 'interest',
(int) 604 => 'in',
(int) 605 => 'German',
(int) 606 => 'literature',
(int) 607 => 'to',
(int) 608 => 'our',
(int) 609 => 'friend',
(int) 610 => 'Mr',
(int) 611 => 'Hare<br>–',
(int) 612 => 'Lady',
(int) 613 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 614 => 'has',
(int) 615 => 'the',
(int) 616 => 'most',
(int) 617 => 'delightful',
(int) 618 => 'accounts',
(int) 619 => 'from',
(int) 620 => 'Sir',
(int) 621 => 'John',
(int) 622 => '–',
(int) 623 => 'His',
(int) 624 => 'health',
(int) 625 => 'and',
(int) 626 => 'spirits',
(int) 627 => 'are',
(int) 628 => 'excellent',
(int) 629 => '–',
(int) 630 => 'but',
(int) 631 => 'he',
(int) 632 => 'thinks',
(int) 633 => 'this',
(int) 634 => 'year',
(int) 635 => 'must',
(int) 636 => '[6]',
(int) 637 => 'terminate',
(int) 638 => 'the',
(int) 639 => 'seperation',
(int) 640 => 'from',
(int) 641 => 'his',
(int) 642 => 'family',
(int) 643 => '–',
(int) 644 => 'he',
(int) 645 => 'sighs',
(int) 646 => 'for',
(int) 647 => 'his',
(int) 648 => 'own',
(int) 649 => 'home',
(int) 650 => '–',
(int) 651 => 'And',
(int) 652 => 'I',
(int) 653 => 'trust',
(int) 654 => 'next',
(int) 655 => 'year',
(int) 656 => 'will',
(int) 657 => 'restore',
(int) 658 => 'him',
(int) 659 => 'to',
(int) 660 => 'us',
(int) 661 => '–',
(int) 662 => '–',
(int) 663 => 'We',
(int) 664 => 'often',
(int) 665 => 'talk',
(int) 666 => 'of',
(int) 667 => 'you',
(int) 668 => '–',
(int) 669 => 'often',
(int) 670 => 'revert',
(int) 671 => 'to',
(int) 672 => 'the',
(int) 673 => 'pleasant',
(int) 674 => 'day',
(int) 675 => 'we',
(int) 676 => 'spent',
(int) 677 => 'at',
(int) 678 => 'Bonn',
(int) 679 => '&',
(int) 680 => 'to',
(int) 681 => 'the',
(int) 682 => 'pleasure',
(int) 683 => 'we',
(int) 684 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 685 => 'in',
(int) 686 => 'your',
(int) 687 => 'visits',
(int) 688 => 'to',
(int) 689 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 690 => '–',
(int) 691 => 'I',
(int) 692 => 'often',
(int) 693 => 'wish',
(int) 694 => 'that',
(int) 695 => 'we',
(int) 696 => 'may',
(int) 697 => 'again',
(int) 698 => 'have',
(int) 699 => 'the',
(int) 700 => 'gratification',
(int) 701 => 'of',
(int) 702 => 'your',
(int) 703 => 'society',
(int) 704 => '–<br>Your',
(int) 705 => 'carriage',
(int) 706 => '&',
(int) 707 => 'favorite',
(int) 708 => 'horses',
(int) 709 => 'are',
(int) 710 => 'still',
(int) 711 => 'a',
(int) 712 => 'theme',
(int) 713 => 'with',
(int) 714 => 'Lady',
(int) 715 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 716 => '–',
(int) 717 => 'her',
(int) 718 => 'wonder',
(int) 719 => 'is',
(int) 720 => 'still',
(int) 721 => 'undiminished',
(int) 722 => 'that',
(int) 723 => 'such',
(int) 724 => 'an',
(int) 725 => 'equipage',
(int) 726 => 'so',
(int) 727 => 'well',
(int) 728 => 'appointed',
(int) 729 => 'should',
(int) 730 => 'exist',
(int) 731 => 'in',
(int) 732 => '–',
(int) 733 => 'Germany',
(int) 734 => '–',
(int) 735 => 'You',
(int) 736 => 'already',
(int) 737 => 'know',
(int) 738 => 'our',
(int) 739 => 'friend',
(int) 740 => 'Mr',
(int) 741 => 'Whewell,',
(int) 742 => 'but',
(int) 743 => 'I',
(int) 744 => 'am',
(int) 745 => 'sure',
(int) 746 => 'you',
(int) 747 => 'will',
(int) 748 => 'be',
(int) 749 => 'delighted',
(int) 750 => 'by',
(int) 751 => 'increasing',
(int) 752 => 'knowledge',
(int) 753 => 'of',
(int) 754 => 'him',
(int) 755 => '–',
(int) 756 => 'How',
(int) 757 => 'much',
(int) 758 => 'I',
(int) 759 => 'should',
(int) 760 => 'like',
(int) 761 => 'to',
(int) 762 => 'be',
(int) 763 => 'present',
(int) 764 => 'at',
(int) 765 => 'some',
(int) 766 => 'of',
(int) 767 => 'your',
(int) 768 => 'conversations',
(int) 769 => '–',
(int) 770 => 'It',
(int) 771 => 'is',
(int) 772 => 'very',
(int) 773 => 'vexatious',
(int) 774 => 'that',
(int) 775 => 'he',
(int) 776 => 'did',
(int) 777 => 'not',
(int) 778 => 'go',
(int) 779 => 'up',
(int) 780 => 'the',
(int) 781 => 'Rhine',
(int) 782 => 'last',
(int) 783 => 'summer',
(int) 784 => 'instead',
(int) 785 => '[7]',
(int) 786 => 'of',
(int) 787 => 'this',
(int) 788 => '–',
(int) 789 => 'I',
(int) 790 => 'am',
(int) 791 => 'going',
(int) 792 => 'to',
(int) 793 => 'spend',
(int) 794 => 'this',
(int) 795 => 'summer',
(int) 796 => 'and',
(int) 797 => 'next',
(int) 798 => 'winter',
(int) 799 => 'in',
(int) 800 => 'Scotland',
(int) 801 => 'amidst',
(int) 802 => 'My',
(int) 803 => 'native',
(int) 804 => 'mountains',
(int) 805 => '–',
(int) 806 => 'I',
(int) 807 => 'trust',
(int) 808 => 'Mr',
(int) 809 => 'Whewell',
(int) 810 => 'will',
(int) 811 => 'bring',
(int) 812 => 'us',
(int) 813 => 'pleasant',
(int) 814 => 'tidings',
(int) 815 => 'of',
(int) 816 => 'your',
(int) 817 => 'health',
(int) 818 => '&',
(int) 819 => 'pursuits',
(int) 820 => '–<br>–',
(int) 821 => 'Lady',
(int) 822 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 823 => 'unites',
(int) 824 => 'with',
(int) 825 => 'me',
(int) 826 => 'in',
(int) 827 => 'every',
(int) 828 => 'kind',
(int) 829 => 'wish',
(int) 830 => '–',
(int) 831 => 'Pray',
(int) 832 => 'offer',
(int) 833 => 'our',
(int) 834 => 'best',
(int) 835 => 'remembrances',
(int) 836 => 'to',
(int) 837 => 'Dr',
(int) 838 => 'Lassen',
(int) 839 => 'and',
(int) 840 => 'believe',
(int) 841 => 'Me',
(int) 842 => 'My',
(int) 843 => 'dear',
(int) 844 => 'friend<br>Yours',
(int) 845 => 'Most',
(int) 846 => 'sincerely<br>M',
(int) 847 => 'Manning',
(int) 848 => '–<br>[8]',
(int) 849 => '[leer]'
$incipit = '[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and '
$i = (int) 20
$handschrift = array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
$incipitlength = (int) 20
$editors = array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
$ed = 'Cook, Hermione'
$red = 'Varwig, Olivia'
$indexesintext = array(
'Namen' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Constant, Benjamin',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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(int) 4 => array(
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'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
$person = array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9896',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/118632116'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$comment = ''
$firstsplit = array(
(int) 0 => 'GND:4051602-7'
$entry = 'GND:4051602-7'
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(int) 0 => 'GND',
(int) 1 => '4051602-7'
$person_bio = array(
'_index' => 'awschlegel0420_person',
'_type' => '_doc',
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'_version' => (int) 1,
'_seq_no' => (int) 561,
'_primary_term' => (int) 3,
'found' => true,
'_source' => array(
'ID' => '4678',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2014-03-17 10:56:36',
'timelastchg' => '2017-12-20 18:27:53',
'key' => 'AWS-ap-00ho',
'docTyp' => array(
'name' => 'Person',
'id' => '39'
'39_name' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de ',
'39_geschlecht' => 'm',
'39_gebdatum' => '1790-08-31',
'39_toddatum' => '1827-11-11',
'39_pdb' => 'GND',
'39_dblink' => '',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Literat, Philanthrop
Auguste de Staël-Holstein war der Sohn von Magnus de Staël-Holstein und Germaine de Staël. Aufgrund der Verbannung seiner Mutter wuchs Auguste Louis seit 1792 auf Schloss Coppet in der Schweiz auf und erhielt dort seine Erziehung durch Verwandte und seit 1804 durch seinen Hauslehrer AWS. Er begleitete Mme de Staël-Holstein an verschiedene Wirkungsorte. Sein Besuch der École polytechnique in Paris wurde durch Napoleon blockiert. 1812 floh er aus Frankreich, wählte aber eine andere Route als Albertine und Mme de Staël-Holstein und kam 1813 in Stockholm an. Er folgte Mme de Staël-Holstein nach London, wo er in der schwedischen Botschaft engagiert wurde. Nach dem Tod seiner Mutter befasste sich Auguste mit der Herausgabe ihrer Schriften.
Mit seinem Erfolg als Schriftsteller verband de Staël-Holstein sein Engagement für die Verbesserung der Landwirtschaft. Seit 1807 war er Anhänger der religiösen Erweckungsbewegung „Réveil“ und wurde 1818 Mitglied der „Société biblique protestante de Paris“, zu deren wichtigsten Vertretern er in den Folgejahren zählte. Als politischer Gegner des Menschenhandels mit Sklaven stellte er Aufzeichnungen und Dokumente zusammen und konferierte mit Ministern des Königs.',
'39_beziehung' => 'AWS hatte ein gutes Verhältnis zu Auguste de Staël-Holstein; auch nach dem Tod von Mme de Staël-Holstein wurde AWS wie ein Mitglied der Familie behandelt.',
'39_quellen' => 'WBIS@http://db.saur.de/WBIS/basicSearch.jsf@F167552@
extern@Roger Paulin: August Wilhelm Schlegel. Cosmopolitan of Art and Poetry. Cambridge 2016, S. 594.@',
'39_geburtsort' => array(
'ID' => '171',
'content' => 'Paris',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4044660-8',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_sterbeort' => array(
'ID' => '228',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1027948-9',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_dbid' => '117202770',
'39_namevar' => 'Staël-Holstein, August von
Holstein, August von Staël
Stael Holstein, August von
Staël-Holstein, Auguste-Louis de',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
'39_sourcename0' => 'AWS-ap-00ho-0.jpg',
'folders' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Personen',
(int) 1 => 'Personen'
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'_descr' => '',
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'_model_title' => 'Person',
'_model_titles' => 'People',
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$ort = array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9995',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/4051602-7'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$werk = array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-12952'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
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LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
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rename - [internal], line ??
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ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
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rename - [internal], line ??
RemoteFile::generateDZI() - APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 203
LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499
Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193
Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
Notice (8): Undefined index: url_image_hand [APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461]
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[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 15 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$docsource = array(
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'key' => 'AWS-aw-02gv',
'docTyp' => array(
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4071914-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => 'GND:4004169-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
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'ID' => '226',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
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(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => 'GND:4471790-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
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'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
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'altBegriff' => '',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
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'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
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'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
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'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
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'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von Sir John und Charlotte Malcolm, (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => 'GND:1055180052',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => 'GND:119512831',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag, Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; jüngste Tochter von Charlotte Malcolm (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)
Margaret (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)
Catherine Wellesley (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => 'GND:118938759X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Sohn von John und Charlotte Malcolm',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => 'GND:11906006X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => 'GND:1019724137',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => 'GND:118616617',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => 'GND:117202770',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => 'nicht identifiziert, Sohn von Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => 'GND:117242632',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => 'GND:118632116',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => '',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '43746',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '43745',
'title' => 'Von unbekannter Hand',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '43747',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '43748',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '43749',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '43750',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '43751',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '43752',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '43753',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7463',
'content' => 'Mary Manning',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Manning, Mary',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7125',
'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'content' => 'London',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000083.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 1 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000084.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 2 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000085.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 3 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000086.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 4 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000115.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 5 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000116.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 6 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000117.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 7 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000118.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$druck = array()
$datengeber = ''
$splittext = array(
(int) 0 => '[1]',
(int) 1 => 'Lady',
(int) 2 => 'Malcolm<br>8',
(int) 3 => 'Hereford',
(int) 4 => 'Street.',
(int) 5 => 'Oxford',
(int) 6 => 'Street<br>London',
(int) 7 => 'July',
(int) 8 => '4th',
(int) 9 => '1829',
(int) 10 => '–<br>My',
(int) 11 => 'dear',
(int) 12 => 'friend',
(int) 13 => '–<br>Mr',
(int) 14 => 'Whewell',
(int) 15 => 'is',
(int) 16 => 'hastening',
(int) 17 => 'to',
(int) 18 => 'Bonn',
(int) 19 => 'and',
(int) 20 => 'Lady',
(int) 21 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 22 => '&',
(int) 23 => 'myself',
(int) 24 => 'cannot',
(int) 25 => 'allow',
(int) 26 => 'him',
(int) 27 => 'to',
(int) 28 => 'depart',
(int) 29 => 'without',
(int) 30 => 'entreating',
(int) 31 => 'that',
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(int) 33 => 'will',
(int) 34 => 'bear',
(int) 35 => 'to',
(int) 36 => 'you',
(int) 37 => 'our',
(int) 38 => 'most',
(int) 39 => 'affectionate',
(int) 40 => 'remembrances',
(int) 41 => '–',
(int) 42 => 'Can',
(int) 43 => 'it',
(int) 44 => 'be',
(int) 45 => 'that',
(int) 46 => 'a',
(int) 47 => 'year',
(int) 48 => 'is',
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(int) 50 => 'since',
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(int) 54 => 'you!',
(int) 55 => '–',
(int) 56 => 'A',
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(int) 62 => 'us',
(int) 63 => 'much',
(int) 64 => 'of',
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(int) 66 => 'and',
(int) 67 => 'painful',
(int) 68 => 'anxiety',
(int) 69 => '–<br>When',
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(int) 71 => 'left',
(int) 72 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 73 => 'our',
(int) 74 => 'aim',
(int) 75 => 'was',
(int) 76 => 'Italy',
(int) 77 => '–',
(int) 78 => 'We',
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(int) 81 => 'by',
(int) 82 => 'the',
(int) 83 => 'scenery',
(int) 84 => 'of',
(int) 85 => 'the',
(int) 86 => 'Rhine;',
(int) 87 => '–',
(int) 88 => 'the',
(int) 89 => 'weather',
(int) 90 => 'was',
(int) 91 => 'very',
(int) 92 => 'fine',
(int) 93 => 'and',
(int) 94 => 'we',
(int) 95 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 96 => 'it',
(int) 97 => '[2]',
(int) 98 => 'to',
(int) 99 => 'the',
(int) 100 => 'utmost.',
(int) 101 => '–',
(int) 102 => 'We',
(int) 103 => 'spent',
(int) 104 => 'some',
(int) 105 => 'days',
(int) 106 => 'at',
(int) 107 => 'St',
(int) 108 => 'Goar,',
(int) 109 => 'Ehrenbreitsten,',
(int) 110 => 'Rudesheim,',
(int) 111 => '&',
(int) 112 => 'Heidelberg',
(int) 113 => '–',
(int) 114 => 'the',
(int) 115 => 'delightful',
(int) 116 => 'fortnight',
(int) 117 => 'we',
(int) 118 => 'gave',
(int) 119 => 'to',
(int) 120 => 'Baden',
(int) 121 => '–',
(int) 122 => 'that',
(int) 123 => 'region',
(int) 124 => 'of',
(int) 125 => 'dark',
(int) 126 => 'woods',
(int) 127 => 'and',
(int) 128 => 'silvery',
(int) 129 => 'mists,',
(int) 130 => '–',
(int) 131 => 'where',
(int) 132 => 'we',
(int) 133 => 'tasted',
(int) 134 => 'Kirchen',
(int) 135 => 'Wasser',
(int) 136 => '&',
(int) 137 => 'saw',
(int) 138 => 'Benjamin',
(int) 139 => 'Constant!',
(int) 140 => '–',
(int) 141 => 'Our',
(int) 142 => 'friend',
(int) 143 => 'Mr',
(int) 144 => 'Hare',
(int) 145 => 'was',
(int) 146 => 'compelled',
(int) 147 => 'to',
(int) 148 => 'leave',
(int) 149 => 'us',
(int) 150 => 'at',
(int) 151 => 'Baden',
(int) 152 => 'to',
(int) 153 => 'return',
(int) 154 => 'to',
(int) 155 => 'his',
(int) 156 => 'Cambridge',
(int) 157 => 'duties',
(int) 158 => '&',
(int) 159 => 'his',
(int) 160 => 'departure',
(int) 161 => 'caused',
(int) 162 => 'a',
(int) 163 => 'blank',
(int) 164 => 'to',
(int) 165 => 'us',
(int) 166 => 'all.',
(int) 167 => '–',
(int) 168 => 'I',
(int) 169 => 'lost',
(int) 170 => 'the',
(int) 171 => 'society',
(int) 172 => 'of',
(int) 173 => 'a',
(int) 174 => 'friend',
(int) 175 => 'who',
(int) 176 => 'differed',
(int) 177 => 'from',
(int) 178 => 'Me',
(int) 179 => 'on',
(int) 180 => 'almost',
(int) 181 => 'every',
(int) 182 => 'subject,',
(int) 183 => '&',
(int) 184 => 'the',
(int) 185 => 'children',
(int) 186 => 'lamented',
(int) 187 => 'the',
(int) 188 => 'absence',
(int) 189 => 'of',
(int) 190 => 'the',
(int) 191 => 'kind',
(int) 192 => 'Companion',
(int) 193 => 'of',
(int) 194 => 'their',
(int) 195 => 'rambles',
(int) 196 => '–',
(int) 197 => 'I',
(int) 198 => 'must',
(int) 199 => 'not',
(int) 200 => 'weary',
(int) 201 => 'you',
(int) 202 => 'with',
(int) 203 => 'a',
(int) 204 => 'history',
(int) 205 => 'of',
(int) 206 => 'our',
(int) 207 => 'progress',
(int) 208 => '–',
(int) 209 => 'only',
(int) 210 => 'hint',
(int) 211 => 'that',
(int) 212 => 'we',
(int) 213 => 'did',
(int) 214 => 'pass',
(int) 215 => 'through',
(int) 216 => 'the',
(int) 217 => 'beauteous',
(int) 218 => 'Vale',
(int) 219 => 'of',
(int) 220 => 'Kinzig',
(int) 221 => '&',
(int) 222 => 'thence',
(int) 223 => 'to',
(int) 224 => 'Berne,',
(int) 225 => 'Lausanne',
(int) 226 => '&',
(int) 227 => 'Geneva',
(int) 228 => '–',
(int) 229 => 'we',
(int) 230 => 'looked',
(int) 231 => 'at',
(int) 232 => 'Copet',
(int) 233 => 'with',
(int) 234 => 'deep',
(int) 235 => 'interest,',
(int) 236 => '–',
(int) 237 => 'the',
(int) 238 => 'sight',
(int) 239 => 'of',
(int) 240 => 'it',
(int) 241 => 'recalled',
(int) 242 => '[3]',
(int) 243 => 'you',
(int) 244 => 'also',
(int) 245 => 'to',
(int) 246 => 'our',
(int) 247 => 'thoughts',
(int) 248 => '–',
(int) 249 => 'associated',
(int) 250 => 'as',
(int) 251 => 'you',
(int) 252 => 'are',
(int) 253 => 'in',
(int) 254 => 'our',
(int) 255 => 'minds',
(int) 256 => 'with',
(int) 257 => 'the',
(int) 258 => 'Gifted',
(int) 259 => 'Being',
(int) 260 => 'who',
(int) 261 => 'once',
(int) 262 => 'dwelt',
(int) 263 => 'at',
(int) 264 => 'Copet!',
(int) 265 => '–',
(int) 266 => 'The',
(int) 267 => 'Baroness',
(int) 268 => '&',
(int) 269 => 'her',
(int) 270 => 'infant',
(int) 271 => 'son',
(int) 272 => 'live',
(int) 273 => 'there',
(int) 274 => 'in',
(int) 275 => 'unbroken',
(int) 276 => 'retirement.',
(int) 277 => '–',
(int) 278 => 'She',
(int) 279 => 'is',
(int) 280 => 'said',
(int) 281 => 'to',
(int) 282 => 'be',
(int) 283 => 'preparing',
(int) 284 => 'a',
(int) 285 => 'Memoir',
(int) 286 => 'of',
(int) 287 => 'her',
(int) 288 => 'late',
(int) 289 => 'husband.',
(int) 290 => '–',
(int) 291 => 'We',
(int) 292 => 'remained',
(int) 293 => 'some',
(int) 294 => 'weeks',
(int) 295 => 'near',
(int) 296 => 'Geneva',
(int) 297 => '&',
(int) 298 => 'were',
(int) 299 => 'on',
(int) 300 => 'the',
(int) 301 => 'very',
(int) 302 => 'eve',
(int) 303 => 'of',
(int) 304 => 'setting',
(int) 305 => 'out',
(int) 306 => 'for',
(int) 307 => 'Italy',
(int) 308 => 'when',
(int) 309 => 'Lady',
(int) 310 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 311 => 'received',
(int) 312 => 'letters',
(int) 313 => 'from',
(int) 314 => 'India',
(int) 315 => 'containing',
(int) 316 => 'accounts',
(int) 317 => 'of',
(int) 318 => 'Lady',
(int) 319 => 'Campbell’s',
(int) 320 => '(formerly',
(int) 321 => 'Miss',
(int) 322 => 'Malcolm)',
(int) 323 => 'prolonged',
(int) 324 => 'illness,',
(int) 325 => '–',
(int) 326 => 'which',
(int) 327 => 'rendered',
(int) 328 => 'her',
(int) 329 => 'immediate',
(int) 330 => 'return',
(int) 331 => 'to',
(int) 332 => 'England',
(int) 333 => 'absolutely',
(int) 334 => 'necessary.',
(int) 335 => '–',
(int) 336 => 'Lady',
(int) 337 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 338 => 'instantly',
(int) 339 => 'decided',
(int) 340 => 'to',
(int) 341 => 'hasten',
(int) 342 => 'home',
(int) 343 => 'to',
(int) 344 => 'receive',
(int) 345 => 'her',
(int) 346 => 'daughter',
(int) 347 => '–',
(int) 348 => 'She',
(int) 349 => 'left',
(int) 350 => 'Geneva',
(int) 351 => 'the',
(int) 352 => 'beginning',
(int) 353 => 'of',
(int) 354 => 'Jany',
(int) 355 => 'and',
(int) 356 => 'travelled',
(int) 357 => 'to',
(int) 358 => 'Paris',
(int) 359 => 'during',
(int) 360 => 'a',
(int) 361 => 'deep',
(int) 362 => 'fall',
(int) 363 => 'of',
(int) 364 => 'snow:',
(int) 365 => '–',
(int) 366 => 'assuredly',
(int) 367 => 'there',
(int) 368 => 'seemed',
(int) 369 => '[4]',
(int) 370 => 'sufficient',
(int) 371 => 'danger',
(int) 372 => 'to',
(int) 373 => 'render',
(int) 374 => 'the',
(int) 375 => 'scene',
(int) 376 => 'sublime,',
(int) 377 => 'even',
(int) 378 => 'according',
(int) 379 => 'to',
(int) 380 => 'Dugald',
(int) 381 => 'Stewarts',
(int) 382 => 'definition',
(int) 383 => 'of',
(int) 384 => 'sublimity.',
(int) 385 => '–',
(int) 386 => 'I',
(int) 387 => 'speak',
(int) 388 => 'not',
(int) 389 => 'of',
(int) 390 => 'our',
(int) 391 => 'hairbreadth',
(int) 392 => 'escapes,',
(int) 393 => '–',
(int) 394 => 'still',
(int) 395 => 'less',
(int) 396 => 'shall',
(int) 397 => 'I',
(int) 398 => 'mention',
(int) 399 => 'the',
(int) 400 => 'minor',
(int) 401 => 'horrors',
(int) 402 => 'of',
(int) 403 => 'our',
(int) 404 => 'winter',
(int) 405 => 'journey.',
(int) 406 => '–',
(int) 407 => 'Green',
(int) 408 => 'firewood,',
(int) 409 => 'damp',
(int) 410 => 'sheets,',
(int) 411 => 'doors',
(int) 412 => 'and',
(int) 413 => 'windows',
(int) 414 => 'ingeniously',
(int) 415 => 'contrived',
(int) 416 => 'to',
(int) 417 => 'give',
(int) 418 => 'free',
(int) 419 => 'currency',
(int) 420 => 'to',
(int) 421 => 'the',
(int) 422 => 'winds',
(int) 423 => 'of',
(int) 424 => 'Heaven.',
(int) 425 => '&',
(int) 426 => 'Chimneys',
(int) 427 => 'which',
(int) 428 => 'instead',
(int) 429 => 'of',
(int) 430 => 'receiving',
(int) 431 => 'smoke',
(int) 432 => 'showed',
(int) 433 => 'their',
(int) 434 => 'disgust',
(int) 435 => 'by',
(int) 436 => 'throwing',
(int) 437 => 'it',
(int) 438 => 'on',
(int) 439 => 'our',
(int) 440 => 'faces',
(int) 441 => '–',
(int) 442 => 'We',
(int) 443 => 'were',
(int) 444 => 'detained',
(int) 445 => 'nearly',
(int) 446 => 'a',
(int) 447 => 'month',
(int) 448 => 'at',
(int) 449 => 'Paris',
(int) 450 => 'by',
(int) 451 => 'the',
(int) 452 => 'illness',
(int) 453 => 'of',
(int) 454 => 'Lady',
(int) 455 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 456 => '–',
(int) 457 => 'during',
(int) 458 => 'our',
(int) 459 => 'stay',
(int) 460 => 'I',
(int) 461 => 'did',
(int) 462 => 'not',
(int) 463 => 'once',
(int) 464 => 'leave',
(int) 465 => 'her',
(int) 466 => 'sick',
(int) 467 => 'room,',
(int) 468 => 'and',
(int) 469 => 'of',
(int) 470 => 'course',
(int) 471 => 'I',
(int) 472 => 'did',
(int) 473 => 'not',
(int) 474 => 'see',
(int) 475 => 'one',
(int) 476 => 'of',
(int) 477 => 'the',
(int) 478 => 'many',
(int) 479 => 'sights',
(int) 480 => 'I',
(int) 481 => 'expected',
(int) 482 => 'to',
(int) 483 => 'see',
(int) 484 => 'at',
(int) 485 => 'Paris.',
(int) 486 => '–',
(int) 487 => 'Our',
(int) 488 => 'Hotel',
(int) 489 => 'was',
(int) 490 => 'on',
(int) 491 => 'the',
(int) 492 => 'Place',
(int) 493 => 'Vendome',
(int) 494 => '&',
(int) 495 => 'I',
(int) 496 => 'had',
(int) 497 => 'full',
(int) 498 => 'leisure',
(int) 499 => 'to',
(int) 500 => 'contemplate',
(int) 501 => 'the',
(int) 502 => 'Trajan',
(int) 503 => 'Pillar',
(int) 504 => 'under',
(int) 505 => 'every',
(int) 506 => 'light',
(int) 507 => 'of',
(int) 508 => '[5]',
(int) 509 => 'Sun',
(int) 510 => 'Moon',
(int) 511 => '&',
(int) 512 => 'lamp',
(int) 513 => '–',
(int) 514 => '–',
(int) 515 => '–<br>Lady',
(int) 516 => 'Campbell',
(int) 517 => 'reached',
(int) 518 => 'England',
(int) 519 => 'two',
(int) 520 => 'months',
(int) 521 => 'ago',
(int) 522 => '–',
(int) 523 => 'in',
(int) 524 => 'a',
(int) 525 => 'state',
(int) 526 => 'of',
(int) 527 => 'extreme',
(int) 528 => 'debility',
(int) 529 => '–',
(int) 530 => 'She',
(int) 531 => 'is',
(int) 532 => 'already',
(int) 533 => 'stronger',
(int) 534 => '&',
(int) 535 => 'I',
(int) 536 => 'trust',
(int) 537 => 'the',
(int) 538 => 'change',
(int) 539 => 'of',
(int) 540 => 'climate',
(int) 541 => '&',
(int) 542 => 'the',
(int) 543 => 'medical',
(int) 544 => 'skill',
(int) 545 => 'of',
(int) 546 => 'the',
(int) 547 => 'physicians',
(int) 548 => 'here',
(int) 549 => 'may',
(int) 550 => 'soon',
(int) 551 => 'restore',
(int) 552 => 'her',
(int) 553 => 'to',
(int) 554 => 'health',
(int) 555 => '–',
(int) 556 => 'Lady',
(int) 557 => 'Campbell',
(int) 558 => 'begs',
(int) 559 => 'to',
(int) 560 => 'have',
(int) 561 => 'a',
(int) 562 => 'place',
(int) 563 => 'in',
(int) 564 => 'your',
(int) 565 => 'recollections',
(int) 566 => 'of',
(int) 567 => 'Hyde',
(int) 568 => 'Hall',
(int) 569 => '–.',
(int) 570 => 'She',
(int) 571 => 'looks',
(int) 572 => 'forward',
(int) 573 => 'with',
(int) 574 => 'delight',
(int) 575 => 'to',
(int) 576 => 'the',
(int) 577 => 'probability',
(int) 578 => 'of',
(int) 579 => 'visiting',
(int) 580 => 'Germany',
(int) 581 => 'next',
(int) 582 => 'summer',
(int) 583 => '–',
(int) 584 => 'if',
(int) 585 => 'her',
(int) 586 => 'health',
(int) 587 => 'admit',
(int) 588 => 'of',
(int) 589 => 'that',
(int) 590 => 'pleasure',
(int) 591 => '–',
(int) 592 => 'Lady',
(int) 593 => 'Campbell',
(int) 594 => 'owes',
(int) 595 => 'her',
(int) 596 => 'knowledge',
(int) 597 => 'of',
(int) 598 => 'the',
(int) 599 => 'German',
(int) 600 => 'language',
(int) 601 => '&',
(int) 602 => 'her',
(int) 603 => 'interest',
(int) 604 => 'in',
(int) 605 => 'German',
(int) 606 => 'literature',
(int) 607 => 'to',
(int) 608 => 'our',
(int) 609 => 'friend',
(int) 610 => 'Mr',
(int) 611 => 'Hare<br>–',
(int) 612 => 'Lady',
(int) 613 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 614 => 'has',
(int) 615 => 'the',
(int) 616 => 'most',
(int) 617 => 'delightful',
(int) 618 => 'accounts',
(int) 619 => 'from',
(int) 620 => 'Sir',
(int) 621 => 'John',
(int) 622 => '–',
(int) 623 => 'His',
(int) 624 => 'health',
(int) 625 => 'and',
(int) 626 => 'spirits',
(int) 627 => 'are',
(int) 628 => 'excellent',
(int) 629 => '–',
(int) 630 => 'but',
(int) 631 => 'he',
(int) 632 => 'thinks',
(int) 633 => 'this',
(int) 634 => 'year',
(int) 635 => 'must',
(int) 636 => '[6]',
(int) 637 => 'terminate',
(int) 638 => 'the',
(int) 639 => 'seperation',
(int) 640 => 'from',
(int) 641 => 'his',
(int) 642 => 'family',
(int) 643 => '–',
(int) 644 => 'he',
(int) 645 => 'sighs',
(int) 646 => 'for',
(int) 647 => 'his',
(int) 648 => 'own',
(int) 649 => 'home',
(int) 650 => '–',
(int) 651 => 'And',
(int) 652 => 'I',
(int) 653 => 'trust',
(int) 654 => 'next',
(int) 655 => 'year',
(int) 656 => 'will',
(int) 657 => 'restore',
(int) 658 => 'him',
(int) 659 => 'to',
(int) 660 => 'us',
(int) 661 => '–',
(int) 662 => '–',
(int) 663 => 'We',
(int) 664 => 'often',
(int) 665 => 'talk',
(int) 666 => 'of',
(int) 667 => 'you',
(int) 668 => '–',
(int) 669 => 'often',
(int) 670 => 'revert',
(int) 671 => 'to',
(int) 672 => 'the',
(int) 673 => 'pleasant',
(int) 674 => 'day',
(int) 675 => 'we',
(int) 676 => 'spent',
(int) 677 => 'at',
(int) 678 => 'Bonn',
(int) 679 => '&',
(int) 680 => 'to',
(int) 681 => 'the',
(int) 682 => 'pleasure',
(int) 683 => 'we',
(int) 684 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 685 => 'in',
(int) 686 => 'your',
(int) 687 => 'visits',
(int) 688 => 'to',
(int) 689 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 690 => '–',
(int) 691 => 'I',
(int) 692 => 'often',
(int) 693 => 'wish',
(int) 694 => 'that',
(int) 695 => 'we',
(int) 696 => 'may',
(int) 697 => 'again',
(int) 698 => 'have',
(int) 699 => 'the',
(int) 700 => 'gratification',
(int) 701 => 'of',
(int) 702 => 'your',
(int) 703 => 'society',
(int) 704 => '–<br>Your',
(int) 705 => 'carriage',
(int) 706 => '&',
(int) 707 => 'favorite',
(int) 708 => 'horses',
(int) 709 => 'are',
(int) 710 => 'still',
(int) 711 => 'a',
(int) 712 => 'theme',
(int) 713 => 'with',
(int) 714 => 'Lady',
(int) 715 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 716 => '–',
(int) 717 => 'her',
(int) 718 => 'wonder',
(int) 719 => 'is',
(int) 720 => 'still',
(int) 721 => 'undiminished',
(int) 722 => 'that',
(int) 723 => 'such',
(int) 724 => 'an',
(int) 725 => 'equipage',
(int) 726 => 'so',
(int) 727 => 'well',
(int) 728 => 'appointed',
(int) 729 => 'should',
(int) 730 => 'exist',
(int) 731 => 'in',
(int) 732 => '–',
(int) 733 => 'Germany',
(int) 734 => '–',
(int) 735 => 'You',
(int) 736 => 'already',
(int) 737 => 'know',
(int) 738 => 'our',
(int) 739 => 'friend',
(int) 740 => 'Mr',
(int) 741 => 'Whewell,',
(int) 742 => 'but',
(int) 743 => 'I',
(int) 744 => 'am',
(int) 745 => 'sure',
(int) 746 => 'you',
(int) 747 => 'will',
(int) 748 => 'be',
(int) 749 => 'delighted',
(int) 750 => 'by',
(int) 751 => 'increasing',
(int) 752 => 'knowledge',
(int) 753 => 'of',
(int) 754 => 'him',
(int) 755 => '–',
(int) 756 => 'How',
(int) 757 => 'much',
(int) 758 => 'I',
(int) 759 => 'should',
(int) 760 => 'like',
(int) 761 => 'to',
(int) 762 => 'be',
(int) 763 => 'present',
(int) 764 => 'at',
(int) 765 => 'some',
(int) 766 => 'of',
(int) 767 => 'your',
(int) 768 => 'conversations',
(int) 769 => '–',
(int) 770 => 'It',
(int) 771 => 'is',
(int) 772 => 'very',
(int) 773 => 'vexatious',
(int) 774 => 'that',
(int) 775 => 'he',
(int) 776 => 'did',
(int) 777 => 'not',
(int) 778 => 'go',
(int) 779 => 'up',
(int) 780 => 'the',
(int) 781 => 'Rhine',
(int) 782 => 'last',
(int) 783 => 'summer',
(int) 784 => 'instead',
(int) 785 => '[7]',
(int) 786 => 'of',
(int) 787 => 'this',
(int) 788 => '–',
(int) 789 => 'I',
(int) 790 => 'am',
(int) 791 => 'going',
(int) 792 => 'to',
(int) 793 => 'spend',
(int) 794 => 'this',
(int) 795 => 'summer',
(int) 796 => 'and',
(int) 797 => 'next',
(int) 798 => 'winter',
(int) 799 => 'in',
(int) 800 => 'Scotland',
(int) 801 => 'amidst',
(int) 802 => 'My',
(int) 803 => 'native',
(int) 804 => 'mountains',
(int) 805 => '–',
(int) 806 => 'I',
(int) 807 => 'trust',
(int) 808 => 'Mr',
(int) 809 => 'Whewell',
(int) 810 => 'will',
(int) 811 => 'bring',
(int) 812 => 'us',
(int) 813 => 'pleasant',
(int) 814 => 'tidings',
(int) 815 => 'of',
(int) 816 => 'your',
(int) 817 => 'health',
(int) 818 => '&',
(int) 819 => 'pursuits',
(int) 820 => '–<br>–',
(int) 821 => 'Lady',
(int) 822 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 823 => 'unites',
(int) 824 => 'with',
(int) 825 => 'me',
(int) 826 => 'in',
(int) 827 => 'every',
(int) 828 => 'kind',
(int) 829 => 'wish',
(int) 830 => '–',
(int) 831 => 'Pray',
(int) 832 => 'offer',
(int) 833 => 'our',
(int) 834 => 'best',
(int) 835 => 'remembrances',
(int) 836 => 'to',
(int) 837 => 'Dr',
(int) 838 => 'Lassen',
(int) 839 => 'and',
(int) 840 => 'believe',
(int) 841 => 'Me',
(int) 842 => 'My',
(int) 843 => 'dear',
(int) 844 => 'friend<br>Yours',
(int) 845 => 'Most',
(int) 846 => 'sincerely<br>M',
(int) 847 => 'Manning',
(int) 848 => '–<br>[8]',
(int) 849 => '[leer]'
$incipit = '[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and '
$i = (int) 20
$handschrift = array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
$incipitlength = (int) 20
$editors = array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
$ed = 'Cook, Hermione'
$red = 'Varwig, Olivia'
$indexesintext = array(
'Namen' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Constant, Benjamin',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
$person = array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9896',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/118632116'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$comment = ''
$firstsplit = array(
(int) 0 => 'GND:4051602-7'
$entry = 'GND:4051602-7'
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(int) 0 => 'GND',
(int) 1 => '4051602-7'
$person_bio = array(
'_index' => 'awschlegel0420_person',
'_type' => '_doc',
'_id' => '4678',
'_version' => (int) 1,
'_seq_no' => (int) 561,
'_primary_term' => (int) 3,
'found' => true,
'_source' => array(
'ID' => '4678',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2014-03-17 10:56:36',
'timelastchg' => '2017-12-20 18:27:53',
'key' => 'AWS-ap-00ho',
'docTyp' => array(
'name' => 'Person',
'id' => '39'
'39_name' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de ',
'39_geschlecht' => 'm',
'39_gebdatum' => '1790-08-31',
'39_toddatum' => '1827-11-11',
'39_pdb' => 'GND',
'39_dblink' => '',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Literat, Philanthrop
Auguste de Staël-Holstein war der Sohn von Magnus de Staël-Holstein und Germaine de Staël. Aufgrund der Verbannung seiner Mutter wuchs Auguste Louis seit 1792 auf Schloss Coppet in der Schweiz auf und erhielt dort seine Erziehung durch Verwandte und seit 1804 durch seinen Hauslehrer AWS. Er begleitete Mme de Staël-Holstein an verschiedene Wirkungsorte. Sein Besuch der École polytechnique in Paris wurde durch Napoleon blockiert. 1812 floh er aus Frankreich, wählte aber eine andere Route als Albertine und Mme de Staël-Holstein und kam 1813 in Stockholm an. Er folgte Mme de Staël-Holstein nach London, wo er in der schwedischen Botschaft engagiert wurde. Nach dem Tod seiner Mutter befasste sich Auguste mit der Herausgabe ihrer Schriften.
Mit seinem Erfolg als Schriftsteller verband de Staël-Holstein sein Engagement für die Verbesserung der Landwirtschaft. Seit 1807 war er Anhänger der religiösen Erweckungsbewegung „Réveil“ und wurde 1818 Mitglied der „Société biblique protestante de Paris“, zu deren wichtigsten Vertretern er in den Folgejahren zählte. Als politischer Gegner des Menschenhandels mit Sklaven stellte er Aufzeichnungen und Dokumente zusammen und konferierte mit Ministern des Königs.',
'39_beziehung' => 'AWS hatte ein gutes Verhältnis zu Auguste de Staël-Holstein; auch nach dem Tod von Mme de Staël-Holstein wurde AWS wie ein Mitglied der Familie behandelt.',
'39_quellen' => 'WBIS@http://db.saur.de/WBIS/basicSearch.jsf@F167552@
extern@Roger Paulin: August Wilhelm Schlegel. Cosmopolitan of Art and Poetry. Cambridge 2016, S. 594.@',
'39_geburtsort' => array(
'ID' => '171',
'content' => 'Paris',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4044660-8',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_sterbeort' => array(
'ID' => '228',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1027948-9',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_dbid' => '117202770',
'39_namevar' => 'Staël-Holstein, August von
Holstein, August von Staël
Stael Holstein, August von
Staël-Holstein, Auguste-Louis de',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
'39_sourcename0' => 'AWS-ap-00ho-0.jpg',
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(int) 1 => 'Personen'
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'_descr' => '',
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'_model_titles' => 'People',
'_url' => ''
$ort = array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9995',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/4051602-7'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$werk = array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-12952'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
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LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499
Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193
Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
Warning (2): file_get_contents() [<a href='http://php.net/function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: Filename cannot be empty [APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 50]
file_get_contents - [internal], line ??
RemoteFile::localMirror() - APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 50
LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499
Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193
Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
Notice (8): Undefined index: url_image_hand [APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461]
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'name' => 'Brief',
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 15 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$docsource = array(
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'key' => 'AWS-aw-02gv',
'docTyp' => array(
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4071914-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => 'GND:4004169-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
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'ID' => '226',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
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(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => 'GND:4471790-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
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'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
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'altBegriff' => '',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
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'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
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'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
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'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
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'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von Sir John und Charlotte Malcolm, (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => 'GND:1055180052',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => 'GND:119512831',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag, Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; jüngste Tochter von Charlotte Malcolm (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)
Margaret (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)
Catherine Wellesley (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => 'GND:118938759X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Sohn von John und Charlotte Malcolm',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => 'GND:11906006X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => 'GND:1019724137',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => 'GND:118616617',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => 'GND:117202770',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => 'nicht identifiziert, Sohn von Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => 'GND:117242632',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => 'GND:118632116',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => '',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '43746',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '43745',
'title' => 'Von unbekannter Hand',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '43747',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '43748',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '43749',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '43750',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '43751',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '43752',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '43753',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7463',
'content' => 'Mary Manning',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Manning, Mary',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7125',
'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'content' => 'London',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000083.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 1 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000084.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 2 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000085.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 3 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000086.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 4 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000115.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 5 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000116.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 6 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000117.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 7 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000118.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$druck = array()
$datengeber = ''
$splittext = array(
(int) 0 => '[1]',
(int) 1 => 'Lady',
(int) 2 => 'Malcolm<br>8',
(int) 3 => 'Hereford',
(int) 4 => 'Street.',
(int) 5 => 'Oxford',
(int) 6 => 'Street<br>London',
(int) 7 => 'July',
(int) 8 => '4th',
(int) 9 => '1829',
(int) 10 => '–<br>My',
(int) 11 => 'dear',
(int) 12 => 'friend',
(int) 13 => '–<br>Mr',
(int) 14 => 'Whewell',
(int) 15 => 'is',
(int) 16 => 'hastening',
(int) 17 => 'to',
(int) 18 => 'Bonn',
(int) 19 => 'and',
(int) 20 => 'Lady',
(int) 21 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 22 => '&',
(int) 23 => 'myself',
(int) 24 => 'cannot',
(int) 25 => 'allow',
(int) 26 => 'him',
(int) 27 => 'to',
(int) 28 => 'depart',
(int) 29 => 'without',
(int) 30 => 'entreating',
(int) 31 => 'that',
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(int) 33 => 'will',
(int) 34 => 'bear',
(int) 35 => 'to',
(int) 36 => 'you',
(int) 37 => 'our',
(int) 38 => 'most',
(int) 39 => 'affectionate',
(int) 40 => 'remembrances',
(int) 41 => '–',
(int) 42 => 'Can',
(int) 43 => 'it',
(int) 44 => 'be',
(int) 45 => 'that',
(int) 46 => 'a',
(int) 47 => 'year',
(int) 48 => 'is',
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(int) 50 => 'since',
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(int) 54 => 'you!',
(int) 55 => '–',
(int) 56 => 'A',
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(int) 62 => 'us',
(int) 63 => 'much',
(int) 64 => 'of',
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(int) 66 => 'and',
(int) 67 => 'painful',
(int) 68 => 'anxiety',
(int) 69 => '–<br>When',
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(int) 71 => 'left',
(int) 72 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 73 => 'our',
(int) 74 => 'aim',
(int) 75 => 'was',
(int) 76 => 'Italy',
(int) 77 => '–',
(int) 78 => 'We',
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(int) 81 => 'by',
(int) 82 => 'the',
(int) 83 => 'scenery',
(int) 84 => 'of',
(int) 85 => 'the',
(int) 86 => 'Rhine;',
(int) 87 => '–',
(int) 88 => 'the',
(int) 89 => 'weather',
(int) 90 => 'was',
(int) 91 => 'very',
(int) 92 => 'fine',
(int) 93 => 'and',
(int) 94 => 'we',
(int) 95 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 96 => 'it',
(int) 97 => '[2]',
(int) 98 => 'to',
(int) 99 => 'the',
(int) 100 => 'utmost.',
(int) 101 => '–',
(int) 102 => 'We',
(int) 103 => 'spent',
(int) 104 => 'some',
(int) 105 => 'days',
(int) 106 => 'at',
(int) 107 => 'St',
(int) 108 => 'Goar,',
(int) 109 => 'Ehrenbreitsten,',
(int) 110 => 'Rudesheim,',
(int) 111 => '&',
(int) 112 => 'Heidelberg',
(int) 113 => '–',
(int) 114 => 'the',
(int) 115 => 'delightful',
(int) 116 => 'fortnight',
(int) 117 => 'we',
(int) 118 => 'gave',
(int) 119 => 'to',
(int) 120 => 'Baden',
(int) 121 => '–',
(int) 122 => 'that',
(int) 123 => 'region',
(int) 124 => 'of',
(int) 125 => 'dark',
(int) 126 => 'woods',
(int) 127 => 'and',
(int) 128 => 'silvery',
(int) 129 => 'mists,',
(int) 130 => '–',
(int) 131 => 'where',
(int) 132 => 'we',
(int) 133 => 'tasted',
(int) 134 => 'Kirchen',
(int) 135 => 'Wasser',
(int) 136 => '&',
(int) 137 => 'saw',
(int) 138 => 'Benjamin',
(int) 139 => 'Constant!',
(int) 140 => '–',
(int) 141 => 'Our',
(int) 142 => 'friend',
(int) 143 => 'Mr',
(int) 144 => 'Hare',
(int) 145 => 'was',
(int) 146 => 'compelled',
(int) 147 => 'to',
(int) 148 => 'leave',
(int) 149 => 'us',
(int) 150 => 'at',
(int) 151 => 'Baden',
(int) 152 => 'to',
(int) 153 => 'return',
(int) 154 => 'to',
(int) 155 => 'his',
(int) 156 => 'Cambridge',
(int) 157 => 'duties',
(int) 158 => '&',
(int) 159 => 'his',
(int) 160 => 'departure',
(int) 161 => 'caused',
(int) 162 => 'a',
(int) 163 => 'blank',
(int) 164 => 'to',
(int) 165 => 'us',
(int) 166 => 'all.',
(int) 167 => '–',
(int) 168 => 'I',
(int) 169 => 'lost',
(int) 170 => 'the',
(int) 171 => 'society',
(int) 172 => 'of',
(int) 173 => 'a',
(int) 174 => 'friend',
(int) 175 => 'who',
(int) 176 => 'differed',
(int) 177 => 'from',
(int) 178 => 'Me',
(int) 179 => 'on',
(int) 180 => 'almost',
(int) 181 => 'every',
(int) 182 => 'subject,',
(int) 183 => '&',
(int) 184 => 'the',
(int) 185 => 'children',
(int) 186 => 'lamented',
(int) 187 => 'the',
(int) 188 => 'absence',
(int) 189 => 'of',
(int) 190 => 'the',
(int) 191 => 'kind',
(int) 192 => 'Companion',
(int) 193 => 'of',
(int) 194 => 'their',
(int) 195 => 'rambles',
(int) 196 => '–',
(int) 197 => 'I',
(int) 198 => 'must',
(int) 199 => 'not',
(int) 200 => 'weary',
(int) 201 => 'you',
(int) 202 => 'with',
(int) 203 => 'a',
(int) 204 => 'history',
(int) 205 => 'of',
(int) 206 => 'our',
(int) 207 => 'progress',
(int) 208 => '–',
(int) 209 => 'only',
(int) 210 => 'hint',
(int) 211 => 'that',
(int) 212 => 'we',
(int) 213 => 'did',
(int) 214 => 'pass',
(int) 215 => 'through',
(int) 216 => 'the',
(int) 217 => 'beauteous',
(int) 218 => 'Vale',
(int) 219 => 'of',
(int) 220 => 'Kinzig',
(int) 221 => '&',
(int) 222 => 'thence',
(int) 223 => 'to',
(int) 224 => 'Berne,',
(int) 225 => 'Lausanne',
(int) 226 => '&',
(int) 227 => 'Geneva',
(int) 228 => '–',
(int) 229 => 'we',
(int) 230 => 'looked',
(int) 231 => 'at',
(int) 232 => 'Copet',
(int) 233 => 'with',
(int) 234 => 'deep',
(int) 235 => 'interest,',
(int) 236 => '–',
(int) 237 => 'the',
(int) 238 => 'sight',
(int) 239 => 'of',
(int) 240 => 'it',
(int) 241 => 'recalled',
(int) 242 => '[3]',
(int) 243 => 'you',
(int) 244 => 'also',
(int) 245 => 'to',
(int) 246 => 'our',
(int) 247 => 'thoughts',
(int) 248 => '–',
(int) 249 => 'associated',
(int) 250 => 'as',
(int) 251 => 'you',
(int) 252 => 'are',
(int) 253 => 'in',
(int) 254 => 'our',
(int) 255 => 'minds',
(int) 256 => 'with',
(int) 257 => 'the',
(int) 258 => 'Gifted',
(int) 259 => 'Being',
(int) 260 => 'who',
(int) 261 => 'once',
(int) 262 => 'dwelt',
(int) 263 => 'at',
(int) 264 => 'Copet!',
(int) 265 => '–',
(int) 266 => 'The',
(int) 267 => 'Baroness',
(int) 268 => '&',
(int) 269 => 'her',
(int) 270 => 'infant',
(int) 271 => 'son',
(int) 272 => 'live',
(int) 273 => 'there',
(int) 274 => 'in',
(int) 275 => 'unbroken',
(int) 276 => 'retirement.',
(int) 277 => '–',
(int) 278 => 'She',
(int) 279 => 'is',
(int) 280 => 'said',
(int) 281 => 'to',
(int) 282 => 'be',
(int) 283 => 'preparing',
(int) 284 => 'a',
(int) 285 => 'Memoir',
(int) 286 => 'of',
(int) 287 => 'her',
(int) 288 => 'late',
(int) 289 => 'husband.',
(int) 290 => '–',
(int) 291 => 'We',
(int) 292 => 'remained',
(int) 293 => 'some',
(int) 294 => 'weeks',
(int) 295 => 'near',
(int) 296 => 'Geneva',
(int) 297 => '&',
(int) 298 => 'were',
(int) 299 => 'on',
(int) 300 => 'the',
(int) 301 => 'very',
(int) 302 => 'eve',
(int) 303 => 'of',
(int) 304 => 'setting',
(int) 305 => 'out',
(int) 306 => 'for',
(int) 307 => 'Italy',
(int) 308 => 'when',
(int) 309 => 'Lady',
(int) 310 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 311 => 'received',
(int) 312 => 'letters',
(int) 313 => 'from',
(int) 314 => 'India',
(int) 315 => 'containing',
(int) 316 => 'accounts',
(int) 317 => 'of',
(int) 318 => 'Lady',
(int) 319 => 'Campbell’s',
(int) 320 => '(formerly',
(int) 321 => 'Miss',
(int) 322 => 'Malcolm)',
(int) 323 => 'prolonged',
(int) 324 => 'illness,',
(int) 325 => '–',
(int) 326 => 'which',
(int) 327 => 'rendered',
(int) 328 => 'her',
(int) 329 => 'immediate',
(int) 330 => 'return',
(int) 331 => 'to',
(int) 332 => 'England',
(int) 333 => 'absolutely',
(int) 334 => 'necessary.',
(int) 335 => '–',
(int) 336 => 'Lady',
(int) 337 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 338 => 'instantly',
(int) 339 => 'decided',
(int) 340 => 'to',
(int) 341 => 'hasten',
(int) 342 => 'home',
(int) 343 => 'to',
(int) 344 => 'receive',
(int) 345 => 'her',
(int) 346 => 'daughter',
(int) 347 => '–',
(int) 348 => 'She',
(int) 349 => 'left',
(int) 350 => 'Geneva',
(int) 351 => 'the',
(int) 352 => 'beginning',
(int) 353 => 'of',
(int) 354 => 'Jany',
(int) 355 => 'and',
(int) 356 => 'travelled',
(int) 357 => 'to',
(int) 358 => 'Paris',
(int) 359 => 'during',
(int) 360 => 'a',
(int) 361 => 'deep',
(int) 362 => 'fall',
(int) 363 => 'of',
(int) 364 => 'snow:',
(int) 365 => '–',
(int) 366 => 'assuredly',
(int) 367 => 'there',
(int) 368 => 'seemed',
(int) 369 => '[4]',
(int) 370 => 'sufficient',
(int) 371 => 'danger',
(int) 372 => 'to',
(int) 373 => 'render',
(int) 374 => 'the',
(int) 375 => 'scene',
(int) 376 => 'sublime,',
(int) 377 => 'even',
(int) 378 => 'according',
(int) 379 => 'to',
(int) 380 => 'Dugald',
(int) 381 => 'Stewarts',
(int) 382 => 'definition',
(int) 383 => 'of',
(int) 384 => 'sublimity.',
(int) 385 => '–',
(int) 386 => 'I',
(int) 387 => 'speak',
(int) 388 => 'not',
(int) 389 => 'of',
(int) 390 => 'our',
(int) 391 => 'hairbreadth',
(int) 392 => 'escapes,',
(int) 393 => '–',
(int) 394 => 'still',
(int) 395 => 'less',
(int) 396 => 'shall',
(int) 397 => 'I',
(int) 398 => 'mention',
(int) 399 => 'the',
(int) 400 => 'minor',
(int) 401 => 'horrors',
(int) 402 => 'of',
(int) 403 => 'our',
(int) 404 => 'winter',
(int) 405 => 'journey.',
(int) 406 => '–',
(int) 407 => 'Green',
(int) 408 => 'firewood,',
(int) 409 => 'damp',
(int) 410 => 'sheets,',
(int) 411 => 'doors',
(int) 412 => 'and',
(int) 413 => 'windows',
(int) 414 => 'ingeniously',
(int) 415 => 'contrived',
(int) 416 => 'to',
(int) 417 => 'give',
(int) 418 => 'free',
(int) 419 => 'currency',
(int) 420 => 'to',
(int) 421 => 'the',
(int) 422 => 'winds',
(int) 423 => 'of',
(int) 424 => 'Heaven.',
(int) 425 => '&',
(int) 426 => 'Chimneys',
(int) 427 => 'which',
(int) 428 => 'instead',
(int) 429 => 'of',
(int) 430 => 'receiving',
(int) 431 => 'smoke',
(int) 432 => 'showed',
(int) 433 => 'their',
(int) 434 => 'disgust',
(int) 435 => 'by',
(int) 436 => 'throwing',
(int) 437 => 'it',
(int) 438 => 'on',
(int) 439 => 'our',
(int) 440 => 'faces',
(int) 441 => '–',
(int) 442 => 'We',
(int) 443 => 'were',
(int) 444 => 'detained',
(int) 445 => 'nearly',
(int) 446 => 'a',
(int) 447 => 'month',
(int) 448 => 'at',
(int) 449 => 'Paris',
(int) 450 => 'by',
(int) 451 => 'the',
(int) 452 => 'illness',
(int) 453 => 'of',
(int) 454 => 'Lady',
(int) 455 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 456 => '–',
(int) 457 => 'during',
(int) 458 => 'our',
(int) 459 => 'stay',
(int) 460 => 'I',
(int) 461 => 'did',
(int) 462 => 'not',
(int) 463 => 'once',
(int) 464 => 'leave',
(int) 465 => 'her',
(int) 466 => 'sick',
(int) 467 => 'room,',
(int) 468 => 'and',
(int) 469 => 'of',
(int) 470 => 'course',
(int) 471 => 'I',
(int) 472 => 'did',
(int) 473 => 'not',
(int) 474 => 'see',
(int) 475 => 'one',
(int) 476 => 'of',
(int) 477 => 'the',
(int) 478 => 'many',
(int) 479 => 'sights',
(int) 480 => 'I',
(int) 481 => 'expected',
(int) 482 => 'to',
(int) 483 => 'see',
(int) 484 => 'at',
(int) 485 => 'Paris.',
(int) 486 => '–',
(int) 487 => 'Our',
(int) 488 => 'Hotel',
(int) 489 => 'was',
(int) 490 => 'on',
(int) 491 => 'the',
(int) 492 => 'Place',
(int) 493 => 'Vendome',
(int) 494 => '&',
(int) 495 => 'I',
(int) 496 => 'had',
(int) 497 => 'full',
(int) 498 => 'leisure',
(int) 499 => 'to',
(int) 500 => 'contemplate',
(int) 501 => 'the',
(int) 502 => 'Trajan',
(int) 503 => 'Pillar',
(int) 504 => 'under',
(int) 505 => 'every',
(int) 506 => 'light',
(int) 507 => 'of',
(int) 508 => '[5]',
(int) 509 => 'Sun',
(int) 510 => 'Moon',
(int) 511 => '&',
(int) 512 => 'lamp',
(int) 513 => '–',
(int) 514 => '–',
(int) 515 => '–<br>Lady',
(int) 516 => 'Campbell',
(int) 517 => 'reached',
(int) 518 => 'England',
(int) 519 => 'two',
(int) 520 => 'months',
(int) 521 => 'ago',
(int) 522 => '–',
(int) 523 => 'in',
(int) 524 => 'a',
(int) 525 => 'state',
(int) 526 => 'of',
(int) 527 => 'extreme',
(int) 528 => 'debility',
(int) 529 => '–',
(int) 530 => 'She',
(int) 531 => 'is',
(int) 532 => 'already',
(int) 533 => 'stronger',
(int) 534 => '&',
(int) 535 => 'I',
(int) 536 => 'trust',
(int) 537 => 'the',
(int) 538 => 'change',
(int) 539 => 'of',
(int) 540 => 'climate',
(int) 541 => '&',
(int) 542 => 'the',
(int) 543 => 'medical',
(int) 544 => 'skill',
(int) 545 => 'of',
(int) 546 => 'the',
(int) 547 => 'physicians',
(int) 548 => 'here',
(int) 549 => 'may',
(int) 550 => 'soon',
(int) 551 => 'restore',
(int) 552 => 'her',
(int) 553 => 'to',
(int) 554 => 'health',
(int) 555 => '–',
(int) 556 => 'Lady',
(int) 557 => 'Campbell',
(int) 558 => 'begs',
(int) 559 => 'to',
(int) 560 => 'have',
(int) 561 => 'a',
(int) 562 => 'place',
(int) 563 => 'in',
(int) 564 => 'your',
(int) 565 => 'recollections',
(int) 566 => 'of',
(int) 567 => 'Hyde',
(int) 568 => 'Hall',
(int) 569 => '–.',
(int) 570 => 'She',
(int) 571 => 'looks',
(int) 572 => 'forward',
(int) 573 => 'with',
(int) 574 => 'delight',
(int) 575 => 'to',
(int) 576 => 'the',
(int) 577 => 'probability',
(int) 578 => 'of',
(int) 579 => 'visiting',
(int) 580 => 'Germany',
(int) 581 => 'next',
(int) 582 => 'summer',
(int) 583 => '–',
(int) 584 => 'if',
(int) 585 => 'her',
(int) 586 => 'health',
(int) 587 => 'admit',
(int) 588 => 'of',
(int) 589 => 'that',
(int) 590 => 'pleasure',
(int) 591 => '–',
(int) 592 => 'Lady',
(int) 593 => 'Campbell',
(int) 594 => 'owes',
(int) 595 => 'her',
(int) 596 => 'knowledge',
(int) 597 => 'of',
(int) 598 => 'the',
(int) 599 => 'German',
(int) 600 => 'language',
(int) 601 => '&',
(int) 602 => 'her',
(int) 603 => 'interest',
(int) 604 => 'in',
(int) 605 => 'German',
(int) 606 => 'literature',
(int) 607 => 'to',
(int) 608 => 'our',
(int) 609 => 'friend',
(int) 610 => 'Mr',
(int) 611 => 'Hare<br>–',
(int) 612 => 'Lady',
(int) 613 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 614 => 'has',
(int) 615 => 'the',
(int) 616 => 'most',
(int) 617 => 'delightful',
(int) 618 => 'accounts',
(int) 619 => 'from',
(int) 620 => 'Sir',
(int) 621 => 'John',
(int) 622 => '–',
(int) 623 => 'His',
(int) 624 => 'health',
(int) 625 => 'and',
(int) 626 => 'spirits',
(int) 627 => 'are',
(int) 628 => 'excellent',
(int) 629 => '–',
(int) 630 => 'but',
(int) 631 => 'he',
(int) 632 => 'thinks',
(int) 633 => 'this',
(int) 634 => 'year',
(int) 635 => 'must',
(int) 636 => '[6]',
(int) 637 => 'terminate',
(int) 638 => 'the',
(int) 639 => 'seperation',
(int) 640 => 'from',
(int) 641 => 'his',
(int) 642 => 'family',
(int) 643 => '–',
(int) 644 => 'he',
(int) 645 => 'sighs',
(int) 646 => 'for',
(int) 647 => 'his',
(int) 648 => 'own',
(int) 649 => 'home',
(int) 650 => '–',
(int) 651 => 'And',
(int) 652 => 'I',
(int) 653 => 'trust',
(int) 654 => 'next',
(int) 655 => 'year',
(int) 656 => 'will',
(int) 657 => 'restore',
(int) 658 => 'him',
(int) 659 => 'to',
(int) 660 => 'us',
(int) 661 => '–',
(int) 662 => '–',
(int) 663 => 'We',
(int) 664 => 'often',
(int) 665 => 'talk',
(int) 666 => 'of',
(int) 667 => 'you',
(int) 668 => '–',
(int) 669 => 'often',
(int) 670 => 'revert',
(int) 671 => 'to',
(int) 672 => 'the',
(int) 673 => 'pleasant',
(int) 674 => 'day',
(int) 675 => 'we',
(int) 676 => 'spent',
(int) 677 => 'at',
(int) 678 => 'Bonn',
(int) 679 => '&',
(int) 680 => 'to',
(int) 681 => 'the',
(int) 682 => 'pleasure',
(int) 683 => 'we',
(int) 684 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 685 => 'in',
(int) 686 => 'your',
(int) 687 => 'visits',
(int) 688 => 'to',
(int) 689 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 690 => '–',
(int) 691 => 'I',
(int) 692 => 'often',
(int) 693 => 'wish',
(int) 694 => 'that',
(int) 695 => 'we',
(int) 696 => 'may',
(int) 697 => 'again',
(int) 698 => 'have',
(int) 699 => 'the',
(int) 700 => 'gratification',
(int) 701 => 'of',
(int) 702 => 'your',
(int) 703 => 'society',
(int) 704 => '–<br>Your',
(int) 705 => 'carriage',
(int) 706 => '&',
(int) 707 => 'favorite',
(int) 708 => 'horses',
(int) 709 => 'are',
(int) 710 => 'still',
(int) 711 => 'a',
(int) 712 => 'theme',
(int) 713 => 'with',
(int) 714 => 'Lady',
(int) 715 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 716 => '–',
(int) 717 => 'her',
(int) 718 => 'wonder',
(int) 719 => 'is',
(int) 720 => 'still',
(int) 721 => 'undiminished',
(int) 722 => 'that',
(int) 723 => 'such',
(int) 724 => 'an',
(int) 725 => 'equipage',
(int) 726 => 'so',
(int) 727 => 'well',
(int) 728 => 'appointed',
(int) 729 => 'should',
(int) 730 => 'exist',
(int) 731 => 'in',
(int) 732 => '–',
(int) 733 => 'Germany',
(int) 734 => '–',
(int) 735 => 'You',
(int) 736 => 'already',
(int) 737 => 'know',
(int) 738 => 'our',
(int) 739 => 'friend',
(int) 740 => 'Mr',
(int) 741 => 'Whewell,',
(int) 742 => 'but',
(int) 743 => 'I',
(int) 744 => 'am',
(int) 745 => 'sure',
(int) 746 => 'you',
(int) 747 => 'will',
(int) 748 => 'be',
(int) 749 => 'delighted',
(int) 750 => 'by',
(int) 751 => 'increasing',
(int) 752 => 'knowledge',
(int) 753 => 'of',
(int) 754 => 'him',
(int) 755 => '–',
(int) 756 => 'How',
(int) 757 => 'much',
(int) 758 => 'I',
(int) 759 => 'should',
(int) 760 => 'like',
(int) 761 => 'to',
(int) 762 => 'be',
(int) 763 => 'present',
(int) 764 => 'at',
(int) 765 => 'some',
(int) 766 => 'of',
(int) 767 => 'your',
(int) 768 => 'conversations',
(int) 769 => '–',
(int) 770 => 'It',
(int) 771 => 'is',
(int) 772 => 'very',
(int) 773 => 'vexatious',
(int) 774 => 'that',
(int) 775 => 'he',
(int) 776 => 'did',
(int) 777 => 'not',
(int) 778 => 'go',
(int) 779 => 'up',
(int) 780 => 'the',
(int) 781 => 'Rhine',
(int) 782 => 'last',
(int) 783 => 'summer',
(int) 784 => 'instead',
(int) 785 => '[7]',
(int) 786 => 'of',
(int) 787 => 'this',
(int) 788 => '–',
(int) 789 => 'I',
(int) 790 => 'am',
(int) 791 => 'going',
(int) 792 => 'to',
(int) 793 => 'spend',
(int) 794 => 'this',
(int) 795 => 'summer',
(int) 796 => 'and',
(int) 797 => 'next',
(int) 798 => 'winter',
(int) 799 => 'in',
(int) 800 => 'Scotland',
(int) 801 => 'amidst',
(int) 802 => 'My',
(int) 803 => 'native',
(int) 804 => 'mountains',
(int) 805 => '–',
(int) 806 => 'I',
(int) 807 => 'trust',
(int) 808 => 'Mr',
(int) 809 => 'Whewell',
(int) 810 => 'will',
(int) 811 => 'bring',
(int) 812 => 'us',
(int) 813 => 'pleasant',
(int) 814 => 'tidings',
(int) 815 => 'of',
(int) 816 => 'your',
(int) 817 => 'health',
(int) 818 => '&',
(int) 819 => 'pursuits',
(int) 820 => '–<br>–',
(int) 821 => 'Lady',
(int) 822 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 823 => 'unites',
(int) 824 => 'with',
(int) 825 => 'me',
(int) 826 => 'in',
(int) 827 => 'every',
(int) 828 => 'kind',
(int) 829 => 'wish',
(int) 830 => '–',
(int) 831 => 'Pray',
(int) 832 => 'offer',
(int) 833 => 'our',
(int) 834 => 'best',
(int) 835 => 'remembrances',
(int) 836 => 'to',
(int) 837 => 'Dr',
(int) 838 => 'Lassen',
(int) 839 => 'and',
(int) 840 => 'believe',
(int) 841 => 'Me',
(int) 842 => 'My',
(int) 843 => 'dear',
(int) 844 => 'friend<br>Yours',
(int) 845 => 'Most',
(int) 846 => 'sincerely<br>M',
(int) 847 => 'Manning',
(int) 848 => '–<br>[8]',
(int) 849 => '[leer]'
$incipit = '[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and '
$i = (int) 20
$handschrift = array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
$incipitlength = (int) 20
$editors = array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
$ed = 'Cook, Hermione'
$red = 'Varwig, Olivia'
$indexesintext = array(
'Namen' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Constant, Benjamin',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
$person = array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9896',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/118632116'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$comment = ''
$firstsplit = array(
(int) 0 => 'GND:4051602-7'
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$person_bio = array(
'_index' => 'awschlegel0420_person',
'_type' => '_doc',
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'_version' => (int) 1,
'_seq_no' => (int) 561,
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'found' => true,
'_source' => array(
'ID' => '4678',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2014-03-17 10:56:36',
'timelastchg' => '2017-12-20 18:27:53',
'key' => 'AWS-ap-00ho',
'docTyp' => array(
'name' => 'Person',
'id' => '39'
'39_name' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de ',
'39_geschlecht' => 'm',
'39_gebdatum' => '1790-08-31',
'39_toddatum' => '1827-11-11',
'39_pdb' => 'GND',
'39_dblink' => '',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Literat, Philanthrop
Auguste de Staël-Holstein war der Sohn von Magnus de Staël-Holstein und Germaine de Staël. Aufgrund der Verbannung seiner Mutter wuchs Auguste Louis seit 1792 auf Schloss Coppet in der Schweiz auf und erhielt dort seine Erziehung durch Verwandte und seit 1804 durch seinen Hauslehrer AWS. Er begleitete Mme de Staël-Holstein an verschiedene Wirkungsorte. Sein Besuch der École polytechnique in Paris wurde durch Napoleon blockiert. 1812 floh er aus Frankreich, wählte aber eine andere Route als Albertine und Mme de Staël-Holstein und kam 1813 in Stockholm an. Er folgte Mme de Staël-Holstein nach London, wo er in der schwedischen Botschaft engagiert wurde. Nach dem Tod seiner Mutter befasste sich Auguste mit der Herausgabe ihrer Schriften.
Mit seinem Erfolg als Schriftsteller verband de Staël-Holstein sein Engagement für die Verbesserung der Landwirtschaft. Seit 1807 war er Anhänger der religiösen Erweckungsbewegung „Réveil“ und wurde 1818 Mitglied der „Société biblique protestante de Paris“, zu deren wichtigsten Vertretern er in den Folgejahren zählte. Als politischer Gegner des Menschenhandels mit Sklaven stellte er Aufzeichnungen und Dokumente zusammen und konferierte mit Ministern des Königs.',
'39_beziehung' => 'AWS hatte ein gutes Verhältnis zu Auguste de Staël-Holstein; auch nach dem Tod von Mme de Staël-Holstein wurde AWS wie ein Mitglied der Familie behandelt.',
'39_quellen' => 'WBIS@http://db.saur.de/WBIS/basicSearch.jsf@F167552@
extern@Roger Paulin: August Wilhelm Schlegel. Cosmopolitan of Art and Poetry. Cambridge 2016, S. 594.@',
'39_geburtsort' => array(
'ID' => '171',
'content' => 'Paris',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4044660-8',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_sterbeort' => array(
'ID' => '228',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1027948-9',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_dbid' => '117202770',
'39_namevar' => 'Staël-Holstein, August von
Holstein, August von Staël
Stael Holstein, August von
Staël-Holstein, Auguste-Louis de',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
'39_sourcename0' => 'AWS-ap-00ho-0.jpg',
'folders' => array(
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(int) 1 => 'Personen'
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'_descr' => '',
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'_model_title' => 'Person',
'_model_titles' => 'People',
'_url' => ''
$ort = array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9995',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/4051602-7'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$werk = array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-12952'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
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LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
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rename - [internal], line ??
RemoteFile::generateDZI() - APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 197
LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499
Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193
Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
Warning (2): rename(/var/www/awschlegel/version-04-20/app/webroot///files/temp/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e_files,/var/www/awschlegel/version-04-20/app/Plugin/CakeFud//webroot/files/temp/images/dzi/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.jpg_files) [<a href='http://php.net/function.rename'>function.rename</a>]: No such file or directory [APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 203]
rename - [internal], line ??
RemoteFile::generateDZI() - APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 203
LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499
Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193
Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
Notice (8): Undefined index: url_image_hand [APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461]
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 15 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$docsource = array(
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'key' => 'AWS-aw-02gv',
'docTyp' => array(
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4071914-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => 'GND:4004169-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
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'ID' => '226',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
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(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => 'GND:4471790-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
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'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
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'altBegriff' => '',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
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'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
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'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
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'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
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'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von Sir John und Charlotte Malcolm, (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => 'GND:1055180052',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => 'GND:119512831',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag, Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; jüngste Tochter von Charlotte Malcolm (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)
Margaret (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)
Catherine Wellesley (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => 'GND:118938759X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Sohn von John und Charlotte Malcolm',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => 'GND:11906006X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => 'GND:1019724137',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => 'GND:118616617',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => 'GND:117202770',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => 'nicht identifiziert, Sohn von Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => 'GND:117242632',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => 'GND:118632116',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => '',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '43746',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '43745',
'title' => 'Von unbekannter Hand',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '43747',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '43748',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '43749',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '43750',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '43751',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '43752',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '43753',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7463',
'content' => 'Mary Manning',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Manning, Mary',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7125',
'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'content' => 'London',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000083.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 1 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000084.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 2 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000085.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 3 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000086.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 4 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000115.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 5 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000116.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 6 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000117.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 7 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000118.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Letter',
'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
'_url' => ''
$druck = array()
$datengeber = ''
$splittext = array(
(int) 0 => '[1]',
(int) 1 => 'Lady',
(int) 2 => 'Malcolm<br>8',
(int) 3 => 'Hereford',
(int) 4 => 'Street.',
(int) 5 => 'Oxford',
(int) 6 => 'Street<br>London',
(int) 7 => 'July',
(int) 8 => '4th',
(int) 9 => '1829',
(int) 10 => '–<br>My',
(int) 11 => 'dear',
(int) 12 => 'friend',
(int) 13 => '–<br>Mr',
(int) 14 => 'Whewell',
(int) 15 => 'is',
(int) 16 => 'hastening',
(int) 17 => 'to',
(int) 18 => 'Bonn',
(int) 19 => 'and',
(int) 20 => 'Lady',
(int) 21 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 22 => '&',
(int) 23 => 'myself',
(int) 24 => 'cannot',
(int) 25 => 'allow',
(int) 26 => 'him',
(int) 27 => 'to',
(int) 28 => 'depart',
(int) 29 => 'without',
(int) 30 => 'entreating',
(int) 31 => 'that',
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(int) 33 => 'will',
(int) 34 => 'bear',
(int) 35 => 'to',
(int) 36 => 'you',
(int) 37 => 'our',
(int) 38 => 'most',
(int) 39 => 'affectionate',
(int) 40 => 'remembrances',
(int) 41 => '–',
(int) 42 => 'Can',
(int) 43 => 'it',
(int) 44 => 'be',
(int) 45 => 'that',
(int) 46 => 'a',
(int) 47 => 'year',
(int) 48 => 'is',
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(int) 50 => 'since',
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(int) 54 => 'you!',
(int) 55 => '–',
(int) 56 => 'A',
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(int) 62 => 'us',
(int) 63 => 'much',
(int) 64 => 'of',
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(int) 66 => 'and',
(int) 67 => 'painful',
(int) 68 => 'anxiety',
(int) 69 => '–<br>When',
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(int) 71 => 'left',
(int) 72 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 73 => 'our',
(int) 74 => 'aim',
(int) 75 => 'was',
(int) 76 => 'Italy',
(int) 77 => '–',
(int) 78 => 'We',
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(int) 81 => 'by',
(int) 82 => 'the',
(int) 83 => 'scenery',
(int) 84 => 'of',
(int) 85 => 'the',
(int) 86 => 'Rhine;',
(int) 87 => '–',
(int) 88 => 'the',
(int) 89 => 'weather',
(int) 90 => 'was',
(int) 91 => 'very',
(int) 92 => 'fine',
(int) 93 => 'and',
(int) 94 => 'we',
(int) 95 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 96 => 'it',
(int) 97 => '[2]',
(int) 98 => 'to',
(int) 99 => 'the',
(int) 100 => 'utmost.',
(int) 101 => '–',
(int) 102 => 'We',
(int) 103 => 'spent',
(int) 104 => 'some',
(int) 105 => 'days',
(int) 106 => 'at',
(int) 107 => 'St',
(int) 108 => 'Goar,',
(int) 109 => 'Ehrenbreitsten,',
(int) 110 => 'Rudesheim,',
(int) 111 => '&',
(int) 112 => 'Heidelberg',
(int) 113 => '–',
(int) 114 => 'the',
(int) 115 => 'delightful',
(int) 116 => 'fortnight',
(int) 117 => 'we',
(int) 118 => 'gave',
(int) 119 => 'to',
(int) 120 => 'Baden',
(int) 121 => '–',
(int) 122 => 'that',
(int) 123 => 'region',
(int) 124 => 'of',
(int) 125 => 'dark',
(int) 126 => 'woods',
(int) 127 => 'and',
(int) 128 => 'silvery',
(int) 129 => 'mists,',
(int) 130 => '–',
(int) 131 => 'where',
(int) 132 => 'we',
(int) 133 => 'tasted',
(int) 134 => 'Kirchen',
(int) 135 => 'Wasser',
(int) 136 => '&',
(int) 137 => 'saw',
(int) 138 => 'Benjamin',
(int) 139 => 'Constant!',
(int) 140 => '–',
(int) 141 => 'Our',
(int) 142 => 'friend',
(int) 143 => 'Mr',
(int) 144 => 'Hare',
(int) 145 => 'was',
(int) 146 => 'compelled',
(int) 147 => 'to',
(int) 148 => 'leave',
(int) 149 => 'us',
(int) 150 => 'at',
(int) 151 => 'Baden',
(int) 152 => 'to',
(int) 153 => 'return',
(int) 154 => 'to',
(int) 155 => 'his',
(int) 156 => 'Cambridge',
(int) 157 => 'duties',
(int) 158 => '&',
(int) 159 => 'his',
(int) 160 => 'departure',
(int) 161 => 'caused',
(int) 162 => 'a',
(int) 163 => 'blank',
(int) 164 => 'to',
(int) 165 => 'us',
(int) 166 => 'all.',
(int) 167 => '–',
(int) 168 => 'I',
(int) 169 => 'lost',
(int) 170 => 'the',
(int) 171 => 'society',
(int) 172 => 'of',
(int) 173 => 'a',
(int) 174 => 'friend',
(int) 175 => 'who',
(int) 176 => 'differed',
(int) 177 => 'from',
(int) 178 => 'Me',
(int) 179 => 'on',
(int) 180 => 'almost',
(int) 181 => 'every',
(int) 182 => 'subject,',
(int) 183 => '&',
(int) 184 => 'the',
(int) 185 => 'children',
(int) 186 => 'lamented',
(int) 187 => 'the',
(int) 188 => 'absence',
(int) 189 => 'of',
(int) 190 => 'the',
(int) 191 => 'kind',
(int) 192 => 'Companion',
(int) 193 => 'of',
(int) 194 => 'their',
(int) 195 => 'rambles',
(int) 196 => '–',
(int) 197 => 'I',
(int) 198 => 'must',
(int) 199 => 'not',
(int) 200 => 'weary',
(int) 201 => 'you',
(int) 202 => 'with',
(int) 203 => 'a',
(int) 204 => 'history',
(int) 205 => 'of',
(int) 206 => 'our',
(int) 207 => 'progress',
(int) 208 => '–',
(int) 209 => 'only',
(int) 210 => 'hint',
(int) 211 => 'that',
(int) 212 => 'we',
(int) 213 => 'did',
(int) 214 => 'pass',
(int) 215 => 'through',
(int) 216 => 'the',
(int) 217 => 'beauteous',
(int) 218 => 'Vale',
(int) 219 => 'of',
(int) 220 => 'Kinzig',
(int) 221 => '&',
(int) 222 => 'thence',
(int) 223 => 'to',
(int) 224 => 'Berne,',
(int) 225 => 'Lausanne',
(int) 226 => '&',
(int) 227 => 'Geneva',
(int) 228 => '–',
(int) 229 => 'we',
(int) 230 => 'looked',
(int) 231 => 'at',
(int) 232 => 'Copet',
(int) 233 => 'with',
(int) 234 => 'deep',
(int) 235 => 'interest,',
(int) 236 => '–',
(int) 237 => 'the',
(int) 238 => 'sight',
(int) 239 => 'of',
(int) 240 => 'it',
(int) 241 => 'recalled',
(int) 242 => '[3]',
(int) 243 => 'you',
(int) 244 => 'also',
(int) 245 => 'to',
(int) 246 => 'our',
(int) 247 => 'thoughts',
(int) 248 => '–',
(int) 249 => 'associated',
(int) 250 => 'as',
(int) 251 => 'you',
(int) 252 => 'are',
(int) 253 => 'in',
(int) 254 => 'our',
(int) 255 => 'minds',
(int) 256 => 'with',
(int) 257 => 'the',
(int) 258 => 'Gifted',
(int) 259 => 'Being',
(int) 260 => 'who',
(int) 261 => 'once',
(int) 262 => 'dwelt',
(int) 263 => 'at',
(int) 264 => 'Copet!',
(int) 265 => '–',
(int) 266 => 'The',
(int) 267 => 'Baroness',
(int) 268 => '&',
(int) 269 => 'her',
(int) 270 => 'infant',
(int) 271 => 'son',
(int) 272 => 'live',
(int) 273 => 'there',
(int) 274 => 'in',
(int) 275 => 'unbroken',
(int) 276 => 'retirement.',
(int) 277 => '–',
(int) 278 => 'She',
(int) 279 => 'is',
(int) 280 => 'said',
(int) 281 => 'to',
(int) 282 => 'be',
(int) 283 => 'preparing',
(int) 284 => 'a',
(int) 285 => 'Memoir',
(int) 286 => 'of',
(int) 287 => 'her',
(int) 288 => 'late',
(int) 289 => 'husband.',
(int) 290 => '–',
(int) 291 => 'We',
(int) 292 => 'remained',
(int) 293 => 'some',
(int) 294 => 'weeks',
(int) 295 => 'near',
(int) 296 => 'Geneva',
(int) 297 => '&',
(int) 298 => 'were',
(int) 299 => 'on',
(int) 300 => 'the',
(int) 301 => 'very',
(int) 302 => 'eve',
(int) 303 => 'of',
(int) 304 => 'setting',
(int) 305 => 'out',
(int) 306 => 'for',
(int) 307 => 'Italy',
(int) 308 => 'when',
(int) 309 => 'Lady',
(int) 310 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 311 => 'received',
(int) 312 => 'letters',
(int) 313 => 'from',
(int) 314 => 'India',
(int) 315 => 'containing',
(int) 316 => 'accounts',
(int) 317 => 'of',
(int) 318 => 'Lady',
(int) 319 => 'Campbell’s',
(int) 320 => '(formerly',
(int) 321 => 'Miss',
(int) 322 => 'Malcolm)',
(int) 323 => 'prolonged',
(int) 324 => 'illness,',
(int) 325 => '–',
(int) 326 => 'which',
(int) 327 => 'rendered',
(int) 328 => 'her',
(int) 329 => 'immediate',
(int) 330 => 'return',
(int) 331 => 'to',
(int) 332 => 'England',
(int) 333 => 'absolutely',
(int) 334 => 'necessary.',
(int) 335 => '–',
(int) 336 => 'Lady',
(int) 337 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 338 => 'instantly',
(int) 339 => 'decided',
(int) 340 => 'to',
(int) 341 => 'hasten',
(int) 342 => 'home',
(int) 343 => 'to',
(int) 344 => 'receive',
(int) 345 => 'her',
(int) 346 => 'daughter',
(int) 347 => '–',
(int) 348 => 'She',
(int) 349 => 'left',
(int) 350 => 'Geneva',
(int) 351 => 'the',
(int) 352 => 'beginning',
(int) 353 => 'of',
(int) 354 => 'Jany',
(int) 355 => 'and',
(int) 356 => 'travelled',
(int) 357 => 'to',
(int) 358 => 'Paris',
(int) 359 => 'during',
(int) 360 => 'a',
(int) 361 => 'deep',
(int) 362 => 'fall',
(int) 363 => 'of',
(int) 364 => 'snow:',
(int) 365 => '–',
(int) 366 => 'assuredly',
(int) 367 => 'there',
(int) 368 => 'seemed',
(int) 369 => '[4]',
(int) 370 => 'sufficient',
(int) 371 => 'danger',
(int) 372 => 'to',
(int) 373 => 'render',
(int) 374 => 'the',
(int) 375 => 'scene',
(int) 376 => 'sublime,',
(int) 377 => 'even',
(int) 378 => 'according',
(int) 379 => 'to',
(int) 380 => 'Dugald',
(int) 381 => 'Stewarts',
(int) 382 => 'definition',
(int) 383 => 'of',
(int) 384 => 'sublimity.',
(int) 385 => '–',
(int) 386 => 'I',
(int) 387 => 'speak',
(int) 388 => 'not',
(int) 389 => 'of',
(int) 390 => 'our',
(int) 391 => 'hairbreadth',
(int) 392 => 'escapes,',
(int) 393 => '–',
(int) 394 => 'still',
(int) 395 => 'less',
(int) 396 => 'shall',
(int) 397 => 'I',
(int) 398 => 'mention',
(int) 399 => 'the',
(int) 400 => 'minor',
(int) 401 => 'horrors',
(int) 402 => 'of',
(int) 403 => 'our',
(int) 404 => 'winter',
(int) 405 => 'journey.',
(int) 406 => '–',
(int) 407 => 'Green',
(int) 408 => 'firewood,',
(int) 409 => 'damp',
(int) 410 => 'sheets,',
(int) 411 => 'doors',
(int) 412 => 'and',
(int) 413 => 'windows',
(int) 414 => 'ingeniously',
(int) 415 => 'contrived',
(int) 416 => 'to',
(int) 417 => 'give',
(int) 418 => 'free',
(int) 419 => 'currency',
(int) 420 => 'to',
(int) 421 => 'the',
(int) 422 => 'winds',
(int) 423 => 'of',
(int) 424 => 'Heaven.',
(int) 425 => '&',
(int) 426 => 'Chimneys',
(int) 427 => 'which',
(int) 428 => 'instead',
(int) 429 => 'of',
(int) 430 => 'receiving',
(int) 431 => 'smoke',
(int) 432 => 'showed',
(int) 433 => 'their',
(int) 434 => 'disgust',
(int) 435 => 'by',
(int) 436 => 'throwing',
(int) 437 => 'it',
(int) 438 => 'on',
(int) 439 => 'our',
(int) 440 => 'faces',
(int) 441 => '–',
(int) 442 => 'We',
(int) 443 => 'were',
(int) 444 => 'detained',
(int) 445 => 'nearly',
(int) 446 => 'a',
(int) 447 => 'month',
(int) 448 => 'at',
(int) 449 => 'Paris',
(int) 450 => 'by',
(int) 451 => 'the',
(int) 452 => 'illness',
(int) 453 => 'of',
(int) 454 => 'Lady',
(int) 455 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 456 => '–',
(int) 457 => 'during',
(int) 458 => 'our',
(int) 459 => 'stay',
(int) 460 => 'I',
(int) 461 => 'did',
(int) 462 => 'not',
(int) 463 => 'once',
(int) 464 => 'leave',
(int) 465 => 'her',
(int) 466 => 'sick',
(int) 467 => 'room,',
(int) 468 => 'and',
(int) 469 => 'of',
(int) 470 => 'course',
(int) 471 => 'I',
(int) 472 => 'did',
(int) 473 => 'not',
(int) 474 => 'see',
(int) 475 => 'one',
(int) 476 => 'of',
(int) 477 => 'the',
(int) 478 => 'many',
(int) 479 => 'sights',
(int) 480 => 'I',
(int) 481 => 'expected',
(int) 482 => 'to',
(int) 483 => 'see',
(int) 484 => 'at',
(int) 485 => 'Paris.',
(int) 486 => '–',
(int) 487 => 'Our',
(int) 488 => 'Hotel',
(int) 489 => 'was',
(int) 490 => 'on',
(int) 491 => 'the',
(int) 492 => 'Place',
(int) 493 => 'Vendome',
(int) 494 => '&',
(int) 495 => 'I',
(int) 496 => 'had',
(int) 497 => 'full',
(int) 498 => 'leisure',
(int) 499 => 'to',
(int) 500 => 'contemplate',
(int) 501 => 'the',
(int) 502 => 'Trajan',
(int) 503 => 'Pillar',
(int) 504 => 'under',
(int) 505 => 'every',
(int) 506 => 'light',
(int) 507 => 'of',
(int) 508 => '[5]',
(int) 509 => 'Sun',
(int) 510 => 'Moon',
(int) 511 => '&',
(int) 512 => 'lamp',
(int) 513 => '–',
(int) 514 => '–',
(int) 515 => '–<br>Lady',
(int) 516 => 'Campbell',
(int) 517 => 'reached',
(int) 518 => 'England',
(int) 519 => 'two',
(int) 520 => 'months',
(int) 521 => 'ago',
(int) 522 => '–',
(int) 523 => 'in',
(int) 524 => 'a',
(int) 525 => 'state',
(int) 526 => 'of',
(int) 527 => 'extreme',
(int) 528 => 'debility',
(int) 529 => '–',
(int) 530 => 'She',
(int) 531 => 'is',
(int) 532 => 'already',
(int) 533 => 'stronger',
(int) 534 => '&',
(int) 535 => 'I',
(int) 536 => 'trust',
(int) 537 => 'the',
(int) 538 => 'change',
(int) 539 => 'of',
(int) 540 => 'climate',
(int) 541 => '&',
(int) 542 => 'the',
(int) 543 => 'medical',
(int) 544 => 'skill',
(int) 545 => 'of',
(int) 546 => 'the',
(int) 547 => 'physicians',
(int) 548 => 'here',
(int) 549 => 'may',
(int) 550 => 'soon',
(int) 551 => 'restore',
(int) 552 => 'her',
(int) 553 => 'to',
(int) 554 => 'health',
(int) 555 => '–',
(int) 556 => 'Lady',
(int) 557 => 'Campbell',
(int) 558 => 'begs',
(int) 559 => 'to',
(int) 560 => 'have',
(int) 561 => 'a',
(int) 562 => 'place',
(int) 563 => 'in',
(int) 564 => 'your',
(int) 565 => 'recollections',
(int) 566 => 'of',
(int) 567 => 'Hyde',
(int) 568 => 'Hall',
(int) 569 => '–.',
(int) 570 => 'She',
(int) 571 => 'looks',
(int) 572 => 'forward',
(int) 573 => 'with',
(int) 574 => 'delight',
(int) 575 => 'to',
(int) 576 => 'the',
(int) 577 => 'probability',
(int) 578 => 'of',
(int) 579 => 'visiting',
(int) 580 => 'Germany',
(int) 581 => 'next',
(int) 582 => 'summer',
(int) 583 => '–',
(int) 584 => 'if',
(int) 585 => 'her',
(int) 586 => 'health',
(int) 587 => 'admit',
(int) 588 => 'of',
(int) 589 => 'that',
(int) 590 => 'pleasure',
(int) 591 => '–',
(int) 592 => 'Lady',
(int) 593 => 'Campbell',
(int) 594 => 'owes',
(int) 595 => 'her',
(int) 596 => 'knowledge',
(int) 597 => 'of',
(int) 598 => 'the',
(int) 599 => 'German',
(int) 600 => 'language',
(int) 601 => '&',
(int) 602 => 'her',
(int) 603 => 'interest',
(int) 604 => 'in',
(int) 605 => 'German',
(int) 606 => 'literature',
(int) 607 => 'to',
(int) 608 => 'our',
(int) 609 => 'friend',
(int) 610 => 'Mr',
(int) 611 => 'Hare<br>–',
(int) 612 => 'Lady',
(int) 613 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 614 => 'has',
(int) 615 => 'the',
(int) 616 => 'most',
(int) 617 => 'delightful',
(int) 618 => 'accounts',
(int) 619 => 'from',
(int) 620 => 'Sir',
(int) 621 => 'John',
(int) 622 => '–',
(int) 623 => 'His',
(int) 624 => 'health',
(int) 625 => 'and',
(int) 626 => 'spirits',
(int) 627 => 'are',
(int) 628 => 'excellent',
(int) 629 => '–',
(int) 630 => 'but',
(int) 631 => 'he',
(int) 632 => 'thinks',
(int) 633 => 'this',
(int) 634 => 'year',
(int) 635 => 'must',
(int) 636 => '[6]',
(int) 637 => 'terminate',
(int) 638 => 'the',
(int) 639 => 'seperation',
(int) 640 => 'from',
(int) 641 => 'his',
(int) 642 => 'family',
(int) 643 => '–',
(int) 644 => 'he',
(int) 645 => 'sighs',
(int) 646 => 'for',
(int) 647 => 'his',
(int) 648 => 'own',
(int) 649 => 'home',
(int) 650 => '–',
(int) 651 => 'And',
(int) 652 => 'I',
(int) 653 => 'trust',
(int) 654 => 'next',
(int) 655 => 'year',
(int) 656 => 'will',
(int) 657 => 'restore',
(int) 658 => 'him',
(int) 659 => 'to',
(int) 660 => 'us',
(int) 661 => '–',
(int) 662 => '–',
(int) 663 => 'We',
(int) 664 => 'often',
(int) 665 => 'talk',
(int) 666 => 'of',
(int) 667 => 'you',
(int) 668 => '–',
(int) 669 => 'often',
(int) 670 => 'revert',
(int) 671 => 'to',
(int) 672 => 'the',
(int) 673 => 'pleasant',
(int) 674 => 'day',
(int) 675 => 'we',
(int) 676 => 'spent',
(int) 677 => 'at',
(int) 678 => 'Bonn',
(int) 679 => '&',
(int) 680 => 'to',
(int) 681 => 'the',
(int) 682 => 'pleasure',
(int) 683 => 'we',
(int) 684 => 'enjoyed',
(int) 685 => 'in',
(int) 686 => 'your',
(int) 687 => 'visits',
(int) 688 => 'to',
(int) 689 => 'Godesberg',
(int) 690 => '–',
(int) 691 => 'I',
(int) 692 => 'often',
(int) 693 => 'wish',
(int) 694 => 'that',
(int) 695 => 'we',
(int) 696 => 'may',
(int) 697 => 'again',
(int) 698 => 'have',
(int) 699 => 'the',
(int) 700 => 'gratification',
(int) 701 => 'of',
(int) 702 => 'your',
(int) 703 => 'society',
(int) 704 => '–<br>Your',
(int) 705 => 'carriage',
(int) 706 => '&',
(int) 707 => 'favorite',
(int) 708 => 'horses',
(int) 709 => 'are',
(int) 710 => 'still',
(int) 711 => 'a',
(int) 712 => 'theme',
(int) 713 => 'with',
(int) 714 => 'Lady',
(int) 715 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 716 => '–',
(int) 717 => 'her',
(int) 718 => 'wonder',
(int) 719 => 'is',
(int) 720 => 'still',
(int) 721 => 'undiminished',
(int) 722 => 'that',
(int) 723 => 'such',
(int) 724 => 'an',
(int) 725 => 'equipage',
(int) 726 => 'so',
(int) 727 => 'well',
(int) 728 => 'appointed',
(int) 729 => 'should',
(int) 730 => 'exist',
(int) 731 => 'in',
(int) 732 => '–',
(int) 733 => 'Germany',
(int) 734 => '–',
(int) 735 => 'You',
(int) 736 => 'already',
(int) 737 => 'know',
(int) 738 => 'our',
(int) 739 => 'friend',
(int) 740 => 'Mr',
(int) 741 => 'Whewell,',
(int) 742 => 'but',
(int) 743 => 'I',
(int) 744 => 'am',
(int) 745 => 'sure',
(int) 746 => 'you',
(int) 747 => 'will',
(int) 748 => 'be',
(int) 749 => 'delighted',
(int) 750 => 'by',
(int) 751 => 'increasing',
(int) 752 => 'knowledge',
(int) 753 => 'of',
(int) 754 => 'him',
(int) 755 => '–',
(int) 756 => 'How',
(int) 757 => 'much',
(int) 758 => 'I',
(int) 759 => 'should',
(int) 760 => 'like',
(int) 761 => 'to',
(int) 762 => 'be',
(int) 763 => 'present',
(int) 764 => 'at',
(int) 765 => 'some',
(int) 766 => 'of',
(int) 767 => 'your',
(int) 768 => 'conversations',
(int) 769 => '–',
(int) 770 => 'It',
(int) 771 => 'is',
(int) 772 => 'very',
(int) 773 => 'vexatious',
(int) 774 => 'that',
(int) 775 => 'he',
(int) 776 => 'did',
(int) 777 => 'not',
(int) 778 => 'go',
(int) 779 => 'up',
(int) 780 => 'the',
(int) 781 => 'Rhine',
(int) 782 => 'last',
(int) 783 => 'summer',
(int) 784 => 'instead',
(int) 785 => '[7]',
(int) 786 => 'of',
(int) 787 => 'this',
(int) 788 => '–',
(int) 789 => 'I',
(int) 790 => 'am',
(int) 791 => 'going',
(int) 792 => 'to',
(int) 793 => 'spend',
(int) 794 => 'this',
(int) 795 => 'summer',
(int) 796 => 'and',
(int) 797 => 'next',
(int) 798 => 'winter',
(int) 799 => 'in',
(int) 800 => 'Scotland',
(int) 801 => 'amidst',
(int) 802 => 'My',
(int) 803 => 'native',
(int) 804 => 'mountains',
(int) 805 => '–',
(int) 806 => 'I',
(int) 807 => 'trust',
(int) 808 => 'Mr',
(int) 809 => 'Whewell',
(int) 810 => 'will',
(int) 811 => 'bring',
(int) 812 => 'us',
(int) 813 => 'pleasant',
(int) 814 => 'tidings',
(int) 815 => 'of',
(int) 816 => 'your',
(int) 817 => 'health',
(int) 818 => '&',
(int) 819 => 'pursuits',
(int) 820 => '–<br>–',
(int) 821 => 'Lady',
(int) 822 => 'Malcolm',
(int) 823 => 'unites',
(int) 824 => 'with',
(int) 825 => 'me',
(int) 826 => 'in',
(int) 827 => 'every',
(int) 828 => 'kind',
(int) 829 => 'wish',
(int) 830 => '–',
(int) 831 => 'Pray',
(int) 832 => 'offer',
(int) 833 => 'our',
(int) 834 => 'best',
(int) 835 => 'remembrances',
(int) 836 => 'to',
(int) 837 => 'Dr',
(int) 838 => 'Lassen',
(int) 839 => 'and',
(int) 840 => 'believe',
(int) 841 => 'Me',
(int) 842 => 'My',
(int) 843 => 'dear',
(int) 844 => 'friend<br>Yours',
(int) 845 => 'Most',
(int) 846 => 'sincerely<br>M',
(int) 847 => 'Manning',
(int) 848 => '–<br>[8]',
(int) 849 => '[leer]'
$incipit = '[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and '
$i = (int) 20
$handschrift = array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
$incipitlength = (int) 20
$editors = array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
$ed = 'Cook, Hermione'
$red = 'Varwig, Olivia'
$indexesintext = array(
'Namen' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Constant, Benjamin',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
$person = array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9896',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/118632116'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$comment = ''
$firstsplit = array(
(int) 0 => 'GND:4051602-7'
$entry = 'GND:4051602-7'
$secondsplit = array(
(int) 0 => 'GND',
(int) 1 => '4051602-7'
$person_bio = array(
'_index' => 'awschlegel0420_person',
'_type' => '_doc',
'_id' => '4678',
'_version' => (int) 1,
'_seq_no' => (int) 561,
'_primary_term' => (int) 3,
'found' => true,
'_source' => array(
'ID' => '4678',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2014-03-17 10:56:36',
'timelastchg' => '2017-12-20 18:27:53',
'key' => 'AWS-ap-00ho',
'docTyp' => array(
'name' => 'Person',
'id' => '39'
'39_name' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de ',
'39_geschlecht' => 'm',
'39_gebdatum' => '1790-08-31',
'39_toddatum' => '1827-11-11',
'39_pdb' => 'GND',
'39_dblink' => '',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Literat, Philanthrop
Auguste de Staël-Holstein war der Sohn von Magnus de Staël-Holstein und Germaine de Staël. Aufgrund der Verbannung seiner Mutter wuchs Auguste Louis seit 1792 auf Schloss Coppet in der Schweiz auf und erhielt dort seine Erziehung durch Verwandte und seit 1804 durch seinen Hauslehrer AWS. Er begleitete Mme de Staël-Holstein an verschiedene Wirkungsorte. Sein Besuch der École polytechnique in Paris wurde durch Napoleon blockiert. 1812 floh er aus Frankreich, wählte aber eine andere Route als Albertine und Mme de Staël-Holstein und kam 1813 in Stockholm an. Er folgte Mme de Staël-Holstein nach London, wo er in der schwedischen Botschaft engagiert wurde. Nach dem Tod seiner Mutter befasste sich Auguste mit der Herausgabe ihrer Schriften.
Mit seinem Erfolg als Schriftsteller verband de Staël-Holstein sein Engagement für die Verbesserung der Landwirtschaft. Seit 1807 war er Anhänger der religiösen Erweckungsbewegung „Réveil“ und wurde 1818 Mitglied der „Société biblique protestante de Paris“, zu deren wichtigsten Vertretern er in den Folgejahren zählte. Als politischer Gegner des Menschenhandels mit Sklaven stellte er Aufzeichnungen und Dokumente zusammen und konferierte mit Ministern des Königs.',
'39_beziehung' => 'AWS hatte ein gutes Verhältnis zu Auguste de Staël-Holstein; auch nach dem Tod von Mme de Staël-Holstein wurde AWS wie ein Mitglied der Familie behandelt.',
'39_quellen' => 'WBIS@http://db.saur.de/WBIS/basicSearch.jsf@F167552@
extern@Roger Paulin: August Wilhelm Schlegel. Cosmopolitan of Art and Poetry. Cambridge 2016, S. 594.@',
'39_geburtsort' => array(
'ID' => '171',
'content' => 'Paris',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4044660-8',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_sterbeort' => array(
'ID' => '228',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1027948-9',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'39_dbid' => '117202770',
'39_namevar' => 'Staël-Holstein, August von
Holstein, August von Staël
Stael Holstein, August von
Staël-Holstein, Auguste-Louis de',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
'39_sourcename0' => 'AWS-ap-00ho-0.jpg',
'folders' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Personen',
(int) 1 => 'Personen'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Person',
'_model_title' => 'Person',
'_model_titles' => 'People',
'_url' => ''
$ort = array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-9995',
'GND' => 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/4051602-7'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$werk = array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
'Register' => 'index-12952'
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(),
'textpassagen' => array()
$dzi_imagesDruck = array()
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'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000118.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
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(int) 2 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/414bede3c56ed359f8b853939664333b.jpg.xml',
(int) 3 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/fb7e36feb1218963f519090c1cb18f62.jpg.xml',
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(int) 5 => false,
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LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499
Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193
Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
Warning (2): file_get_contents() [<a href='http://php.net/function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: Filename cannot be empty [APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 50]
file_get_contents - [internal], line ??
RemoteFile::localMirror() - APP/Plugin/CakeFud/Lib/RemoteFile.php, line 50
LettersController::view() - APP/Controller/LettersController.php, line 461
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499
Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193
Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels
Mary Manning war Gouvernante für die Kinder von Charlotte und John Malcolm. Sie wohnte mit den Malcolms in Hyde Hall und hatte somit Kontakt zu einem erlesenen Zirkel. Der Philosoph William Whewell plante sie zu heiraten. Als John Malcolm 1827 nach Bombay zog, begleitete Mary Manning die Familie nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Frankreich. Sie heiratete später den schottischen Physiker Dr. Alexander in Edinburgh. 1848 ist ein Besuch der mittlerweile verwitweten Manning in Herstmonceux im Haus von Augustus William Hare belegt.
Correspondence with August Wilhelm von Schlegel
Mary Manning war eine Gouvernante im Hause John Malcolms, eines Bekannten Schlegels aus Coppet.
Augustus J.C. Hare: The story of my life. Bd. 1. New York 1896, S. 197f.
Digitized Manuscript:
August Wilhelm Schlegel: Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz [Version-04-20]. Datengeber: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27 (Handschrift), hier Digitalisat S. ; https://august-wilhelm-schlegel.de/version-04-20/briefid/2582.
$viewFile = '/var/www/awschlegel/version-04-20/app/View/Letters/view.ctp'
$dataForView = array(
'html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'isaprint' => false,
'isnewtranslation' => true,
'statemsg' => 'betamsg23',
'cittitle' => 'www.august-wilhelm-schlegel.de/briefedigital/briefid/2582',
'description' => 'Mary Manning an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 04.07.1829, London, Bonn',
'adressatort' => 'Bonn <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="http://d-nb.info/gnd/1001909-1">GND</a>',
'absendeort' => 'London <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="http://d-nb.info/gnd/4074335-4">GND</a>',
'date' => '04.07.1829',
'adressat' => array(),
'adrCitation' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'absender' => array(
(int) 3220 => array(
'ID' => '3220',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2013-11-28 12:22:09',
'timelastchg' => '2019-06-14 14:35:39',
'key' => 'AWS-ap-00d4',
'docTyp' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'39_fulltext' => '',
'39_html' => '',
'39_geschlecht' => 'w',
'39_name' => 'Manning, Mary ',
'39_quellen' => 'extern@Augustus J.C. Hare: The story of my life. Bd. 1. New York 1896, S. 197f.@
extern@Laura J. Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends who Transformed Science and Changed the World. Ney York 2011, S.109f.@
extern@John Malcolm: Malcolm. Soldier, Diplomat, Ideologue of British India, Edinburgh 2014.@',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Gouvernante
Mary Manning war Gouvernante für die Kinder von Charlotte und John Malcolm. Sie wohnte mit den Malcolms in Hyde Hall und hatte somit Kontakt zu einem erlesenen Zirkel. Der Philosoph William Whewell plante sie zu heiraten. Als John Malcolm 1827 nach Bombay zog, begleitete Mary Manning die Familie nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Frankreich. Sie heiratete später den schottischen Physiker Dr. Alexander in Edinburgh. 1848 ist ein Besuch der mittlerweile verwitweten Manning in Herstmonceux im Haus von Augustus William Hare belegt.',
'39_gebdatumfrei' => 'um 1800',
'39_toddatumfrei' => 'um 1865',
'39_beziehung' => 'Mary Manning war eine Gouvernante im Hause John Malcolms, eines Bekannten Schlegels aus Coppet.',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
'folders' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'39_plaintext' => '',
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Person',
'_model_title' => 'Person',
'_model_titles' => 'People',
'_url' => ''
'absCitation' => 'Mary Manning',
'percount' => (int) 1,
'notabs' => false,
'tabs' => array(
'text' => array(
'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift',
'exists' => '1'
'manuscript' => array(
'exists' => '1',
'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift'
'parallelview' => array(
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(int) 1 => '1'
'dzi_imagesHand' => array(
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(int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/0c18c2ad945d94cbc64dce1b0d059d35.jpg.xml',
(int) 2 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/414bede3c56ed359f8b853939664333b.jpg.xml',
(int) 3 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/fb7e36feb1218963f519090c1cb18f62.jpg.xml',
(int) 4 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.jpg.xml',
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'dzi_imagesDruck' => array(),
'indexesintext' => array(
'Namen' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 15 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'right' => '',
'left' => 'text',
'handschrift' => array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
'editors' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'druck' => array(),
'docmain' => array(
'ID' => '3710',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2013-12-19 09:01:18',
'timelastchg' => '2019-07-04 10:47:24',
'key' => 'AWS-aw-02gv',
'docTyp' => array(
'name' => 'Brief',
'id' => '36'
'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 15 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
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'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
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'36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation',
'36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch',
'36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser',
'36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation',
'36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau',
'36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2',
'36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation',
'36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3',
'36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation',
'36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger',
'36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation',
'36_datumvon' => 'Datum von',
'36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis',
'36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell',
'36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation',
'36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren',
'36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen',
'36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung',
'36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung',
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'36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift',
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'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)',
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'36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl',
'36_h1format' => 'Format',
'36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten',
'36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung',
'36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen:
Information über den Inhalt',
'36_heditor' => 'Editor/in',
'36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in',
'36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck',
'36_band' => 'KFSA Band',
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'36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle',
'36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus',
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'36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS',
'36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS',
'36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von',
'36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)',
'36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)',
'36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos',
'36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos',
'36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos',
'36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos',
'36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos',
'36_' => '',
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'36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv',
'36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur',
'36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz',
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'36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt',
'36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl',
'36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl',
'36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format',
'36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse',
'36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit',
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'36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit',
'36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos',
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$html = '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>'
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$description = 'Mary Manning an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 04.07.1829, London, Bonn'
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$date = '04.07.1829'
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$adrCitation = 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
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'ID' => '3220',
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'39_name' => 'Manning, Mary ',
'39_quellen' => 'extern@Augustus J.C. Hare: The story of my life. Bd. 1. New York 1896, S. 197f.@
extern@Laura J. Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends who Transformed Science and Changed the World. Ney York 2011, S.109f.@
extern@John Malcolm: Malcolm. Soldier, Diplomat, Ideologue of British India, Edinburgh 2014.@',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Gouvernante
Mary Manning war Gouvernante für die Kinder von Charlotte und John Malcolm. Sie wohnte mit den Malcolms in Hyde Hall und hatte somit Kontakt zu einem erlesenen Zirkel. Der Philosoph William Whewell plante sie zu heiraten. Als John Malcolm 1827 nach Bombay zog, begleitete Mary Manning die Familie nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Frankreich. Sie heiratete später den schottischen Physiker Dr. Alexander in Edinburgh. 1848 ist ein Besuch der mittlerweile verwitweten Manning in Herstmonceux im Haus von Augustus William Hare belegt.',
'39_gebdatumfrei' => 'um 1800',
'39_toddatumfrei' => 'um 1865',
'39_beziehung' => 'Mary Manning war eine Gouvernante im Hause John Malcolms, eines Bekannten Schlegels aus Coppet.',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
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'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
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[maximum depth reached]
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
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'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
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[maximum depth reached]
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(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
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[maximum depth reached]
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'indexID' => '11',
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[maximum depth reached]
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(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
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[maximum depth reached]
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'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
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'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
$right = ''
$left = 'text'
$handschrift = array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
$editors = array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
$druck = array()
$docmain = array(
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'project' => '1',
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4071914-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => 'GND:4004169-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => 'GND:4009351-7',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => 'GND:1027948-9',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => 'GND:213794-X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => 'GND:4020137-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4023996-2',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => 'GND:4471790-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => 'GND:4034750-3',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => 'GND:4044660-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => 'GND:4050868-7',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => 'GND:4051602-7',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von Sir John und Charlotte Malcolm, (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Constant, Benjamin',
'comment' => 'GND:118638475',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => 'GND:1055180052',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => 'GND:119512831',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag, Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; jüngste Tochter von Charlotte Malcolm (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)
Margaret (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)
Catherine Wellesley (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Sohn von John und Charlotte Malcolm',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
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'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => 'GND:118616617',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
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'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => 'GND:117202770',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
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'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => 'GND:118632116',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => '',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
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(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '43746',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '43745',
'title' => 'Von unbekannter Hand',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '43747',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
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'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
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(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '43749',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '43750',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
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(int) 6 => array(
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'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '43752',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '43753',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7463',
'content' => 'Mary Manning',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Manning, Mary',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7125',
'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'content' => 'London',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000083.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 1 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000084.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
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'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000085.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 3 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000086.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 4 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000115.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 5 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000116.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 6 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000117.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 7 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000118.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
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'_descr' => '',
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'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
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$query_id = '67407a8498fa9'
$value = '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
$key = 'Incipit'
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'39_fulltext' => '',
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'39_geschlecht' => 'w',
'39_name' => 'Manning, Mary ',
'39_quellen' => 'extern@Augustus J.C. Hare: The story of my life. Bd. 1. New York 1896, S. 197f.@
extern@Laura J. Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends who Transformed Science and Changed the World. Ney York 2011, S.109f.@
extern@John Malcolm: Malcolm. Soldier, Diplomat, Ideologue of British India, Edinburgh 2014.@',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Gouvernante
Mary Manning war Gouvernante für die Kinder von Charlotte und John Malcolm. Sie wohnte mit den Malcolms in Hyde Hall und hatte somit Kontakt zu einem erlesenen Zirkel. Der Philosoph William Whewell plante sie zu heiraten. Als John Malcolm 1827 nach Bombay zog, begleitete Mary Manning die Familie nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Frankreich. Sie heiratete später den schottischen Physiker Dr. Alexander in Edinburgh. 1848 ist ein Besuch der mittlerweile verwitweten Manning in Herstmonceux im Haus von Augustus William Hare belegt.',
'39_gebdatumfrei' => 'um 1800',
'39_toddatumfrei' => 'um 1865',
'39_beziehung' => 'Mary Manning war eine Gouvernante im Hause John Malcolms, eines Bekannten Schlegels aus Coppet.',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
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$citation = 'Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels [01.04.2020]; Mary Manning an August Wilhelm von Schlegel; 04.07.1829'
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[1]Lady Malcolm 8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street London July 4th 1829 – My dear friend – Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and Lady Malcolm & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety – When we left Godesberg our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it [2] to the utmost. – We spent some days at St Goar, Ehrenbreitsten, Rudesheim, & Heidelberg – the delightful fortnight we gave to Baden – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw Benjamin Constant! – Our friend Mr Hare was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his Cambridge duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who differed from Me on almost every subject, & the children lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to Berne, Lausanne & Geneva – we looked at Copet with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled [3] you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with the Gifted Being who once dwelt at Copet! – The Baroness & her infant son live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of her late husband. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when Lady Malcolm received letters from India containing accounts of Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm) prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jany and travelled to Paris during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed [4] sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to Dugald Stewarts definition of sublimity. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of [5] Sun Moon & lamp – – – Lady Campbell reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of Hyde Hall –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to our friend Mr Hare – Lady Malcolm has the most delightful accounts from Sir John – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must [6] terminate the seperation from his family – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at Bonn & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to Godesberg – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society – Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with Lady Malcolm – her wonder is still undiminished that such an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know our friend Mr Whewell, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead [7] of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust Mr Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits – – Lady Malcolm unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to Dr Lassen and believe Me My dear friend Yours Most sincerely M Manning – [8] [leer]
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$dataForView = array(
'html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'isaprint' => false,
'isnewtranslation' => true,
'statemsg' => 'betamsg23',
'cittitle' => 'www.august-wilhelm-schlegel.de/briefedigital/briefid/2582',
'description' => 'Mary Manning an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 04.07.1829, London, Bonn',
'adressatort' => 'Bonn <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="http://d-nb.info/gnd/1001909-1">GND</a>',
'absendeort' => 'London <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="http://d-nb.info/gnd/4074335-4">GND</a>',
'date' => '04.07.1829',
'adressat' => array(),
'adrCitation' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'absender' => array(
(int) 3220 => array(
'ID' => '3220',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2013-11-28 12:22:09',
'timelastchg' => '2019-06-14 14:35:39',
'key' => 'AWS-ap-00d4',
'docTyp' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'39_fulltext' => '',
'39_html' => '',
'39_geschlecht' => 'w',
'39_name' => 'Manning, Mary ',
'39_quellen' => 'extern@Augustus J.C. Hare: The story of my life. Bd. 1. New York 1896, S. 197f.@
extern@Laura J. Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends who Transformed Science and Changed the World. Ney York 2011, S.109f.@
extern@John Malcolm: Malcolm. Soldier, Diplomat, Ideologue of British India, Edinburgh 2014.@',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Gouvernante
Mary Manning war Gouvernante für die Kinder von Charlotte und John Malcolm. Sie wohnte mit den Malcolms in Hyde Hall und hatte somit Kontakt zu einem erlesenen Zirkel. Der Philosoph William Whewell plante sie zu heiraten. Als John Malcolm 1827 nach Bombay zog, begleitete Mary Manning die Familie nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Frankreich. Sie heiratete später den schottischen Physiker Dr. Alexander in Edinburgh. 1848 ist ein Besuch der mittlerweile verwitweten Manning in Herstmonceux im Haus von Augustus William Hare belegt.',
'39_gebdatumfrei' => 'um 1800',
'39_toddatumfrei' => 'um 1865',
'39_beziehung' => 'Mary Manning war eine Gouvernante im Hause John Malcolms, eines Bekannten Schlegels aus Coppet.',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
'folders' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'39_plaintext' => '',
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
'_model' => 'Person',
'_model_title' => 'Person',
'_model_titles' => 'People',
'_url' => ''
'absCitation' => 'Mary Manning',
'percount' => (int) 1,
'notabs' => false,
'tabs' => array(
'text' => array(
'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift',
'exists' => '1'
'manuscript' => array(
'exists' => '1',
'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift'
'parallelview' => array(
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(int) 1 => '1'
'dzi_imagesHand' => array(
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(int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/0c18c2ad945d94cbc64dce1b0d059d35.jpg.xml',
(int) 2 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/414bede3c56ed359f8b853939664333b.jpg.xml',
(int) 3 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/fb7e36feb1218963f519090c1cb18f62.jpg.xml',
(int) 4 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.jpg.xml',
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'indexesintext' => array(
'Namen' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 15 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'right' => '',
'left' => 'text',
'handschrift' => array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
'editors' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'druck' => array(),
'docmain' => array(
'ID' => '3710',
'project' => '1',
'timecreate' => '2013-12-19 09:01:18',
'timelastchg' => '2019-07-04 10:47:24',
'key' => 'AWS-aw-02gv',
'docTyp' => array(
'name' => 'Brief',
'id' => '36'
'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 9 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 10 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 11 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 12 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 13 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 14 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 15 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'notes' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 8 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 1 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 2 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 3 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 4 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 5 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 6 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
(int) 7 => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'_label' => '',
'_descr' => '',
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'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
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'36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation',
'36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch',
'36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser',
'36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation',
'36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau',
'36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2',
'36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation',
'36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3',
'36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation',
'36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger',
'36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation',
'36_datumvon' => 'Datum von',
'36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis',
'36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell',
'36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation',
'36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren',
'36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen',
'36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung',
'36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung',
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'36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift',
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'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)',
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'36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl',
'36_h1format' => 'Format',
'36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten',
'36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung',
'36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen:
Information über den Inhalt',
'36_heditor' => 'Editor/in',
'36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in',
'36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck',
'36_band' => 'KFSA Band',
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'36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle',
'36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus',
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'36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS',
'36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS',
'36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von',
'36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)',
'36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)',
'36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos',
'36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos',
'36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos',
'36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos',
'36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos',
'36_' => '',
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'36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv',
'36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur',
'36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz',
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'36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt',
'36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl',
'36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl',
'36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format',
'36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse',
'36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit',
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'36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit',
'36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos',
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$html = '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>'
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$description = 'Mary Manning an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 04.07.1829, London, Bonn'
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$date = '04.07.1829'
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$adrCitation = 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
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'ID' => '3220',
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'39_name' => 'Manning, Mary ',
'39_quellen' => 'extern@Augustus J.C. Hare: The story of my life. Bd. 1. New York 1896, S. 197f.@
extern@Laura J. Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends who Transformed Science and Changed the World. Ney York 2011, S.109f.@
extern@John Malcolm: Malcolm. Soldier, Diplomat, Ideologue of British India, Edinburgh 2014.@',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Gouvernante
Mary Manning war Gouvernante für die Kinder von Charlotte und John Malcolm. Sie wohnte mit den Malcolms in Hyde Hall und hatte somit Kontakt zu einem erlesenen Zirkel. Der Philosoph William Whewell plante sie zu heiraten. Als John Malcolm 1827 nach Bombay zog, begleitete Mary Manning die Familie nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Frankreich. Sie heiratete später den schottischen Physiker Dr. Alexander in Edinburgh. 1848 ist ein Besuch der mittlerweile verwitweten Manning in Herstmonceux im Haus von Augustus William Hare belegt.',
'39_gebdatumfrei' => 'um 1800',
'39_toddatumfrei' => 'um 1865',
'39_beziehung' => 'Mary Manning war eine Gouvernante im Hause John Malcolms, eines Bekannten Schlegels aus Coppet.',
'39_status_person' => 'Vollständig',
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'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
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[maximum depth reached]
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'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
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'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
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[maximum depth reached]
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(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
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[maximum depth reached]
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'indexID' => '11',
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[maximum depth reached]
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(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
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[maximum depth reached]
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'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Charlotte',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, John',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Adélaïde de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
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'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Orte' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'Werke' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
$right = ''
$left = 'text'
$handschrift = array(
'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'Format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'Incipit' => '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
$editors = array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione',
(int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
$druck = array()
$docmain = array(
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'project' => '1',
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'index_orte_10' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '990',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bad Godesberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4071914-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '4694',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Baden-Baden',
'comment' => 'GND:4004169-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '226',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bern',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'comment' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '3531',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Cambridge',
'comment' => 'GND:4009351-7',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '228',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Coppet',
'comment' => 'GND:1027948-9',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '9193',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Ehrenbreitstein',
'comment' => 'GND:213794-X',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '280',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Genf',
'comment' => 'GND:4020137-5',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '574',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Heidelberg',
'comment' => 'GND:4023996-2',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '12502',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Hyde Hall (Sawbridgeworth)',
'comment' => 'GND:4471790-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '297',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Lausanne',
'comment' => 'GND:4034750-3',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'London',
'comment' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 12 => array(
'ID' => '171',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Paris',
'comment' => 'GND:4044660-8',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '8936',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Rüdesheim am Rhein',
'comment' => 'GND:4050868-7',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '9995',
'indexID' => '10',
'indexContent' => 'Orte',
'content' => 'Sankt Goar',
'comment' => 'GND:4051602-7',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_personen_11' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12944',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Cockburn-Campbell, Margaret (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von Sir John und Charlotte Malcolm, (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '234',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Constant, Benjamin',
'comment' => 'GND:118638475',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '12943',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Hare, Augustus William',
'comment' => 'GND:1055180052',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 3 => array(
'ID' => '2566',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Lassen, Christian',
'comment' => 'GND:119512831',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '12950',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Anne Amelia',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag, Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '12947',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, Catherine Wellesley ',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; jüngste Tochter von Charlotte Malcolm (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)
Margaret (* 17. Mai 1808; † 6. Februar 1841) ⚭ Sir Alexander Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, (* 1807; † 23. April 1871), ein Vetter
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)
Anne Amelia (* 30. April 1814; † 25. Juli 1873)
Catherine Wellesley (* 30. Oktober 1815; † 24. Mai 1891)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 6 => array(
'ID' => '8729',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '12948',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Malcolm, George Alexander',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Sohn von John und Charlotte Malcolm',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '2619',
'indexID' => '11',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 9 => array(
'ID' => '4739',
'indexID' => '11',
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'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 10 => array(
'ID' => '222',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de',
'comment' => 'GND:118616617',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 11 => array(
'ID' => '268',
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'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis de',
'comment' => 'GND:117202770',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
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'ID' => '12983',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Staë͏̈l-Holstein, Herr (?)',
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'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 13 => array(
'ID' => '12951',
'indexID' => '11',
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'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 14 => array(
'ID' => '12949',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Usedom, Charlotte Olympia von (geb. Malcolm)',
'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag
Tochter von John und Charlotte Malcolm
Charlotte Olympia (* 10. Dezember 1811; † Oktober 1886) ⚭ 8. August 1849 Guido von Usedom (Diplomat) (1805–1884)',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
(int) 15 => array(
'ID' => '9896',
'indexID' => '11',
'indexContent' => 'Personen',
'content' => 'Whewell, William',
'comment' => 'GND:118632116',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached])
'index_werke_12' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '12952',
'indexID' => '12',
'indexContent' => 'Werke',
'content' => 'Stewart, Dugald: On the Sublime',
'comment' => '',
'parentID' => '0',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]),
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(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '43746',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 1 => array(
'ID' => '43745',
'title' => 'Von unbekannter Hand',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 2 => array(
'ID' => '43747',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
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'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
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(int) 4 => array(
'ID' => '43749',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 5 => array(
'ID' => '43750',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
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(int) 6 => array(
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'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 7 => array(
'ID' => '43752',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
(int) 8 => array(
'ID' => '43753',
'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors',
'content' => '',
'content_html' => '',
'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription',
'categoryID' => '8'
'36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-43746 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78804 notice-43745 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier notice-43745 "><br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</span><span class="family-courier "><br></span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-78785 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "> July 4</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78803 ">M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78803 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier "> is hastening to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78786 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> and </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78791 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<br>When we left </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78544 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it </span><span class="family-courier notice-43747 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </span><span class="family-courier index-9995 tp-78545 ">S</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">t</span><span class="index-9995 tp-78545 family-courier "> Goar</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-9193 tp-78292 ">Ehrenbreitsten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-8936 tp-78546 ">Rudesheim</span><span class="family-courier ">, & </span><span class="family-courier index-574 tp-78547 ">Heidelberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – the delightful fortnight we gave to </span><span class="family-courier index-4694 tp-78805 ">Baden</span><span class="family-courier "> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw </span><span class="family-courier index-234 tp-78549 ">Benjamin Constant</span><span class="family-courier ">! – </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78806 ">Our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78806 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his </span><span class="family-courier index-3531 tp-78807 ">Cambridge</span><span class="family-courier "> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </span><span class="family-courier underline-1 ">differed</span><span class="family-courier "> from Me on almost every subject, & </span><span class="family-courier index-12950 tp-78811 index-12947 tp-78808 index-12948 tp-78809 index-12949 tp-78810 ">the children</span><span class="family-courier "> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to </span><span class="family-courier index-226 tp-78550 ">Berne</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-297 tp-78551 ">Lausanne</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-280 tp-78821 ">Geneva</span><span class="family-courier "> – we looked at </span><span class="family-courier index-228 tp-78793 ">Copet</span><span class="family-courier "> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled </span><span class="family-courier notice-43748 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with </span><span class="family-courier index-222 tp-78792 ">the Gifted Being</span><span class="family-courier "> who once dwelt at Copet! – </span><span class="family-courier index-4739 tp-78866 ">The Baroness</span><span class="family-courier "> & </span><span class="family-courier index-12983 tp-78958 ">her infant son</span><span class="family-courier "> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of </span><span class="family-courier index-268 tp-78867 ">her late husband</span><span class="family-courier ">. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78825 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> received letters from India containing accounts of </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78795 ">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</span><span class="family-courier "> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">y</span><span class="family-courier "> and travelled to </span><span class="family-courier index-171 tp-78826 ">Paris</span><span class="family-courier "> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed </span><span class="family-courier notice-43749 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to </span><span class="family-courier index-12951 tp-78827 index-12952 tp-78828 ">Dugald Stewarts</span><span class="family-courier index-12952 tp-78828 "> definition of sublimity</span><span class="family-courier ">. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of </span><span class="family-courier notice-43750 ">[5]</span><span class="family-courier "> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<br></span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78794 ">Lady Campbell</span><span class="family-courier "> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of </span><span class="family-courier index-12502 tp-78796 ">Hyde Hall</span><span class="family-courier "> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </span><span class="family-courier index-12943 tp-78797 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-12943 tp-78797 family-courier "> Hare</span><span class="family-courier "><br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78788 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> has the most delightful accounts from </span><span class="family-courier index-2619 tp-78800 ">Sir John</span><span class="family-courier "> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must </span><span class="family-courier notice-43751 ">[6]</span><span class="family-courier "> terminate the seperation from </span><span class="family-courier index-12944 tp-78834 index-12950 tp-78830 index-12947 tp-78831 index-8729 tp-78829 index-12948 tp-78832 index-12949 tp-78833 ">his family</span><span class="family-courier "> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78798 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier "> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </span><span class="family-courier index-990 tp-78799 ">Godesberg</span><span class="family-courier "> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<br>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78790 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> – her wonder is still undiminished that </span><span class="family-courier overstrike-1 ">such</span><span class="family-courier "> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </span><span class="family-courier index-9896 tp-78802 ">our friend M</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-9896 tp-78802 family-courier "> Whewell</span><span class="family-courier ">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead </span><span class="family-courier notice-43752 ">[7]</span><span class="family-courier "> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="family-courier "> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<br>– </span><span class="family-courier index-8729 tp-78789 ">Lady Malcolm</span><span class="family-courier "> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </span><span class="family-courier index-2566 tp-78835 ">D</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">r</span><span class="index-2566 tp-78835 family-courier "> Lassen</span><span class="family-courier "> and believe Me My dear friend<br>Yours Most sincerely<br>M Manning –<br></span><span class="family-courier notice-43753 ">[8]</span><span class="family-courier "> [leer]</span>',
'36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="43746"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/><placeName key="292">London</placeName> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/></hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> is hastening to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName> and <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <placeName key="990">Godesberg</placeName> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> to the utmost. – We spent some days at </hi><placeName key="9995"><hi rend="family:Courier">S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <placeName key="9193">Ehrenbreitsten</placeName>, <placeName key="8936">Rudesheim</placeName>, & <placeName key="574">Heidelberg</placeName> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <placeName key="4694">Baden</placeName> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <persName key="234">Benjamin Constant</persName>! – </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <placeName key="3531">Cambridge</placeName> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <persName key="12950"><persName key="12947"><persName key="12948"><persName key="12949">the children</persName></persName></persName></persName> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <placeName key="226">Berne</placeName>, <placeName key="297">Lausanne</placeName> & <placeName key="280">Geneva</placeName> – we looked at <placeName key="228">Copet</placeName> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <persName key="222">the Gifted Being</persName> who once dwelt at Copet! – <persName key="4739">The Baroness</persName> & <persName key="12983">her infant son</persName> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <persName key="268">her late husband</persName>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> received letters from India containing accounts of <persName key="12944">Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)</persName> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <placeName key="171">Paris</placeName> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <name key="12952" type="work"><persName key="12951">Dugald Stewarts</persName> definition of sublimity</name>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><persName key="12944">Lady Campbell</persName> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <placeName key="12502">Hyde Hall</placeName> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to </hi><persName key="12943"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"><lb/>– </hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier">Lady Malcolm</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> has the most delightful accounts from </hi><persName key="2619"><hi rend="family:Courier">Sir John</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> terminate the seperation from </hi><persName key="12944"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12950"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12947"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="8729"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12948"><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi><persName key="12949"><hi rend="family:Courier">his family</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"></hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to </hi><placeName key="990"><hi rend="family:Courier">Godesberg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know </hi><persName key="9896"><hi rend="family:Courier">our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <persName key="8729">Lady Malcolm</persName> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to </hi><persName key="2566"><hi rend="family:Courier">D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> [leer]</hi></p>',
'36_xml_standoff' => '<milestone unit="start" n="43746"/><hi rend="family:Courier">[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43746"/> <milestone unit="start" n="43745"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78804"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78804"/><lb/>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Von unbekannter Hand</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43745"/><lb/><anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78785"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78785"/> July 4</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1829 –<lb/>My dear friend –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78803"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78803"/> is hastening to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78786"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78786"/> and <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78791"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78791"/> & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety –<lb/>When we left <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78544"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78544"/> our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it <milestone unit="start" n="43747"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43747"/> to the utmost. – We spent some days at <anchor type="b" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78545"/>S</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">t</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Goar<anchor type="e" n="9995" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78545"/>, <anchor type="b" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78292"/>Ehrenbreitsten<anchor type="e" n="9193" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78292"/>, <anchor type="b" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78546"/>Rudesheim<anchor type="e" n="8936" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78546"/>, & <anchor type="b" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78547"/>Heidelberg<anchor type="e" n="574" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78547"/> – the delightful fortnight we gave to <anchor type="b" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78805"/>Baden<anchor type="e" n="4694" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78805"/> – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw <anchor type="b" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78549"/>Benjamin Constant<anchor type="e" n="234" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78549"/>! – <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78806"/>Our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78806"/> was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his <anchor type="b" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78807"/>Cambridge<anchor type="e" n="3531" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78807"/> duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;underline:1">differed</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> from Me on almost every subject, & <anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78811"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78808"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78809"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78810"/>the children<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78810"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78809"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78808"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78811"/> lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to <anchor type="b" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78550"/>Berne<anchor type="e" n="226" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78550"/>, <anchor type="b" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78551"/>Lausanne<anchor type="e" n="297" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78551"/> & <anchor type="b" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78821"/>Geneva<anchor type="e" n="280" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78821"/> – we looked at <anchor type="b" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78793"/>Copet<anchor type="e" n="228" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78793"/> with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled <milestone unit="start" n="43748"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43748"/> you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with <anchor type="b" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78792"/>the Gifted Being<anchor type="e" n="222" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78792"/> who once dwelt at Copet! – <anchor type="b" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78866"/>The Baroness<anchor type="e" n="4739" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78866"/> & <anchor type="b" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78958"/>her infant son<anchor type="e" n="12983" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78958"/> live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of <anchor type="b" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78867"/>her late husband<anchor type="e" n="268" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78867"/>. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78825"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78825"/> received letters from India containing accounts of <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78795"/>Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm)<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78795"/> prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jan</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">y</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> and travelled to <anchor type="b" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78826"/>Paris<anchor type="e" n="171" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78826"/> during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed <milestone unit="start" n="43749"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43749"/> sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to <anchor type="b" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidB78828"/><anchor type="b" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78827"/>Dugald Stewarts<anchor type="e" n="12951" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78827"/> definition of sublimity<anchor type="e" n="12952" ana="12" xml:id="NidE78828"/>. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of <milestone unit="start" n="43750"/>[5]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43750"/> Sun Moon & lamp – – –<lb/><anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78794"/>Lady Campbell<anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78794"/> reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of <anchor type="b" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78796"/>Hyde Hall<anchor type="e" n="12502" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78796"/> –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to <anchor type="b" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78797"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Hare<anchor type="e" n="12943" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78797"/><lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78788"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78788"/> has the most delightful accounts from <anchor type="b" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78800"/>Sir John<anchor type="e" n="2619" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78800"/> – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must <milestone unit="start" n="43751"/>[6]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43751"/> terminate the seperation from <anchor type="b" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78834"/><anchor type="b" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78830"/><anchor type="b" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78831"/><anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78829"/><anchor type="b" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78832"/><anchor type="b" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78833"/>his family<anchor type="e" n="12949" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78833"/><anchor type="e" n="12948" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78832"/><anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78829"/><anchor type="e" n="12947" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78831"/><anchor type="e" n="12950" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78830"/><anchor type="e" n="12944" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78834"/> – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78798"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78798"/> & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to <anchor type="b" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78799"/>Godesberg<anchor type="e" n="990" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78799"/> – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society –<lb/>Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78790"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78790"/> – her wonder is still undiminished that </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;overstrike:1">such</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know <anchor type="b" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78802"/>our friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell<anchor type="e" n="9896" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78802"/>, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead <milestone unit="start" n="43752"/>[7]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43752"/> of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits –<lb/>– <anchor type="b" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78789"/>Lady Malcolm<anchor type="e" n="8729" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78789"/> unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to <anchor type="b" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78835"/>D</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Lassen<anchor type="e" n="2566" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78835"/> and believe Me My dear friend<lb/>Yours Most sincerely<lb/>M Manning –<lb/><milestone unit="start" n="43753"/>[8]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="43753"/> [leer]</hi>',
'36_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7463',
'content' => 'Mary Manning',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Manning, Mary',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '7125',
'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel',
'bemerkung' => '',
'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von',
'LmAdd' => array(
[maximum depth reached]
'36_datumvon' => '1829-07-04',
'36_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '292',
'content' => 'London',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:4074335-4',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-34292',
'36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.20 und 27',
'36_h1zahl' => '7 S. auf 2 Doppelbl., hs. m. U.',
'36_h1format' => '22,6 x 17,8 cm',
'36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1947061',
'36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,S.83-86 und S.115-118',
'36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.',
'36_heditor' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bürger, Thomas',
(int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione'
'36_hredaktion' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia'
'36_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'ID' => '887',
'content' => 'Bonn',
'bemerkung' => 'GND:1001909-1',
'altBegriff' => '',
'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached])
'36_purl_web' => '2582',
'36_Link_Hand' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000083.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 1 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000084.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
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'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000085.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 3 => array(
'url_image_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000086.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 4 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000115.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 5 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000116.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 6 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000117.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
(int) 7 => array(
'url_titel_hand' => 'https://digital.slub-dresden.de/data/kitodo/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15/AWvS_DE-1a-34292_Bd.15_tif/jpegs/00000118.tif.original.jpg',
'subID' => '144'
'36_Datum' => '1829-07-04',
'36_facet_absender' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
'36_facet_absender_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Manning, Mary'
'36_facet_adressat' => array(
(int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel'
'36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von'
'36_facet_absenderort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'London'
'36_facet_adressatort' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Bonn'
'36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert',
'36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek',
'36_facet_sprache' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Englisch'
'36_facet_korrespondenten' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Mary Manning'
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'_descr' => '',
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'_model_title' => 'Letter',
'_model_titles' => 'Letters',
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$value = '„[1] Lady Malcolm<br>8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street<br>London July 4th 1829 –<br>My dear friend –<br>Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and [...]“'
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'39_name' => 'Manning, Mary ',
'39_quellen' => 'extern@Augustus J.C. Hare: The story of my life. Bd. 1. New York 1896, S. 197f.@
extern@Laura J. Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends who Transformed Science and Changed the World. Ney York 2011, S.109f.@
extern@John Malcolm: Malcolm. Soldier, Diplomat, Ideologue of British India, Edinburgh 2014.@',
'39_lebenwirken' => 'Gouvernante
Mary Manning war Gouvernante für die Kinder von Charlotte und John Malcolm. Sie wohnte mit den Malcolms in Hyde Hall und hatte somit Kontakt zu einem erlesenen Zirkel. Der Philosoph William Whewell plante sie zu heiraten. Als John Malcolm 1827 nach Bombay zog, begleitete Mary Manning die Familie nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Frankreich. Sie heiratete später den schottischen Physiker Dr. Alexander in Edinburgh. 1848 ist ein Besuch der mittlerweile verwitweten Manning in Herstmonceux im Haus von Augustus William Hare belegt.',
'39_gebdatumfrei' => 'um 1800',
'39_toddatumfrei' => 'um 1865',
'39_beziehung' => 'Mary Manning war eine Gouvernante im Hause John Malcolms, eines Bekannten Schlegels aus Coppet.',
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[1]Lady Malcolm 8 Hereford Street. Oxford Street London July 4th 1829 – My dear friend – Mr Whewell is hastening to Bonn and Lady Malcolm & myself cannot allow him to depart without entreating that he will bear to you our most affectionate remembrances – Can it be that a year is gone since we were with you! – A year that has borne to us much of change and painful anxiety – When we left Godesberg our aim was Italy – We were enchanted by the scenery of the Rhine; – the weather was very fine and we enjoyed it [2] to the utmost. – We spent some days at St Goar, Ehrenbreitsten, Rudesheim, & Heidelberg – the delightful fortnight we gave to Baden – that region of dark woods and silvery mists, – where we tasted Kirchen Wasser & saw Benjamin Constant! – Our friend Mr Hare was compelled to leave us at Baden to return to his Cambridge duties & his departure caused a blank to us all. – I lost the society of a friend who differed from Me on almost every subject, & the children lamented the absence of the kind Companion of their rambles – I must not weary you with a history of our progress – only hint that we did pass through the beauteous Vale of Kinzig & thence to Berne, Lausanne & Geneva – we looked at Copet with deep interest, – the sight of it recalled [3] you also to our thoughts – associated as you are in our minds with the Gifted Being who once dwelt at Copet! – The Baroness & her infant son live there in unbroken retirement. – She is said to be preparing a Memoir of her late husband. – We remained some weeks near Geneva & were on the very eve of setting out for Italy when Lady Malcolm received letters from India containing accounts of Lady Campbell’s (formerly Miss Malcolm) prolonged illness, – which rendered her immediate return to England absolutely necessary. – Lady Malcolm instantly decided to hasten home to receive her daughter – She left Geneva the beginning of Jany and travelled to Paris during a deep fall of snow: – assuredly there seemed [4] sufficient danger to render the scene sublime, even according to Dugald Stewarts definition of sublimity. – I speak not of our hairbreadth escapes, – still less shall I mention the minor horrors of our winter journey. – Green firewood, damp sheets, doors and windows ingeniously contrived to give free currency to the winds of Heaven. & Chimneys which instead of receiving smoke showed their disgust by throwing it on our faces – We were detained nearly a month at Paris by the illness of Lady Malcolm – during our stay I did not once leave her sick room, and of course I did not see one of the many sights I expected to see at Paris. – Our Hotel was on the Place Vendome & I had full leisure to contemplate the Trajan Pillar under every light of [5] Sun Moon & lamp – – – Lady Campbell reached England two months ago – in a state of extreme debility – She is already stronger & I trust the change of climate & the medical skill of the physicians here may soon restore her to health – Lady Campbell begs to have a place in your recollections of Hyde Hall –. She looks forward with delight to the probability of visiting Germany next summer – if her health admit of that pleasure – Lady Campbell owes her knowledge of the German language & her interest in German literature to our friend Mr Hare – Lady Malcolm has the most delightful accounts from Sir John – His health and spirits are excellent – but he thinks this year must [6] terminate the seperation from his family – he sighs for his own home – And I trust next year will restore him to us – – We often talk of you – often revert to the pleasant day we spent at Bonn & to the pleasure we enjoyed in your visits to Godesberg – I often wish that we may again have the gratification of your society – Your carriage & favorite horses are still a theme with Lady Malcolm – her wonder is still undiminished that such an equipage so well appointed should exist in – Germany – You already know our friend Mr Whewell, but I am sure you will be delighted by increasing knowledge of him – How much I should like to be present at some of your conversations – It is very vexatious that he did not go up the Rhine last summer instead [7] of this – I am going to spend this summer and next winter in Scotland amidst My native mountains – I trust Mr Whewell will bring us pleasant tidings of your health & pursuits – – Lady Malcolm unites with me in every kind wish – Pray offer our best remembrances to Dr Lassen and believe Me My dear friend Yours Most sincerely M Manning – [8] [leer]
Norwegischer Indologe, Philologe
Christian Lassen war der Sohn des Rechtsgelehrten Nicolai Christian Vendelboe Lassen. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters zog er 1819 zu seiner Schwester in das damals zu Dänemark gehörende Altona. 1822 begann er ein Studium in Heidelberg, später wechselte er nach Bonn. Dort führte ihn August Wilhelm Schlegel in die Indologie ein. Mit einem preußischen Stipendium lebte er von 1824–1826 in Paris und London, wo er mit der Abschrift indischer Handschriften betraut war. Gemeinsam mit Eugène Burnouf publizierte er den „Essai sur le Pali“ (1826). 1827 erfolgte die Promotion in Bonn mit der Dissertation „Commentatio geographica atque historica de Pentapotamia Indica“. Anschließend war er ab 1830 als außerordentlicher Professor an der Universität Bonn tätig. 1840 wurde er zum ordentlichen Professor für altindische Sprache und Literatur ernannt.
Lassen übersetzte und edierte die Sānkhyakārikas (1832) und gab die Sanskritdichtung Gītagovinda heraus (1836). Seine Praktik-Grammatik „Institutiones linguae pracriticae“ (1837) wurde zum Standardwerk. Sein Monumentalwerk „Indische Altertumskunde“ (1847) erschien in vier Bänden und gilt als wegweisend für die altindische Philologie und Altertumskunde. Lassen begründete zudem die „Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes“.
Correspondence with August Wilhelm von Schlegel
Christian Lassen war ein Schüler und Protegé Schlegels. Auf Betreiben Schlegels wurde Lassen Stipendiat des preußischen Kultusministeriums. Lassen war Mitarbeiter bei der von August Wilhelm Schlegel geplanten Ausgabe des „Rāmāyana“. Er kollationierte und sammelte die indischen Handschriften. August Wilhelm Schlegel unterstützte Lassens weitere akademische Karriere, die Berufung nach Bonn gelang auch auf Betreiben Schlegels. Mit August Wilhelm Schlegel edierte Lassen den „Hitopadeśa“ (1829 u. 1831).
Malcolm, Isabelle Charlotte
Campbell, Charlotte (Geburtsname)
Life and Work of the Correspondence Partners
Ehefrau John Malcolms
Charlotte Malcom war die Tochter des britischen Leutnants Sir Alexander Campbell. Sie wuchs in Cornwall auf. 1807 heiratete sie den britischen Soldaten und Diplomaten John Malcolm. Ihrem Gatten folgte sie an die Wirkungsorte Bombay und Madras. In der britischen Heimat bezog sie in der Nähe von Sawbridgeworth mit ihren Kindern das Anwesen Hyde Hall.
Correspondence with August Wilhelm von Schlegel
Lady Malcolm und Schlegel lernten sich 1823 in London kennen. 1828 weilte sie in Bad Godesberg und traf sich mit AWS.
John Malcolm: Malcolm. Soldier, Diplomat, Ideologue of British India, Edinburgh 2014.
Diplomat, Schriftsteller
In den Diensten der East India Company ging Malcolm 1782 nach Madras. Er arbeitete für die Armee als Übersetzer für Persisch und wurde 1799 Mitglied der Kommission der Siedlung Mysore. Lord Wellesley schickte Malcolm von 1799 bis 1801 als Sondergesandten nach Persien. Der Ausbruch des Mahratta-Kriegs im Jahr 1803 gefährdete die britische Kolonialherrschaft. Malcolm gelang es, entscheidende Verträge auszuarbeiten, auf deren Grundlage der Frieden von Sirji Anjengaum und Burhanpur geschlossen wurde. In den Folgejahren war er weiterhin in politisch-diplomatischen Verhandlungen der Kolonialregierung eingebunden. Er verfasste zudem die Schriften „Sketch of the Political History of India“ (1811) und „History of Persia“ (1815).
Als politischer Agent beriet er die Führung des britischen Militärs auch während des dritten Mahratta-Kriegs 1817–1818. 1822 kehrte er nach England zurück, 1827–1830 war er Gouverneur von Bombay.
Correspondence with August Wilhelm von Schlegel
AWS besuchte John Malcolm 1823 in London. Auch während Malcolm Gouverneur in Indien war, hielt der Kontakt an. Malcolm sandte AWS eine Version des Rāmāyana.
GND WBIS unter der Dokumentnummer B114698, Fundstelle:
Adélaїde de Staël-Holstein war die Tochter des Theologen Isaac Vernet. 1827 heiratete sie Auguste Louis de Staël-Holstein.
Correspondence with August Wilhelm von Schlegel
AWS kannte Adélaїdes Vater aus Coppet. Ihren Ehemann Auguste unterrichtete er als Hauslehrer der Familie de Staël. Auch nach dem Tode Augustes hielt AWS den Kontakt zu Adélaїde.
GND Maria Fairweather: Madame de Stael. London 2005, S. 470.
Germaine de Staël-Holstein war die Tochter des späteren französischen Finanzministers Jacques Necker und Suzanne Curchods. Sie heiratete 1786 den schwedischen Diplomaten Erik Magnus von Staël-Holstein in Paris. Die Eheleute lebten von Anfang an getrennt. Zu ihren ersten Veröffentlichungen zählten die „Lettres sur les ecrits et le charactère de J.-J. Rousseau“, die 1788 erschienen. Neben der Tätigkeit als Schriftstellerin wurde Germaine de Staël-Holstein als einflussreiche Salonnière berühmt. Unter ihrem politischen Einfluss stand u.a. Benjamin Constant, mit dem sie eine langjährige Beziehung führte und der der Vater ihrer Tochter Albertine war. Ihr politischer Liberalismus und die Befürwortung einer konstitutionellen Monarchie führten 1792 zu ihrer Verbannung ins schweizerische Exil. Gemeinsam mit ihren Kindern bezog sie Schloss Coppet am Genfer See, das nun zum Treffpunkt Intellektueller und Künstler ganz Europas avancierte. Nur selten war der Schriftstellerin der Aufenthalt in Frankreich gestattet. Während ausgedehnter Reisen in den Folgejahren nach Deutschland (1803/04 und 1808) und Italien (1805) war sie zumeist in Begleitung ihres Freundes und Hauslehrers AWS sowie Benjamin Constants. Großen Erfolg hatte sie mit ihrem Werk „De LʼAllemagne“ (1810) sowie mit ihrem Roman „Corinne ou LʼItalie“ (1807) und politischen Schriften. Die Verfolgung durch die französische Regierung veranlasste Germaine de Staël-Holstein am 23. Mai 1812 zur Flucht über die Schweiz nach Österreich, Russland und schließlich Schweden. Anschließend hielten sie sich von 1813 bis 1814 in London auf. Nach der Rückkehr in die Schweiz heiratete de Staël-Holstein 1816 den Vater ihres jüngsten Kindes, John Rocca.
Correspondence with August Wilhelm von Schlegel
AWS machte gegen Ende des Jahres 1804 in Berlin die persönliche Bekanntschaft mit Germaine de Staël-Holstein. Als Hauslehrer ihrer Kinder gehörte er zum Coppeter Zirkel. Er begleitete Mme de Staël-Holstein auf ihren zahlreichen Reisen und war auch als ihr Berater im Hinblick auf die deutsche Literatur tätig; sein wichtiger Anteil an ihrem bedeutendsten Werk „De LʼAllemagne“ (1810) ist heute unbestritten. Auch Friedrich von Schlegel gehörte zu den zahlreichen Gästen auf Schloss Coppet. In Zeiten des politischen Umbruches begleitete AWS die Familie de Staël-Holstein durch Europa. Den Kindern Mme de Staël-Holsteins blieb AWS auch nach ihrem Tod verbunden. In ihrem Testament übertrug Germaine de Staël-Holstein die posthume Veröffentlichung ihrer „Considérations“ AWS.
GND WBIS unter der Dokumentnummer D834-624-6, Fundstelle:
Staël-Holstein, August von
Holstein, August von Staël
Stael Holstein, August von
Staël-Holstein, Auguste-Louis de
Life and Work of the Correspondence Partners
Literat, Philanthrop
Auguste de Staël-Holstein war der Sohn von Magnus de Staël-Holstein und Germaine de Staël. Aufgrund der Verbannung seiner Mutter wuchs Auguste Louis seit 1792 auf Schloss Coppet in der Schweiz auf und erhielt dort seine Erziehung durch Verwandte und seit 1804 durch seinen Hauslehrer AWS. Er begleitete Mme de Staël-Holstein an verschiedene Wirkungsorte. Sein Besuch der École polytechnique in Paris wurde durch Napoleon blockiert. 1812 floh er aus Frankreich, wählte aber eine andere Route als Albertine und Mme de Staël-Holstein und kam 1813 in Stockholm an. Er folgte Mme de Staël-Holstein nach London, wo er in der schwedischen Botschaft engagiert wurde. Nach dem Tod seiner Mutter befasste sich Auguste mit der Herausgabe ihrer Schriften.
Mit seinem Erfolg als Schriftsteller verband de Staël-Holstein sein Engagement für die Verbesserung der Landwirtschaft. Seit 1807 war er Anhänger der religiösen Erweckungsbewegung „Réveil“ und wurde 1818 Mitglied der „Société biblique protestante de Paris“, zu deren wichtigsten Vertretern er in den Folgejahren zählte. Als politischer Gegner des Menschenhandels mit Sklaven stellte er Aufzeichnungen und Dokumente zusammen und konferierte mit Ministern des Königs.
Correspondence with August Wilhelm von Schlegel
AWS hatte ein gutes Verhältnis zu Auguste de Staël-Holstein; auch nach dem Tod von Mme de Staël-Holstein wurde AWS wie ein Mitglied der Familie behandelt.
GND WBIS unter der Dokumentnummer F167552, Fundstelle: