Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 360]
Code Context
/version-04-20/letters/view/4074" data-language=""></ul>
<div id="zoomImage1" style="height:695px" class="open-sea-dragon" data-src="<?php echo $this->Html->url($dzi_imagesDruck[0]) ?>" data-language="<?=$this->Session->read('Config.language')?>"></div>
$viewFile = '/var/www/awschlegel/version-04-20/app/View/Letters/view.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-24074 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-9606 tp-63028 ">Athenaum</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-63023 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "><br>July 27.</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1836<br>My dear Sir<br>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-63024 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary </span><span class="family-courier notice-24075 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <br>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be </span><span class="family-courier notice-24076 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> induced to read in that language </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 ">the Life of </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 index-9604 tp-63026 ">Sir William Temple</span><span class="family-courier ">. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78123 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by </span><span class="family-courier index-12828 tp-78125 ">my friend M</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">rs</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier "> Wilson Patten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-12827 tp-78124 ">whose daughter</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier notice-24077 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> married my relative </span><span class="family-courier index-9605 tp-63027 ">Sir John Yarde Buller</span><span class="family-courier ">, Member of </span><span class="family-courier index-6669 tp-78126 ">Parliament</span><span class="family-courier "> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<br>Believe me<br>my dear Sir<br>very truly Yours<br>ThoPenCourtenay<br><br>Professor Schlegel</span>', 'isaprint' => false, 'isnewtranslation' => true, 'statemsg' => 'betamsg23', 'cittitle' => '', 'description' => 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 27.07.1836, London, Bonn', 'adressatort' => 'Bonn <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>', 'absendeort' => 'London <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>', 'date' => '27.07.1836', 'adressat' => array(), 'adrCitation' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel', 'absender' => array( (int) 1532 => array( 'ID' => '1532', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-04-22 14:31:51', 'timelastchg' => '2019-05-10 19:51:45', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-006k', 'docTyp' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), '39_fulltext' => '', '39_html' => '', '39_toddatumfrei' => '1842 (andersl.)', '39_sterbeort' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_name' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine', '39_gebdatum' => '1782-05-31', '39_toddatum' => '1841-07-08', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '133121615 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@ Wikipedia@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Politiker, Rechtsanwalt Thomas Peregrine Courtenay erhielt seine Ausbildung zum Anwalt in Westminster und wirkte später in London. Seit dem Jahr 1810 vertrat er Totness im englischen Parlament und arbeitete zwei Jahre darauf, 1812, als Sekretär des Board of Control. Er diente während der Amtszeit des Ministerpräsidenten Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, als Vize-Präsident der Londoner Handelskammer. Zudem übertrug man ihm als Kommissar die Zuständigkeit für den Handel mit Indien. Zu seinen politischen Schriften zählen „Observations on the American Treaty“ (1803) und „View of the State of the Nation“ (1811). Außerdem verfasste er einen Kommentar zu den historischen Dramen William Shakespeares, der unter dem Titel „Commentaries on the historical plays of Shakespeare“ im Jahr 1840 in zwei Bänden erschien.', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_sekliteraturognd' => '', '39_werke' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine: Observation on the American Treaty. Being a continuation of the letters of Deeius. 8 Bde. 1808.', '39_beziehung' => 'Courtenay und AWS kannten sich wahrscheinlich aus London. AWS beherbergte Freunde Courtenays in Bonn. Courtenay sandte AWS seine Schrift „Memoirs of the Life, Works and Correspondence of Sir William Temple“ (1836).', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), '39_plaintext' => '', '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) ), 'absCitation' => 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay', 'percount' => (int) 1, 'notabs' => false, 'tabs' => array( 'text' => array( 'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift', 'exists' => '1' ), 'manuscript' => array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) ), 'parallelview' => array( (int) 0 => '1', (int) 1 => '1' ), 'dzi_imagesHand' => array( (int) 0 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/4951625cf3b818d274f8df341bb4ece5.jpg.xml', (int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/f1df1f0c2e3b10975f74285183632bc0.jpg.xml', (int) 2 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/11ad74fddd91142c68068f2790660be7.jpg.xml', (int) 3 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/a011ff4f09db505c90d6d7127f6c1fad.jpg.xml' ), 'dzi_imagesDruck' => array(), 'indexesintext' => array( 'Namen' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Körperschaften' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Orte' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Werke' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'right' => '', 'left' => 'text', 'handschrift' => array( 'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', 'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-33441', 'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,Nr.5', 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '4S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', 'Format' => '18,4 x 11,3 cm', 'Incipit' => '„[1] Athenaum, London<br>July 1836<br>My dear Sir<br>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of [...]“' ), 'editors' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia', (int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione', (int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), 'druck' => array(), 'docmain' => array( 'ID' => '4074', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-12-19 09:32:19', 'timelastchg' => '2019-06-25 11:53:03', 'key' => 'AWS-aw-02qz', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Brief', 'id' => '36' ), 'index_koerperschaften_15' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_orte_10' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_werke_12' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_personen_11' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'notes' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-24074 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-9606 tp-63028 ">Athenaum</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-63023 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "><br>July 27.</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1836<br>My dear Sir<br>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-63024 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary </span><span class="family-courier notice-24075 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <br>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be </span><span class="family-courier notice-24076 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> induced to read in that language </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 ">the Life of </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 index-9604 tp-63026 ">Sir William Temple</span><span class="family-courier ">. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78123 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by </span><span class="family-courier index-12828 tp-78125 ">my friend M</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">rs</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier "> Wilson Patten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-12827 tp-78124 ">whose daughter</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier notice-24077 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> married my relative </span><span class="family-courier index-9605 tp-63027 ">Sir John Yarde Buller</span><span class="family-courier ">, Member of </span><span class="family-courier index-6669 tp-78126 ">Parliament</span><span class="family-courier "> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<br>Believe me<br>my dear Sir<br>very truly Yours<br>ThoPenCourtenay<br><br>Professor Schlegel</span>', '36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="24074"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24074"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <orgName key="9606">Athenaum</orgName>, <placeName key="292">London</placeName><lb/>July 27.</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1836<lb/>My dear Sir<lb/>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary <milestone unit="start" n="24075"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24075"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <lb/>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be <milestone unit="start" n="24076"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24076"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> induced to read in that language <name key="9603" type="work">the Life of <persName key="9604">Sir William Temple</persName></name>. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName>, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by </hi><persName key="12828"><hi rend="family:Courier">my friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">rs</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Wilson Patten</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <persName key="12827">whose daughter</persName> <milestone unit="start" n="24077"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24077"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> married my relative <persName key="9605">Sir John Yarde Buller</persName>, Member of <orgName key="6669">Parliament</orgName> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<lb/>Believe me<lb/>my dear Sir<lb/>very truly Yours<lb/>ThoPenCourtenay<lb/><lb/>Professor Schlegel</hi></p>', '36_xml_standoff' => '<hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="24074"/>[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24074"/> <anchor type="b" n="9606" ana="15" xml:id="NidB63028"/>Athenaum<anchor type="e" n="9606" ana="15" xml:id="NidE63028"/>, <anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB63023"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE63023"/><lb/>July 27.</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1836<lb/>My dear Sir<lb/>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB63024"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE63024"/>: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary <milestone unit="start" n="24075"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24075"/> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <lb/>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be <milestone unit="start" n="24076"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24076"/> induced to read in that language <anchor type="b" n="9603" ana="12" xml:id="NidB63025"/>the Life of <anchor type="b" n="9604" ana="11" xml:id="NidB63026"/>Sir William Temple<anchor type="e" n="9604" ana="11" xml:id="NidE63026"/><anchor type="e" n="9603" ana="12" xml:id="NidE63025"/>. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78123"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78123"/>, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by <anchor type="b" n="12828" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78125"/>my friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">rs</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Wilson Patten<anchor type="e" n="12828" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78125"/>, <anchor type="b" n="12827" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78124"/>whose daughter<anchor type="e" n="12827" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78124"/> <milestone unit="start" n="24077"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24077"/> married my relative <anchor type="b" n="9605" ana="11" xml:id="NidB63027"/>Sir John Yarde Buller<anchor type="e" n="9605" ana="11" xml:id="NidE63027"/>, Member of <anchor type="b" n="6669" ana="15" xml:id="NidB78126"/>Parliament<anchor type="e" n="6669" ana="15" xml:id="NidE78126"/> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<lb/>Believe me<lb/>my dear Sir<lb/>very truly Yours<lb/>ThoPenCourtenay<lb/><lb/>Professor Schlegel</hi>', '36_heditor' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia' ), '36_hredaktion' => array( (int) 0 => 'Cook, Hermione', (int) 1 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), '36_absender' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_datumvon' => '1836-07-27', '36_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-33441', '36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,Nr.5', '36_h1zahl' => '4S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', '36_h1format' => '18,4 x 11,3 cm', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1877495', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,S.19-22', '36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.', '36_purl_web' => '2593', '36_Link_Hand' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_Datum' => '1836-07-27', '36_facet_absender' => array( (int) 0 => 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay' ), '36_facet_absender_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine' ), '36_facet_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' ), '36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von' ), '36_facet_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => 'London' ), '36_facet_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bonn' ), '36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_facet_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_facet_korrespondenten' => array( (int) 0 => 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Letter', '_model_title' => 'Letter', '_model_titles' => 'Letters', '_url' => '' ), 'doctype_name' => 'Letters', 'captions' => array( '36_dummy' => '', '36_absender' => 'Absender/Verfasser', '36_absverif1' => 'Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absender2' => 'Verfasser 2', '36_absverif2' => 'Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp2' => 'Verfasser 2 Brieftyp', '36_absender3' => 'Verfasser 3', '36_absverif3' => 'Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp3' => 'Verfasser 3 Brieftyp', '36_adressat' => 'Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrverif1' => 'Empfänger Verifikation', '36_adressat2' => 'Empfänger 2', '36_adrverif2' => 'Empfänger 2 Verifikation', '36_adressat3' => 'Empfänger 3', '36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch', '36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser', '36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau', '36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2', '36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3', '36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation', '36_datumvon' => 'Datum von', '36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis', '36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell', '36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation', '36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren', '36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen', '36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung', '36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung', '36_typ' => 'Brieftyp', '36_briefid' => 'Brief Identifier', '36_purl_web' => 'PURL web', '36_status' => 'Bearbeitungsstatus', '36_anmerkung' => 'Anmerkung (intern)', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Anmerkung (extern)', '36_datengeber' => 'Datengeber', '36_purl' => 'OAI-Id', '36_leitd' => 'Druck 1:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck2' => 'Druck 2:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck3' => 'Druck 3:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift', '36_datengeberhand' => 'Datengeber', '36_purlhand' => 'OAI-Id', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'OAI-Id (alternative)', '36_signaturhand' => 'Signatur', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)', '36_h1prov' => 'Provenienz', '36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl', '36_h1format' => 'Format', '36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten', '36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung', '36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen: Information über den Inhalt', '36_heditor' => 'Editor/in', '36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in', '36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck', '36_band' => 'KFSA Band', '36_briefnr' => 'KFSA Brief-Nr.', '36_briefseite' => 'KFSA Seite', '36_incipit' => 'Incipit', '36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle', '36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus', '36_gattung' => 'Gattung', '36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS', '36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS', '36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von', '36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)', '36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)', '36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos', '36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos', '36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos', '36_' => '', '36_KFSA Hand.hueberleiferung' => 'Ãœberlieferungsträger', '36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur', '36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz', '36_KFSA Hand.harchivlalt' => 'Archiv_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format', '36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse', '36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Hand.hzusatzinfo' => 'H Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Druck.drliteratur' => 'Druck in', '36_KFSA Druck.drsigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Druck.drbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Druck.drfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Druck.drvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Druck.dzusatzinfo' => 'D Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Doku.dokliteratur' => 'Dokumentiert in', '36_KFSA Doku.doksigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Doku.dokbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Doku.dokfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos', '36_Link Druck.url_titel_druck' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Druck.url_image_druck' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_Link Hand.url_titel_hand' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Hand.url_image_hand' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_verlag' => 'Verlag', '36_anhang_tite0' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename0' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite1' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename1' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite2' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename2' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite3' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename3' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite4' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename4' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite5' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename5' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite6' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename6' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite7' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename7' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite8' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename8' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite9' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename9' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titea' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamea' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeb' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameb' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titec' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamec' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tited' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamed' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titee' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamee' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeu' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameu' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titev' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamev' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titew' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamew' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titex' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamex' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titey' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamey' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titez' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamez' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite10' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename10' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite11' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename11' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite12' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename12' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite13' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename13' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite14' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename14' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite15' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename15' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite16' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename16' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite17' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename17' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite18' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename18' => 'Image', '36_h_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_anhang_titef' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamef' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeg' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameg' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeh' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameh' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titei' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamei' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titej' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamej' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titek' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamek' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titel' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamel' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titem' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamem' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titen' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamen' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeo' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameo' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titep' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamep' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeq' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameq' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titer' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamer' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tites' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenames' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titet' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamet' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite19' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename19' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite20' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename20' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite21' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename21' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite22' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename22' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite23' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename23' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite24' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename24' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite25' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename25' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite26' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename26' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite27' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename27' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite28' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename28' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite29' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename29' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite30' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename30' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite31' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename32' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite33' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename33' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite34' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename34' => 'Image', '36_Relationen.relation_art' => 'Art', '36_Relationen.relation_link' => 'Interner Link', '36_volltext' => 'Brieftext (Digitalisat Leitdruck oder Transkript Handschrift)', '36_History.hisbearbeiter' => 'Bearbeiter', '36_History.hisschritt' => 'Bearbeitungsschritt', '36_History.hisdatum' => 'Datum', '36_History.hisnotiz' => 'Notiz', '36_personen' => 'Personen', '36_werke' => 'Werke', '36_orte' => 'Orte', '36_themen' => 'Themen', '36_briedfehlt' => 'Fehlt', '36_briefbestellt' => 'Bestellt', '36_intrans' => 'Transkription', '36_intranskorr1' => 'Transkription Korrektur 1', '36_intranskorr2' => 'Transkription Korrektur 2', '36_intranscheck' => 'Transkription Korr. geprüft', '36_intranseintr' => 'Transkription Korr. eingetr', '36_inannotcheck' => 'Auszeichnungen Reg. geprüft', '36_inkollation' => 'Auszeichnungen Kollationierung', '36_inkollcheck' => 'Auszeichnungen Koll. geprüft', '36_himageupload' => 'H/h Digis hochgeladen', '36_dimageupload' => 'D Digis hochgeladen', '36_stand' => 'Bearbeitungsstand (Webseite)', '36_stand_d' => 'Bearbeitungsstand (Druck)', '36_timecreate' => 'Erstellt am', '36_timelastchg' => 'Zuletzt gespeichert am', '36_comment' => 'Kommentar(intern)', '36_accessid' => 'Access ID', '36_accessidalt' => 'Access ID-alt', '36_digifotos' => 'Digitalisat Fotos', '36_imagelink' => 'Imagelink', '36_vermekrbehler' => 'Notizen Behler', '36_vermekrotto' => 'Anmerkungen Otto', '36_vermekraccess' => 'Bearb-Vermerke Access', '36_zeugenbeschreib' => 'Zeugenbeschreibung', '36_sprache' => 'Sprache', '36_accessinfo1' => 'Archiv H (+ Signatur)', '36_korrekturbd36' => 'Korrekturen Bd. 36', '36_druckbd36' => 'Druckrelevant Bd. 36', '36_digitalisath1' => 'Digitalisat_H', '36_digitalisath2' => 'Digitalisat_h', '36_titelhs' => 'Titel_Hs', '36_accessinfo2' => 'Archiv H (+ Signatur)', '36_accessinfo3' => 'Sigle (Dokumentiert in + Bd./Nr./S.)', '36_accessinfo4' => 'Sigle (Druck in + Bd./Nr./S.)', '36_KFSA Hand.hschreibstoff' => 'Schreibstoff', '36_Relationen.relation_anmerkung' => null, '36_anhang_tite35' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename35' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite36' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename36' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite37' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename37' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite38' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename38' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite39' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename39' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite40' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename40' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite41' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename41' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite42' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename42' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite43' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename43' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite44' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename44' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite45' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename45' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite46' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename46' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite47' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename47' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite48' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename48' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite49' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename49' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite50' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename50' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite51' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename51' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite52' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename52' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite53' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename53' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite54' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename54' => 'Image', '36_KFSA Hand.hbeschreibung' => 'Beschreibung', '36_KFSA Kritanhang.krit_infotyp' => 'Infotyp', '36_KFSA Kritanhang.krit_infotext' => 'Infotext', '36_datumspezif' => 'Datum Spezifikation', 'index_orte_10' => 'Orte', 'index_orte_10.content' => 'Orte', 'index_orte_10.comment' => 'Orte (Kommentar)', 'index_personen_11' => 'Personen', 'index_personen_11.content' => 'Personen', 'index_personen_11.comment' => 'Personen (Kommentar)', 'index_werke_12' => 'Werke', 'index_werke_12.content' => 'Werke', 'index_werke_12.comment' => 'Werke (Kommentar)', 'index_periodika_13' => 'Periodika', 'index_periodika_13.content' => 'Periodika', 'index_periodika_13.comment' => 'Periodika (Kommentar)', 'index_sachen_14' => 'Sachen', 'index_sachen_14.content' => 'Sachen', 'index_sachen_14.comment' => 'Sachen (Kommentar)', 'index_koerperschaften_15' => 'Koerperschaften', 'index_koerperschaften_15.content' => 'Koerperschaften', 'index_koerperschaften_15.comment' => 'Koerperschaften (Kommentar)', 'index_zitate_16' => 'Zitate', 'index_zitate_16.content' => 'Zitate', 'index_zitate_16.comment' => 'Zitate (Kommentar)', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17' => 'Korrespondenzpartner', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17.content' => 'Korrespondenzpartner', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17.comment' => 'Korrespondenzpartner (Kommentar)', 'index_archive_18' => 'Archive', 'index_archive_18.content' => 'Archive', 'index_archive_18.comment' => 'Archive (Kommentar)', 'index_literatur_19' => 'Literatur', 'index_literatur_19.content' => 'Literatur', 'index_literatur_19.comment' => 'Literatur (Kommentar)', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20.content' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20.comment' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA (Kommentar)', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21' => 'Druckwerke KFSA', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21.content' => 'Druckwerke KFSA', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21.comment' => 'Druckwerke KFSA (Kommentar)', '36_fulltext' => 'XML Volltext', '36_html' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_publicHTML' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_plaintext' => 'Volltext', 'transcript.text' => 'Transkripte', 'folders' => 'Mappen', 'notes' => 'Notizen', 'notes.title' => 'Notizen (Titel)', 'notes.content' => 'Notizen', 'notes.category' => 'Notizen (Kategorie)', 'key' => 'FuD Schlüssel' ) ) $html = '<span class="family-courier notice-24074 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-9606 tp-63028 ">Athenaum</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-63023 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "><br>July 27.</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1836<br>My dear Sir<br>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-63024 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary </span><span class="family-courier notice-24075 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <br>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be </span><span class="family-courier notice-24076 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> induced to read in that language </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 ">the Life of </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 index-9604 tp-63026 ">Sir William Temple</span><span class="family-courier ">. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78123 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by </span><span class="family-courier index-12828 tp-78125 ">my friend M</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">rs</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier "> Wilson Patten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-12827 tp-78124 ">whose daughter</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier notice-24077 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> married my relative </span><span class="family-courier index-9605 tp-63027 ">Sir John Yarde Buller</span><span class="family-courier ">, Member of </span><span class="family-courier index-6669 tp-78126 ">Parliament</span><span class="family-courier "> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<br>Believe me<br>my dear Sir<br>very truly Yours<br>ThoPenCourtenay<br><br>Professor Schlegel</span>' $isaprint = false $isnewtranslation = true $statemsg = 'betamsg23' $cittitle = '' $description = 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 27.07.1836, London, Bonn' $adressatort = 'Bonn <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>' $absendeort = 'London <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>' $date = '27.07.1836' $adressat = array() $adrCitation = 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' $absender = array( (int) 1532 => array( 'ID' => '1532', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-04-22 14:31:51', 'timelastchg' => '2019-05-10 19:51:45', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-006k', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Person', 'id' => '39' ), '39_fulltext' => '', '39_html' => '', '39_toddatumfrei' => '1842 (andersl.)', '39_sterbeort' => array( 'ID' => '10260', 'content' => 'Torquay', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:4405530-4', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_name' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine', '39_gebdatum' => '1782-05-31', '39_toddatum' => '1841-07-08', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '133121615 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@ Wikipedia@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Politiker, Rechtsanwalt Thomas Peregrine Courtenay erhielt seine Ausbildung zum Anwalt in Westminster und wirkte später in London. Seit dem Jahr 1810 vertrat er Totness im englischen Parlament und arbeitete zwei Jahre darauf, 1812, als Sekretär des Board of Control. Er diente während der Amtszeit des Ministerpräsidenten Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, als Vize-Präsident der Londoner Handelskammer. Zudem übertrug man ihm als Kommissar die Zuständigkeit für den Handel mit Indien. Zu seinen politischen Schriften zählen „Observations on the American Treaty“ (1803) und „View of the State of the Nation“ (1811). Außerdem verfasste er einen Kommentar zu den historischen Dramen William Shakespeares, der unter dem Titel „Commentaries on the historical plays of Shakespeare“ im Jahr 1840 in zwei Bänden erschien.', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_sekliteraturognd' => '', '39_werke' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine: Observation on the American Treaty. Being a continuation of the letters of Deeius. 8 Bde. 1808.', '39_beziehung' => 'Courtenay und AWS kannten sich wahrscheinlich aus London. AWS beherbergte Freunde Courtenays in Bonn. Courtenay sandte AWS seine Schrift „Memoirs of the Life, Works and Correspondence of Sir William Temple“ (1836).', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( (int) 0 => 'Personen', (int) 1 => 'Personen' ), '39_plaintext' => '', '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) ) $absCitation = 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay' $percount = (int) 2 $notabs = false $tabs = array( 'text' => array( 'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift', 'exists' => '1' ), 'manuscript' => array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) ) $parallelview = array( (int) 0 => '1', (int) 1 => '1' ) $dzi_imagesHand = array( (int) 0 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/4951625cf3b818d274f8df341bb4ece5.jpg.xml', (int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/f1df1f0c2e3b10975f74285183632bc0.jpg.xml', (int) 2 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/11ad74fddd91142c68068f2790660be7.jpg.xml', (int) 3 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/a011ff4f09db505c90d6d7127f6c1fad.jpg.xml' ) $dzi_imagesDruck = array() $indexesintext = array( 'Namen' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '9604', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Temple, William', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '12828', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Wilson-Patten, Elizabeth (geb. Hyde)', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '12827', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Yarde-Buller, Elizabeth (geb. Wilson-Patten)', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 3 => array( 'ID' => '9605', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Yarde-Buller, John, 1st Baron Churston', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => 'John Yarde-Buller, 1st Baron Churston', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Körperschaften' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '9606', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'Athenaeum (London)', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '6669', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'Great Britain. Parliament', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Orte' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '887', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Bonn', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '292', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'London', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Werke' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '9603', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine: Memoirs of the life, works and correspondence of Sir William Temple, Bart.', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ) ) $right = '' $left = 'text' $handschrift = array( 'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', 'OAI Id' => 'DE-1a-33441', 'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,Nr.5', 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '4S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', 'Format' => '18,4 x 11,3 cm', 'Incipit' => '„[1] Athenaum, London<br>July 1836<br>My dear Sir<br>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of [...]“' ) $editors = array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia', (int) 1 => 'Cook, Hermione', (int) 2 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ) $druck = array() $docmain = array( 'ID' => '4074', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-12-19 09:32:19', 'timelastchg' => '2019-06-25 11:53:03', 'key' => 'AWS-aw-02qz', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Brief', 'id' => '36' ), 'index_koerperschaften_15' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '9606', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'Athenaeum (London)', 'comment' => 'GND:3002138-8', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '6669', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'Great Britain. Parliament', 'comment' => 'GND:1092100466', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_orte_10' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '887', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Bonn', 'comment' => 'GND:1001909-1', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '292', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'London', 'comment' => 'GND:4074335-4', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_werke_12' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '9603', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine: Memoirs of the life, works and correspondence of Sir William Temple, Bart.', 'comment' => '', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_personen_11' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '9604', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Temple, William', 'comment' => 'GND:118801619', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '12828', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Wilson-Patten, Elizabeth (geb. Hyde)', 'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag, Witwe von Thomas Wilson-Patten (22.02.1770-07.12.1827), Mutter von Elizabeth Yarde-Buller', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '12827', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Yarde-Buller, Elizabeth (geb. Wilson-Patten)', 'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; gest. 1857, erste Ehefrau von John Yarde-Buller, 1st Baron Churston, Hochzeit: 24.01.1823, daughter of Thomas Wilson-Patten of Bank Hall in Lancashire,[3] and a sister of John Wilson-Patten, 1st Baron Winmarleigh', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 3 => array( 'ID' => '9605', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Yarde-Buller, John, 1st Baron Churston', 'comment' => 'kein GND-Eintrag; (12 April 1799 – 4 September 1871),_1st_Baron_Churston der zwischen 1835 und 1858 ebenfalls Mitglied des Unterhauses war sowie 1858 als 1. Baron Churston in den Adelsstand erhoben und damit ebenfalls Mitglied des Oberhauses wurde', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => 'John Yarde-Buller, 1st Baron Churston', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'notes' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '24074', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '24075', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '24076', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ), (int) 3 => array( 'ID' => '24077', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ) ), '36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-24074 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-9606 tp-63028 ">Athenaum</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-292 tp-63023 ">London</span><span class="family-courier "><br>July 27.</span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">th</span><span class="family-courier "> 1836<br>My dear Sir<br>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-63024 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary </span><span class="family-courier notice-24075 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <br>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be </span><span class="family-courier notice-24076 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> induced to read in that language </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 ">the Life of </span><span class="family-courier index-9603 tp-63025 index-9604 tp-63026 ">Sir William Temple</span><span class="family-courier ">. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to </span><span class="family-courier index-887 tp-78123 ">Bonn</span><span class="family-courier ">, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by </span><span class="family-courier index-12828 tp-78125 ">my friend M</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier offset-4 underline-1 ">rs</span><span class="index-12828 tp-78125 family-courier "> Wilson Patten</span><span class="family-courier ">, </span><span class="family-courier index-12827 tp-78124 ">whose daughter</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier notice-24077 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> married my relative </span><span class="family-courier index-9605 tp-63027 ">Sir John Yarde Buller</span><span class="family-courier ">, Member of </span><span class="family-courier index-6669 tp-78126 ">Parliament</span><span class="family-courier "> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<br>Believe me<br>my dear Sir<br>very truly Yours<br>ThoPenCourtenay<br><br>Professor Schlegel</span>', '36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="24074"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24074"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <orgName key="9606">Athenaum</orgName>, <placeName key="292">London</placeName><lb/>July 27.</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1836<lb/>My dear Sir<lb/>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited </hi><placeName key="887"><hi rend="family:Courier">Bonn</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary <milestone unit="start" n="24075"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24075"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <lb/>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be <milestone unit="start" n="24076"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24076"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> induced to read in that language <name key="9603" type="work">the Life of <persName key="9604">Sir William Temple</persName></name>. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to <placeName key="887">Bonn</placeName>, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by </hi><persName key="12828"><hi rend="family:Courier">my friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">rs</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Wilson Patten</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier">, <persName key="12827">whose daughter</persName> <milestone unit="start" n="24077"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24077"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> married my relative <persName key="9605">Sir John Yarde Buller</persName>, Member of <orgName key="6669">Parliament</orgName> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<lb/>Believe me<lb/>my dear Sir<lb/>very truly Yours<lb/>ThoPenCourtenay<lb/><lb/>Professor Schlegel</hi></p>', '36_xml_standoff' => '<hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="24074"/>[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24074"/> <anchor type="b" n="9606" ana="15" xml:id="NidB63028"/>Athenaum<anchor type="e" n="9606" ana="15" xml:id="NidE63028"/>, <anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB63023"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE63023"/><lb/>July 27.</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">th</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> 1836<lb/>My dear Sir<lb/>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB63024"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE63024"/>: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary <milestone unit="start" n="24075"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24075"/> and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours. <lb/>I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be <milestone unit="start" n="24076"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24076"/> induced to read in that language <anchor type="b" n="9603" ana="12" xml:id="NidB63025"/>the Life of <anchor type="b" n="9604" ana="11" xml:id="NidB63026"/>Sir William Temple<anchor type="e" n="9604" ana="11" xml:id="NidE63026"/><anchor type="e" n="9603" ana="12" xml:id="NidE63025"/>. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to <anchor type="b" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidB78123"/>Bonn<anchor type="e" n="887" ana="10" xml:id="NidE78123"/>, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by <anchor type="b" n="12828" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78125"/>my friend M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4;underline:1">rs</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Wilson Patten<anchor type="e" n="12828" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78125"/>, <anchor type="b" n="12827" ana="11" xml:id="NidB78124"/>whose daughter<anchor type="e" n="12827" ana="11" xml:id="NidE78124"/> <milestone unit="start" n="24077"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="24077"/> married my relative <anchor type="b" n="9605" ana="11" xml:id="NidB63027"/>Sir John Yarde Buller<anchor type="e" n="9605" ana="11" xml:id="NidE63027"/>, Member of <anchor type="b" n="6669" ana="15" xml:id="NidB78126"/>Parliament<anchor type="e" n="6669" ana="15" xml:id="NidE78126"/> for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.<lb/>Believe me<lb/>my dear Sir<lb/>very truly Yours<lb/>ThoPenCourtenay<lb/><lb/>Professor Schlegel</hi>', '36_heditor' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia' ), '36_hredaktion' => array( (int) 0 => 'Cook, Hermione', (int) 1 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), '36_absender' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '7523', 'content' => 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay', 'bemerkung' => '', 'altBegriff' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), '36_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '7125', 'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel', 'bemerkung' => '', 'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), '36_datumvon' => '1836-07-27', '36_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '292', 'content' => 'London', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:4074335-4', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), '36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_purlhand' => 'DE-1a-33441', '36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,Nr.5', '36_h1zahl' => '4S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', '36_h1format' => '18,4 x 11,3 cm', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-1a-1877495', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,S.19-22', '36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '887', 'content' => 'Bonn', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:1001909-1', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.', '36_purl_web' => '2593', '36_Link_Hand' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ), (int) 1 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ), (int) 2 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ), (int) 3 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ) ), '36_Datum' => '1836-07-27', '36_facet_absender' => array( (int) 0 => 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay' ), '36_facet_absender_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine' ), '36_facet_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' ), '36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von' ), '36_facet_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => 'London' ), '36_facet_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bonn' ), '36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_facet_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_facet_korrespondenten' => array( (int) 0 => 'Thomas Peregrine Courtenay' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Letter', '_model_title' => 'Letter', '_model_titles' => 'Letters', '_url' => '' ) $doctype_name = 'Letters' $captions = array( '36_dummy' => '', '36_absender' => 'Absender/Verfasser', '36_absverif1' => 'Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absender2' => 'Verfasser 2', '36_absverif2' => 'Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp2' => 'Verfasser 2 Brieftyp', '36_absender3' => 'Verfasser 3', '36_absverif3' => 'Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp3' => 'Verfasser 3 Brieftyp', '36_adressat' => 'Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrverif1' => 'Empfänger Verifikation', '36_adressat2' => 'Empfänger 2', '36_adrverif2' => 'Empfänger 2 Verifikation', '36_adressat3' => 'Empfänger 3', '36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch', '36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser', '36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau', '36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2', '36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3', '36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation', '36_datumvon' => 'Datum von', '36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis', '36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell', '36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation', '36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren', '36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen', '36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung', '36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung', '36_typ' => 'Brieftyp', '36_briefid' => 'Brief Identifier', '36_purl_web' => 'PURL web', '36_status' => 'Bearbeitungsstatus', '36_anmerkung' => 'Anmerkung (intern)', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Anmerkung (extern)', '36_datengeber' => 'Datengeber', '36_purl' => 'OAI-Id', '36_leitd' => 'Druck 1:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck2' => 'Druck 2:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck3' => 'Druck 3:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift', '36_datengeberhand' => 'Datengeber', '36_purlhand' => 'OAI-Id', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'OAI-Id (alternative)', '36_signaturhand' => 'Signatur', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)', '36_h1prov' => 'Provenienz', '36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl', '36_h1format' => 'Format', '36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten', '36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung', '36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen: Information über den Inhalt', '36_heditor' => 'Editor/in', '36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in', '36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck', '36_band' => 'KFSA Band', '36_briefnr' => 'KFSA Brief-Nr.', '36_briefseite' => 'KFSA Seite', '36_incipit' => 'Incipit', '36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle', '36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus', '36_gattung' => 'Gattung', '36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS', '36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS', '36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von', '36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)', '36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)', '36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos', '36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos', '36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos', '36_' => '', '36_KFSA Hand.hueberleiferung' => 'Ãœberlieferungsträger', '36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur', '36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz', '36_KFSA Hand.harchivlalt' => 'Archiv_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format', '36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse', '36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Hand.hzusatzinfo' => 'H Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Druck.drliteratur' => 'Druck in', '36_KFSA Druck.drsigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Druck.drbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Druck.drfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Druck.drvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Druck.dzusatzinfo' => 'D Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Doku.dokliteratur' => 'Dokumentiert in', '36_KFSA Doku.doksigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Doku.dokbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Doku.dokfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos', '36_Link Druck.url_titel_druck' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Druck.url_image_druck' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_Link 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(Kommentar)', '36_fulltext' => 'XML Volltext', '36_html' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_publicHTML' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_plaintext' => 'Volltext', 'transcript.text' => 'Transkripte', 'folders' => 'Mappen', 'notes' => 'Notizen', 'notes.title' => 'Notizen (Titel)', 'notes.content' => 'Notizen', 'notes.category' => 'Notizen (Kategorie)', 'key' => 'FuD Schlüssel' ) $query_id = '674079d14cd82' $value = '„[1] Athenaum, London<br>July 1836<br>My dear Sir<br>I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of [...]“' $key = 'Incipit' $adrModalInfo = array( 'ID' => '1532', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-04-22 14:31:51', 'timelastchg' => '2019-05-10 19:51:45', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-006k', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Person', 'id' => '39' ), '39_fulltext' => '', '39_html' => '', '39_toddatumfrei' => '1842 (andersl.)', '39_sterbeort' => array( 'ID' => '10260', 'content' => 'Torquay', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:4405530-4', 'LmAdd' => array() ), '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_name' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine', '39_gebdatum' => '1782-05-31', '39_toddatum' => '1841-07-08', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '133121615 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@ Wikipedia@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Politiker, Rechtsanwalt Thomas Peregrine Courtenay erhielt seine Ausbildung zum Anwalt in Westminster und wirkte später in London. Seit dem Jahr 1810 vertrat er Totness im englischen Parlament und arbeitete zwei Jahre darauf, 1812, als Sekretär des Board of Control. Er diente während der Amtszeit des Ministerpräsidenten Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, als Vize-Präsident der Londoner Handelskammer. Zudem übertrug man ihm als Kommissar die Zuständigkeit für den Handel mit Indien. Zu seinen politischen Schriften zählen „Observations on the American Treaty“ (1803) und „View of the State of the Nation“ (1811). Außerdem verfasste er einen Kommentar zu den historischen Dramen William Shakespeares, der unter dem Titel „Commentaries on the historical plays of Shakespeare“ im Jahr 1840 in zwei Bänden erschien.', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_sekliteraturognd' => '', '39_werke' => 'Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine: Observation on the American Treaty. Being a continuation of the letters of Deeius. 8 Bde. 1808.', '39_beziehung' => 'Courtenay und AWS kannten sich wahrscheinlich aus London. AWS beherbergte Freunde Courtenays in Bonn. Courtenay sandte AWS seine Schrift „Memoirs of the Life, Works and Correspondence of Sir William Temple“ (1836).', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( (int) 0 => 'Personen', (int) 1 => 'Personen' ), '39_plaintext' => '', '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) $version = 'version-04-20' $domain = '' $url = '' $purl_web = '' $state = '01.04.2020' $citation = 'Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels [01.04.2020]; Thomas Peregrine Courtenay an August Wilhelm von Schlegel; 27.07.1836' $lettermsg1 = 'August Wilhelm Schlegel: Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz [Version-04-20]' $lettermsg2 = ' <a href=""></a>.' $sprache = 'Englisch' $editor = 'Varwig, Olivia' $caption = array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) $tab = 'manuscript' $n = (int) 1 $image = '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/a011ff4f09db505c90d6d7127f6c1fad.jpg.xml'
include - APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 360 View::_evaluate() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
[1] Athenaum, London
July 1836
My dear Sir
I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited Bonn: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary [2] and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours.
I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be [3] induced to read in that language the Life of Sir William Temple. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to Bonn, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by my friend Mrs Wilson Patten, whose daughter [4] married my relative Sir John Yarde Buller, Member of Parliament for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.
Believe me
my dear Sir
very truly Yours
Professor Schlegel
July 1836
My dear Sir
I owe you many thanks for civilities paid to more than one friend of mine who have visited Bonn: & I greatly regret that the want of a fixed habitation to which my circumstances, pecuniary [2] and domestic, reduce me, prevent me from offering similar civilities to any friend of yours.
I do not know whether you interest yourself enough in English History, to be [3] induced to read in that language the Life of Sir William Temple. But having an opportunity of sending a copy to Bonn, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of it. It is carried by my friend Mrs Wilson Patten, whose daughter [4] married my relative Sir John Yarde Buller, Member of Parliament for South Devonshire, – my fatherland. She is a very agreeable woman; I am not acquainted with the lady that accompanies her.
Believe me
my dear Sir
very truly Yours
Professor Schlegel