• Henry Dawkins an August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Absendeort: London · Empfangsort: Bonn · Datum: 04.07.1826
Editionsstatus: Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert
  • Absender: Henry Dawkins
  • Empfänger: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Absendeort: London
  • Empfangsort: Bonn
  • Datum: 04.07.1826
  • Anmerkung: Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Datengeber: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-34336
  • Signatur: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.29,Nr.7
  • Blatt-/Seitenzahl: 3S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U. u. Adresse
  • Format: 24,5 x 20 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] Office of Woods & Forests
    White Hall Place
    July 4th 1826
    My Dear Sir
    It is with sincere regret that I find myself [...]“
  • Englisch
    Editorische Bearbeitung
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] Office of Woods & Forests
White Hall P
July 4
th 1826
My Dear Sir
It is with sincere regret that I find myself obliged to limit the time of
my sons Continuance under your highly valuable superintendance, to the Close of the present term which will I think be at the end of this month. I find it expedient that he should be a few months with a Gentleman residing near Provins 60 miles South of Paris to perfect make himself master of the french language. and I hope afterwards, should he not gain his appointment, at that time, to be able to attend to your advice in sending him into Germany. but upon quitting Bonn I cannot resist indulging him, and ourselves by having him for one month at home and I calculate that by doing so, he will pass four months in France before 1827 I write to him to this effect by this Post, and I shall be more Confident in the propriety of the measure if I am fortunate enough to receive your approval of it. You will add [2] my dear Sir to the Obligation under which I already Consider myself by letting me know which Places, of Berlin, Dresden, or Weimar, ought in your opinion to be my choice, seeking as I shall be for a Séjour for Clinton, that shall Combine the means of study, with the benefit of good Society, and with the least temptation to dissipation and vice. I trust I may not be trespassing too far upon your goodness, to solicit your advice upon this, and upon every other point which the interest you have kindly taken in my son may induce you to wish him to obxxxx and also that you will indulge him me by naming any particular branch of study which from the observations you will have made of his powers, and qualifications you think it most necessary he should attend to. If my dear Sir you should have knowledge of any of the Professors residing in the Town of Provins, who you would prefer recommend my son to profit by, pray have the kindness to name them.
[3] I think it maybe agreable to my son to take a route for his return home, that may enable him to see an interesting part of Holland. any suggestion that you will be so kind to make to him, he will gladly attend to. and you will have the goodness to remit me your Account of every expence including what he will require for his travelling expences. your draft for which will be duly attended to. I beg to repeat the high sum I entertain of my sons good fortune in having obtained your kind and important assistance to a[ssure] you of my grateful thanks for the friendly and unremitting attention you have bestowed upon him. and to express my earnest hope that his future Career may bear good testimony of the excellence of his guardian thru’ one very essential period of his life. I have the honor to be Dear Sir,
Your very sincerely obliged
and faithful humble Ser
[4] A Monr Monr
Le Chevalier de Schlegel
[1] répondu le 13 Juillet 26
[1] Office of Woods & Forests
White Hall P
July 4
th 1826
My Dear Sir
It is with sincere regret that I find myself obliged to limit the time of
my sons Continuance under your highly valuable superintendance, to the Close of the present term which will I think be at the end of this month. I find it expedient that he should be a few months with a Gentleman residing near Provins 60 miles South of Paris to perfect make himself master of the french language. and I hope afterwards, should he not gain his appointment, at that time, to be able to attend to your advice in sending him into Germany. but upon quitting Bonn I cannot resist indulging him, and ourselves by having him for one month at home and I calculate that by doing so, he will pass four months in France before 1827 I write to him to this effect by this Post, and I shall be more Confident in the propriety of the measure if I am fortunate enough to receive your approval of it. You will add [2] my dear Sir to the Obligation under which I already Consider myself by letting me know which Places, of Berlin, Dresden, or Weimar, ought in your opinion to be my choice, seeking as I shall be for a Séjour for Clinton, that shall Combine the means of study, with the benefit of good Society, and with the least temptation to dissipation and vice. I trust I may not be trespassing too far upon your goodness, to solicit your advice upon this, and upon every other point which the interest you have kindly taken in my son may induce you to wish him to obxxxx and also that you will indulge him me by naming any particular branch of study which from the observations you will have made of his powers, and qualifications you think it most necessary he should attend to. If my dear Sir you should have knowledge of any of the Professors residing in the Town of Provins, who you would prefer recommend my son to profit by, pray have the kindness to name them.
[3] I think it maybe agreable to my son to take a route for his return home, that may enable him to see an interesting part of Holland. any suggestion that you will be so kind to make to him, he will gladly attend to. and you will have the goodness to remit me your Account of every expence including what he will require for his travelling expences. your draft for which will be duly attended to. I beg to repeat the high sum I entertain of my sons good fortune in having obtained your kind and important assistance to a[ssure] you of my grateful thanks for the friendly and unremitting attention you have bestowed upon him. and to express my earnest hope that his future Career may bear good testimony of the excellence of his guardian thru’ one very essential period of his life. I have the honor to be Dear Sir,
Your very sincerely obliged
and faithful humble Ser
[4] A Monr Monr
Le Chevalier de Schlegel
[1] répondu le 13 Juillet 26