Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 360]
Code Context
/version-04-20/letters/view/5034" data-language=""></ul>
<div id="zoomImage1" style="height:695px" class="open-sea-dragon" data-src="<?php echo $this->Html->url($dzi_imagesDruck[0]) ?>" data-language="<?=$this->Session->read('Config.language')?>"></div>
$viewFile = '/var/www/awschlegel/version-04-20/app/View/Letters/view.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-14848 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-37966 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> 29 April 1800.<br>Sir<br>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<br>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71833 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle </span><span class="family-courier notice-14849 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">(on account of its environs)</span><span class="family-courier "> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, </span><span class="family-courier cite tp-71831 ">every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br></span><span class="family-courier index-2011 tp-37968 ">The Queen</span><span class="family-courier "> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on </span><span class="family-courier index-515 tp-37967 ">the King</span><span class="family-courier "> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to </span><span class="family-courier index-98 tp-37969 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier "> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<br>I have lately published </span><span class="family-courier index-5773 tp-37980 ">a fourth collection of Songs</span><span class="family-courier ">, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are </span><span class="family-courier notice-14850 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">together</span><span class="family-courier "> in </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 index-12 tp-71834 ">Jena</span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 "> journal</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br>An engagement I am now entering into with </span><span class="family-courier index-50 tp-37974 ">M</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier "> Kotzebue</span><span class="family-courier "> and the managers of </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 index-292 tp-37972 ">London</span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 "> Theatre</span><span class="family-courier ">, to translate </span><span class="family-courier index-2180 tp-71836 ">his future plays</span><span class="family-courier ">, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<br>I should be glad to know whether </span><span class="family-courier notice-14851 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<br>Sir, <br>Your obliged and obedient<br>humble servant<br>B Beresford<br>P. S. <br>A Line directed to me at </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71837 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier ">, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </span><span class="index-98 tp-71838 family-courier offset-4 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier ">, will be my most eligible address.</span>', 'isaprint' => false, 'isnewtranslation' => true, 'statemsg' => 'betamsg23', 'cittitle' => '', 'description' => 'Benjamin Beresford an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 29.04.1800, Berlin, Jena', 'adressatort' => 'Jena <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>', 'absendeort' => 'Berlin <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>', 'date' => '29.04.1800', 'adressat' => array(), 'adrCitation' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel', 'absender' => array( (int) 1422 => array( 'ID' => '1422', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-02-19 15:48:06', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-09 14:38:26', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-003x', 'docTyp' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), '39_name' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_toddatum' => '1819-04-29', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '137991517 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Beresford, Benjamin Geistlicher, Philologe, Anglist Benjamin Beresford war ein englischer Theologe und promovierte an der Universität Halle. Von 1803 bis 1806 war er als Lektor für englische und italienische Sprache an der Universität von Dorpat tätig. Später arbeitete er als Lektor für englische Sprache an der Berliner Universität. Er publizierte zahlreiche Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Englische.', '39_werke' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Eroto or a collection of favourite songs translated into English with their original music. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1797. Beresford, Benjamin: The most remarkable year of the life of August von Kotzebue. 3 Bde. London 1802. Beresford, Benjamin: The Life of General de Ziethen, a distinguished commander under Frederick the Great. 2 Bde. Übers. v. Mme de Blumenthal. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1810. Beresford, Benjamin: A narrative of circumstances attending Mr. Beresford's marriage with Miss Hamilton. London 1782. [Elektron. Ressource 2009].', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_beziehung' => 'AWS lernte Beresford 1798 in Dresden kennen. Er schätzte die Übersetzungen des Briten. Benjamin Beresford berichtete Schlegel über seine Übersetzungsversuche und den Alltag in Berlin. AWS rezensierte Beresfords Übersetzungen „The German Erato“ 1798 wohlwollend in der Jenaischen Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung.', '39_gebdatumfrei' => '1750', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) ), 'absCitation' => 'Benjamin Beresford', 'percount' => (int) 1, 'notabs' => false, 'tabs' => array( 'text' => array( 'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift', 'exists' => '1' ), 'manuscript' => array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) ), 'parallelview' => array( (int) 0 => '1', (int) 1 => '1' ), 'dzi_imagesHand' => array( (int) 0 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/ada97070e58480dd0a850594f8bc72db.jpg.xml', (int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/1d5240ad504b90466ccfedb5b012dd52.jpg.xml', (int) 2 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/b2dba27eba5fad22aab7524134b7c1ba.jpg.xml', (int) 3 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/9c388e61496d85031d0a347061ea0737.jpg.xml' ), 'dzi_imagesDruck' => array(), 'indexesintext' => array( 'Namen' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Körperschaften' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Orte' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Werke' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'Periodika' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'right' => '', 'left' => 'text', 'handschrift' => array( 'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', 'OAI Id' => 'DE-611-38972', 'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.24', 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '4 S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', 'Format' => '22,9 x 18,8 cm', 'Incipit' => '„[1] Berlin 29 April 1800.<br>Sir<br>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but [...]“' ), 'editors' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia', (int) 1 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), 'druck' => array(), 'docmain' => array( 'ID' => '5034', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2014-05-02 11:11:18', 'timelastchg' => '2018-09-06 19:40:11', 'key' => 'AWS-aw-03bk', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Brief', 'id' => '36' ), 'index_periodika_13' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_werke_12' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_orte_10' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_personen_11' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'index_koerperschaften_15' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), 'notes' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-14848 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-37966 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> 29 April 1800.<br>Sir<br>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<br>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71833 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle </span><span class="family-courier notice-14849 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">(on account of its environs)</span><span class="family-courier "> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, </span><span class="family-courier cite tp-71831 ">every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br></span><span class="family-courier index-2011 tp-37968 ">The Queen</span><span class="family-courier "> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on </span><span class="family-courier index-515 tp-37967 ">the King</span><span class="family-courier "> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to </span><span class="family-courier index-98 tp-37969 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier "> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<br>I have lately published </span><span class="family-courier index-5773 tp-37980 ">a fourth collection of Songs</span><span class="family-courier ">, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are </span><span class="family-courier notice-14850 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">together</span><span class="family-courier "> in </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 index-12 tp-71834 ">Jena</span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 "> journal</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br>An engagement I am now entering into with </span><span class="family-courier index-50 tp-37974 ">M</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier "> Kotzebue</span><span class="family-courier "> and the managers of </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 index-292 tp-37972 ">London</span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 "> Theatre</span><span class="family-courier ">, to translate </span><span class="family-courier index-2180 tp-71836 ">his future plays</span><span class="family-courier ">, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<br>I should be glad to know whether </span><span class="family-courier notice-14851 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<br>Sir, <br>Your obliged and obedient<br>humble servant<br>B Beresford<br>P. S. <br>A Line directed to me at </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71837 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier ">, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </span><span class="index-98 tp-71838 family-courier offset-4 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier ">, will be my most eligible address.</span>', '36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="14848"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14848"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <placeName key="15">Berlin</placeName> 29 April 1800.<lb/>Sir<lb/>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<lb/>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave <placeName key="15">Berlin</placeName> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle <milestone unit="start" n="14849"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14849"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">(on account of its environs)</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing.<lb/></hi><persName key="2011"><hi rend="family:Courier">The Queen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on </hi><persName key="515"><hi rend="family:Courier">the King</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to </hi><placeName key="98"><hi rend="family:Courier">Hamburg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<lb/>I have lately published <name key="5773" type="work">a fourth collection of Songs</name>, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are <milestone unit="start" n="14850"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14850"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">together</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> in <name key="1192" type="periodical">the <placeName key="12">Jena</placeName> journal</name>.<lb/>An engagement I am now entering into with </hi><persName key="50"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Kotzebue</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and the managers of <orgName key="11878">the <placeName key="292">London</placeName> Theatre</orgName>, to translate <name key="2180" type="work">his future plays</name>, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<lb/>I should be glad to know whether <milestone unit="start" n="14851"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14851"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<lb/>Sir, <lb/>Your obliged and obedient<lb/>humble servant<lb/>B Beresford<lb/>P. S. <lb/>A Line directed to me at <placeName key="15">Berlin</placeName>, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </hi><placeName key="98"><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">Hamburg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, will be my most eligible address.</hi></p>', '36_xml_standoff' => '<hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="14848"/>[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14848"/> <anchor type="b" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37966"/>Berlin<anchor type="e" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37966"/> 29 April 1800.<lb/>Sir<lb/>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<lb/>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave <anchor type="b" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71833"/>Berlin<anchor type="e" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71833"/> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle <milestone unit="start" n="14849"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14849"/> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">(on account of its environs)</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, <anchor type="b" n="9059" ana="16" xml:id="NidB71831"/>every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing<anchor type="e" n="9059" ana="16" xml:id="NidE71831"/>.<lb/><anchor type="b" n="2011" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37968"/>The Queen<anchor type="e" n="2011" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37968"/> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on <anchor type="b" n="515" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37967"/>the King<anchor type="e" n="515" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37967"/> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to <anchor type="b" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37969"/>Hamburg<anchor type="e" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37969"/> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<lb/>I have lately published <anchor type="b" n="5773" ana="12" xml:id="NidB37980"/>a fourth collection of Songs<anchor type="e" n="5773" ana="12" xml:id="NidE37980"/>, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are <milestone unit="start" n="14850"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14850"/> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">together</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> in <anchor type="b" n="1192" ana="13" xml:id="NidB74136"/>the <anchor type="b" n="12" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71834"/>Jena<anchor type="e" n="12" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71834"/> journal<anchor type="e" n="1192" ana="13" xml:id="NidE74136"/>.<lb/>An engagement I am now entering into with <anchor type="b" n="50" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37974"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Kotzebue<anchor type="e" n="50" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37974"/> and the managers of <anchor type="b" n="11878" ana="15" xml:id="NidB71835"/>the <anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37972"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37972"/> Theatre<anchor type="e" n="11878" ana="15" xml:id="NidE71835"/>, to translate <anchor type="b" n="2180" ana="12" xml:id="NidB71836"/>his future plays<anchor type="e" n="2180" ana="12" xml:id="NidE71836"/>, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<lb/>I should be glad to know whether <milestone unit="start" n="14851"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14851"/> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<lb/>Sir, <lb/>Your obliged and obedient<lb/>humble servant<lb/>B Beresford<lb/>P. S. <lb/>A Line directed to me at <anchor type="b" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71837"/>Berlin<anchor type="e" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71837"/>, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </hi><anchor type="b" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71838"/><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">Hamburg</hi><anchor type="e" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71838"/><hi rend="family:Courier">, will be my most eligible address.</hi>', '36_absender' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_datumvon' => '1800-04-29', '36_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_purlhand' => 'DE-611-38972', '36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.24', '36_h1zahl' => '4 S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', '36_h1format' => '22,9 x 18,8 cm', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-611-2453904', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,S.93-96', '36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.', '36_heditor' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia' ), '36_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_hredaktion' => array( (int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), '36_purl_web' => '1959', '36_Link_Hand' => array( (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 3 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), '36_Datum' => '1800-04-29', '36_facet_absender' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '36_facet_absender_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Beresford, Benjamin' ), '36_facet_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' ), '36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von' ), '36_facet_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Berlin' ), '36_facet_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Jena' ), '36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_facet_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_facet_korrespondenten' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Letter', '_model_title' => 'Letter', '_model_titles' => 'Letters', '_url' => '' ), 'doctype_name' => 'Letters', 'captions' => array( '36_dummy' => '', '36_absender' => 'Absender/Verfasser', '36_absverif1' => 'Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absender2' => 'Verfasser 2', '36_absverif2' => 'Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp2' => 'Verfasser 2 Brieftyp', '36_absender3' => 'Verfasser 3', '36_absverif3' => 'Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp3' => 'Verfasser 3 Brieftyp', '36_adressat' => 'Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrverif1' => 'Empfänger Verifikation', '36_adressat2' => 'Empfänger 2', '36_adrverif2' => 'Empfänger 2 Verifikation', '36_adressat3' => 'Empfänger 3', '36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch', '36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser', '36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau', '36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2', '36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3', '36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation', '36_datumvon' => 'Datum von', '36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis', '36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell', '36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation', '36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren', '36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen', '36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung', '36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung', '36_typ' => 'Brieftyp', '36_briefid' => 'Brief Identifier', '36_purl_web' => 'PURL web', '36_status' => 'Bearbeitungsstatus', '36_anmerkung' => 'Anmerkung (intern)', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Anmerkung (extern)', '36_datengeber' => 'Datengeber', '36_purl' => 'OAI-Id', '36_leitd' => 'Druck 1:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck2' => 'Druck 2:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck3' => 'Druck 3:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift', '36_datengeberhand' => 'Datengeber', '36_purlhand' => 'OAI-Id', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'OAI-Id (alternative)', '36_signaturhand' => 'Signatur', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)', '36_h1prov' => 'Provenienz', '36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl', '36_h1format' => 'Format', '36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten', '36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung', '36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen: Information über den Inhalt', '36_heditor' => 'Editor/in', '36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in', '36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck', '36_band' => 'KFSA Band', '36_briefnr' => 'KFSA Brief-Nr.', '36_briefseite' => 'KFSA Seite', '36_incipit' => 'Incipit', '36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle', '36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus', '36_gattung' => 'Gattung', '36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS', '36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS', '36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von', '36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)', '36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)', '36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos', '36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos', '36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos', '36_' => '', '36_KFSA Hand.hueberleiferung' => 'Ãœberlieferungsträger', '36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur', '36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz', '36_KFSA Hand.harchivlalt' => 'Archiv_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format', '36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse', '36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Hand.hzusatzinfo' => 'H Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Druck.drliteratur' => 'Druck in', '36_KFSA Druck.drsigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Druck.drbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Druck.drfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Druck.drvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Druck.dzusatzinfo' => 'D Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Doku.dokliteratur' => 'Dokumentiert in', '36_KFSA Doku.doksigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Doku.dokbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Doku.dokfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos', '36_Link Druck.url_titel_druck' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Druck.url_image_druck' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_Link Hand.url_titel_hand' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Hand.url_image_hand' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_verlag' => 'Verlag', '36_anhang_tite0' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename0' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite1' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename1' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite2' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename2' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite3' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename3' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite4' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename4' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite5' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename5' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite6' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename6' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite7' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename7' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite8' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename8' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite9' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename9' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titea' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamea' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeb' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameb' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titec' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamec' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tited' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamed' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titee' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamee' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeu' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameu' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titev' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamev' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titew' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamew' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titex' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamex' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titey' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamey' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titez' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamez' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite10' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename10' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite11' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename11' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite12' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename12' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite13' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename13' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite14' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename14' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite15' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename15' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite16' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename16' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite17' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename17' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite18' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename18' => 'Image', '36_h_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_anhang_titef' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamef' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeg' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameg' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeh' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameh' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titei' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamei' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titej' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamej' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titek' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamek' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titel' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamel' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titem' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamem' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titen' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamen' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeo' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameo' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titep' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamep' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeq' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameq' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titer' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamer' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tites' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenames' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titet' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamet' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite19' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename19' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite20' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename20' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite21' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename21' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite22' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename22' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite23' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename23' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite24' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename24' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite25' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename25' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite26' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename26' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite27' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename27' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite28' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename28' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite29' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename29' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite30' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename30' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite31' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename32' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite33' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename33' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite34' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename34' => 'Image', '36_Relationen.relation_art' => 'Art', '36_Relationen.relation_link' => 'Interner Link', '36_volltext' => 'Brieftext (Digitalisat Leitdruck oder Transkript Handschrift)', '36_History.hisbearbeiter' => 'Bearbeiter', '36_History.hisschritt' => 'Bearbeitungsschritt', '36_History.hisdatum' => 'Datum', '36_History.hisnotiz' => 'Notiz', '36_personen' => 'Personen', '36_werke' => 'Werke', '36_orte' => 'Orte', '36_themen' => 'Themen', '36_briedfehlt' => 'Fehlt', '36_briefbestellt' => 'Bestellt', '36_intrans' => 'Transkription', '36_intranskorr1' => 'Transkription Korrektur 1', '36_intranskorr2' => 'Transkription Korrektur 2', '36_intranscheck' => 'Transkription Korr. geprüft', '36_intranseintr' => 'Transkription Korr. eingetr', '36_inannotcheck' => 'Auszeichnungen Reg. geprüft', '36_inkollation' => 'Auszeichnungen Kollationierung', '36_inkollcheck' => 'Auszeichnungen Koll. geprüft', '36_himageupload' => 'H/h Digis hochgeladen', '36_dimageupload' => 'D Digis hochgeladen', '36_stand' => 'Bearbeitungsstand (Webseite)', '36_stand_d' => 'Bearbeitungsstand (Druck)', '36_timecreate' => 'Erstellt am', '36_timelastchg' => 'Zuletzt gespeichert am', '36_comment' => 'Kommentar(intern)', '36_accessid' => 'Access ID', '36_accessidalt' => 'Access ID-alt', '36_digifotos' => 'Digitalisat Fotos', '36_imagelink' => 'Imagelink', '36_vermekrbehler' => 'Notizen Behler', '36_vermekrotto' => 'Anmerkungen Otto', '36_vermekraccess' => 'Bearb-Vermerke Access', '36_zeugenbeschreib' => 'Zeugenbeschreibung', '36_sprache' => 'Sprache', '36_accessinfo1' => 'Archiv H (+ Signatur)', '36_korrekturbd36' => 'Korrekturen Bd. 36', '36_druckbd36' => 'Druckrelevant Bd. 36', '36_digitalisath1' => 'Digitalisat_H', '36_digitalisath2' => 'Digitalisat_h', '36_titelhs' => 'Titel_Hs', '36_accessinfo2' => 'Archiv H (+ Signatur)', '36_accessinfo3' => 'Sigle (Dokumentiert in + Bd./Nr./S.)', '36_accessinfo4' => 'Sigle (Druck in + Bd./Nr./S.)', '36_KFSA Hand.hschreibstoff' => 'Schreibstoff', '36_Relationen.relation_anmerkung' => null, '36_anhang_tite35' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename35' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite36' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename36' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite37' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename37' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite38' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename38' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite39' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename39' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite40' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename40' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite41' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename41' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite42' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename42' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite43' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename43' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite44' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename44' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite45' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename45' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite46' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename46' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite47' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename47' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite48' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename48' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite49' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename49' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite50' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename50' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite51' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename51' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite52' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename52' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite53' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename53' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite54' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename54' => 'Image', '36_KFSA Hand.hbeschreibung' => 'Beschreibung', '36_KFSA Kritanhang.krit_infotyp' => 'Infotyp', '36_KFSA Kritanhang.krit_infotext' => 'Infotext', '36_datumspezif' => 'Datum Spezifikation', 'index_orte_10' => 'Orte', 'index_orte_10.content' => 'Orte', 'index_orte_10.comment' => 'Orte (Kommentar)', 'index_personen_11' => 'Personen', 'index_personen_11.content' => 'Personen', 'index_personen_11.comment' => 'Personen (Kommentar)', 'index_werke_12' => 'Werke', 'index_werke_12.content' => 'Werke', 'index_werke_12.comment' => 'Werke (Kommentar)', 'index_periodika_13' => 'Periodika', 'index_periodika_13.content' => 'Periodika', 'index_periodika_13.comment' => 'Periodika (Kommentar)', 'index_sachen_14' => 'Sachen', 'index_sachen_14.content' => 'Sachen', 'index_sachen_14.comment' => 'Sachen (Kommentar)', 'index_koerperschaften_15' => 'Koerperschaften', 'index_koerperschaften_15.content' => 'Koerperschaften', 'index_koerperschaften_15.comment' => 'Koerperschaften (Kommentar)', 'index_zitate_16' => 'Zitate', 'index_zitate_16.content' => 'Zitate', 'index_zitate_16.comment' => 'Zitate (Kommentar)', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17' => 'Korrespondenzpartner', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17.content' => 'Korrespondenzpartner', 'index_korrespondenzpartner_17.comment' => 'Korrespondenzpartner (Kommentar)', 'index_archive_18' => 'Archive', 'index_archive_18.content' => 'Archive', 'index_archive_18.comment' => 'Archive (Kommentar)', 'index_literatur_19' => 'Literatur', 'index_literatur_19.content' => 'Literatur', 'index_literatur_19.comment' => 'Literatur (Kommentar)', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20.content' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA', 'index_kunstwerke_kfsa_20.comment' => 'Kunstwerke KFSA (Kommentar)', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21' => 'Druckwerke KFSA', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21.content' => 'Druckwerke KFSA', 'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21.comment' => 'Druckwerke KFSA (Kommentar)', '36_fulltext' => 'XML Volltext', '36_html' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_publicHTML' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_plaintext' => 'Volltext', 'transcript.text' => 'Transkripte', 'folders' => 'Mappen', 'notes' => 'Notizen', 'notes.title' => 'Notizen (Titel)', 'notes.content' => 'Notizen', 'notes.category' => 'Notizen (Kategorie)', 'key' => 'FuD Schlüssel' ) ) $html = '<span class="family-courier notice-14848 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-37966 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> 29 April 1800.<br>Sir<br>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<br>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71833 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle </span><span class="family-courier notice-14849 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">(on account of its environs)</span><span class="family-courier "> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, </span><span class="family-courier cite tp-71831 ">every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br></span><span class="family-courier index-2011 tp-37968 ">The Queen</span><span class="family-courier "> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on </span><span class="family-courier index-515 tp-37967 ">the King</span><span class="family-courier "> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to </span><span class="family-courier index-98 tp-37969 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier "> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<br>I have lately published </span><span class="family-courier index-5773 tp-37980 ">a fourth collection of Songs</span><span class="family-courier ">, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are </span><span class="family-courier notice-14850 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">together</span><span class="family-courier "> in </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 index-12 tp-71834 ">Jena</span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 "> journal</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br>An engagement I am now entering into with </span><span class="family-courier index-50 tp-37974 ">M</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier "> Kotzebue</span><span class="family-courier "> and the managers of </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 index-292 tp-37972 ">London</span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 "> Theatre</span><span class="family-courier ">, to translate </span><span class="family-courier index-2180 tp-71836 ">his future plays</span><span class="family-courier ">, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<br>I should be glad to know whether </span><span class="family-courier notice-14851 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<br>Sir, <br>Your obliged and obedient<br>humble servant<br>B Beresford<br>P. S. <br>A Line directed to me at </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71837 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier ">, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </span><span class="index-98 tp-71838 family-courier offset-4 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier ">, will be my most eligible address.</span>' $isaprint = false $isnewtranslation = true $statemsg = 'betamsg23' $cittitle = '' $description = 'Benjamin Beresford an August Wilhelm von Schlegel am 29.04.1800, Berlin, Jena' $adressatort = 'Jena <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>' $absendeort = 'Berlin <a class="gndmetadata" target="_blank" href="">GND</a>' $date = '29.04.1800' $adressat = array() $adrCitation = 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' $absender = array( (int) 1422 => array( 'ID' => '1422', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-02-19 15:48:06', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-09 14:38:26', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-003x', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Person', 'id' => '39' ), '39_name' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_toddatum' => '1819-04-29', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '137991517 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Beresford, Benjamin Geistlicher, Philologe, Anglist Benjamin Beresford war ein englischer Theologe und promovierte an der Universität Halle. Von 1803 bis 1806 war er als Lektor für englische und italienische Sprache an der Universität von Dorpat tätig. Später arbeitete er als Lektor für englische Sprache an der Berliner Universität. Er publizierte zahlreiche Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Englische.', '39_werke' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Eroto or a collection of favourite songs translated into English with their original music. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1797. Beresford, Benjamin: The most remarkable year of the life of August von Kotzebue. 3 Bde. London 1802. Beresford, Benjamin: The Life of General de Ziethen, a distinguished commander under Frederick the Great. 2 Bde. Übers. v. Mme de Blumenthal. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1810. Beresford, Benjamin: A narrative of circumstances attending Mr. Beresford's marriage with Miss Hamilton. London 1782. [Elektron. Ressource 2009].', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_beziehung' => 'AWS lernte Beresford 1798 in Dresden kennen. Er schätzte die Übersetzungen des Briten. Benjamin Beresford berichtete Schlegel über seine Übersetzungsversuche und den Alltag in Berlin. AWS rezensierte Beresfords Übersetzungen „The German Erato“ 1798 wohlwollend in der Jenaischen Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung.', '39_gebdatumfrei' => '1750', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( (int) 0 => 'Personen', (int) 1 => 'Personen' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) ) $absCitation = 'Benjamin Beresford' $percount = (int) 2 $notabs = false $tabs = array( 'text' => array( 'content' => 'Volltext Handschrift', 'exists' => '1' ), 'manuscript' => array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) ) $parallelview = array( (int) 0 => '1', (int) 1 => '1' ) $dzi_imagesHand = array( (int) 0 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/ada97070e58480dd0a850594f8bc72db.jpg.xml', (int) 1 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/1d5240ad504b90466ccfedb5b012dd52.jpg.xml', (int) 2 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/b2dba27eba5fad22aab7524134b7c1ba.jpg.xml', (int) 3 => '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/9c388e61496d85031d0a347061ea0737.jpg.xml' ) $dzi_imagesDruck = array() $indexesintext = array( 'Namen' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '515', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Friedrich Wilhelm III., Preußen, König', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '50', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Kotzebue, August von', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '2011', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Luise, Preußen, Königin', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Körperschaften' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '11878', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'London Theatre', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Orte' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '15', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Berlin', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '98', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Hamburg', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '12', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Jena', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 3 => array( 'ID' => '292', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'London', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Werke' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '5773', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: A Collection of German Ballads and Songs with their original Music, done into English by the Translator of the German Erato', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '2180', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Kotzebue, August von: Werke', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'Periodika' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '1192', 'indexID' => '13', 'indexContent' => 'Periodika', 'content' => 'Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (bis 1803: Jena; ab 1803: Halle)', 'comment' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ) ) $right = '' $left = 'text' $handschrift = array( 'Datengeber' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', 'OAI Id' => 'DE-611-38972', 'Signatur' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.24', 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl' => '4 S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', 'Format' => '22,9 x 18,8 cm', 'Incipit' => '„[1] Berlin 29 April 1800.<br>Sir<br>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but [...]“' ) $editors = array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia', (int) 1 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ) $druck = array() $docmain = array( 'ID' => '5034', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2014-05-02 11:11:18', 'timelastchg' => '2018-09-06 19:40:11', 'key' => 'AWS-aw-03bk', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Brief', 'id' => '36' ), 'index_periodika_13' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '1192', 'indexID' => '13', 'indexContent' => 'Periodika', 'content' => 'Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (bis 1803: Jena; ab 1803: Halle)', 'comment' => 'GND:01285204X', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_werke_12' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '5773', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: A Collection of German Ballads and Songs with their original Music, done into English by the Translator of the German Erato', 'comment' => '', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '2180', 'indexID' => '12', 'indexContent' => 'Werke', 'content' => 'Kotzebue, August von: Werke', 'comment' => '', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_orte_10' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '15', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Berlin', 'comment' => 'GND:2004272-3', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '98', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Hamburg', 'comment' => 'GND:4023118-5', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '12', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'Jena', 'comment' => 'GND:4028557-1', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 3 => array( 'ID' => '292', 'indexID' => '10', 'indexContent' => 'Orte', 'content' => 'London', 'comment' => 'GND:4074335-4', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_personen_11' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '515', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Friedrich Wilhelm III., Preußen, König', 'comment' => 'GND:118535986', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '50', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Kotzebue, August von', 'comment' => 'GND:118565796', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '2011', 'indexID' => '11', 'indexContent' => 'Personen', 'content' => 'Luise, Preußen, Königin', 'comment' => 'GND:118575155', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'index_koerperschaften_15' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '11878', 'indexID' => '15', 'indexContent' => 'Koerperschaften', 'content' => 'London Theatre', 'comment' => 'nicht identifiziert', 'parentID' => '0', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'textpassagen' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), 'notes' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '14848', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ), (int) 1 => array( 'ID' => '14849', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ), (int) 2 => array( 'ID' => '14850', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ), (int) 3 => array( 'ID' => '14851', 'title' => 'Paginierung des Editors', 'content' => '', 'content_html' => '', 'category' => 'Notiz zur Transkription', 'categoryID' => '8' ) ), '36_html' => '<span class="family-courier notice-14848 ">[1]</span><span class="family-courier "> </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-37966 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> 29 April 1800.<br>Sir<br>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<br>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71833 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier "> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle </span><span class="family-courier notice-14849 ">[2]</span><span class="family-courier "> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">(on account of its environs)</span><span class="family-courier "> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, </span><span class="family-courier cite tp-71831 ">every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br></span><span class="family-courier index-2011 tp-37968 ">The Queen</span><span class="family-courier "> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on </span><span class="family-courier index-515 tp-37967 ">the King</span><span class="family-courier "> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to </span><span class="family-courier index-98 tp-37969 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier "> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<br>I have lately published </span><span class="family-courier index-5773 tp-37980 ">a fourth collection of Songs</span><span class="family-courier ">, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are </span><span class="family-courier notice-14850 ">[3]</span><span class="family-courier "> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </span><span class="family-courier offset-4 ">together</span><span class="family-courier "> in </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 index-12 tp-71834 ">Jena</span><span class="family-courier index-1192 tp-74136 "> journal</span><span class="family-courier ">.<br>An engagement I am now entering into with </span><span class="family-courier index-50 tp-37974 ">M</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier offset-4 ">r</span><span class="index-50 tp-37974 family-courier "> Kotzebue</span><span class="family-courier "> and the managers of </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 ">the </span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 index-292 tp-37972 ">London</span><span class="family-courier index-11878 tp-71835 "> Theatre</span><span class="family-courier ">, to translate </span><span class="family-courier index-2180 tp-71836 ">his future plays</span><span class="family-courier ">, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<br>I should be glad to know whether </span><span class="family-courier notice-14851 ">[4]</span><span class="family-courier "> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<br>Sir, <br>Your obliged and obedient<br>humble servant<br>B Beresford<br>P. S. <br>A Line directed to me at </span><span class="family-courier index-15 tp-71837 ">Berlin</span><span class="family-courier ">, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </span><span class="index-98 tp-71838 family-courier offset-4 ">Hamburg</span><span class="family-courier ">, will be my most eligible address.</span>', '36_xml' => '<p><hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="14848"/>[1]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14848"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> <placeName key="15">Berlin</placeName> 29 April 1800.<lb/>Sir<lb/>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<lb/>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave <placeName key="15">Berlin</placeName> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle <milestone unit="start" n="14849"/>[2]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14849"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">(on account of its environs)</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing.<lb/></hi><persName key="2011"><hi rend="family:Courier">The Queen</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on </hi><persName key="515"><hi rend="family:Courier">the King</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to </hi><placeName key="98"><hi rend="family:Courier">Hamburg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier"> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<lb/>I have lately published <name key="5773" type="work">a fourth collection of Songs</name>, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are <milestone unit="start" n="14850"/>[3]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14850"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">together</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> in <name key="1192" type="periodical">the <placeName key="12">Jena</placeName> journal</name>.<lb/>An engagement I am now entering into with </hi><persName key="50"><hi rend="family:Courier">M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Kotzebue</hi></persName><hi rend="family:Courier"> and the managers of <orgName key="11878">the <placeName key="292">London</placeName> Theatre</orgName>, to translate <name key="2180" type="work">his future plays</name>, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<lb/>I should be glad to know whether <milestone unit="start" n="14851"/>[4]</hi><note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14851"/><hi rend="family:Courier"> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<lb/>Sir, <lb/>Your obliged and obedient<lb/>humble servant<lb/>B Beresford<lb/>P. S. <lb/>A Line directed to me at <placeName key="15">Berlin</placeName>, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </hi><placeName key="98"><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">Hamburg</hi></placeName><hi rend="family:Courier">, will be my most eligible address.</hi></p>', '36_xml_standoff' => '<hi rend="family:Courier"><milestone unit="start" n="14848"/>[1]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14848"/> <anchor type="b" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37966"/>Berlin<anchor type="e" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37966"/> 29 April 1800.<lb/>Sir<lb/>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –<lb/>As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave <anchor type="b" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71833"/>Berlin<anchor type="e" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71833"/> at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle <milestone unit="start" n="14849"/>[2]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14849"/> rank, yet it is a wretched residence </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">(on account of its environs)</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> for a lorn of nature; and, besides, <anchor type="b" n="9059" ana="16" xml:id="NidB71831"/>every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing<anchor type="e" n="9059" ana="16" xml:id="NidE71831"/>.<lb/><anchor type="b" n="2011" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37968"/>The Queen<anchor type="e" n="2011" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37968"/> seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on <anchor type="b" n="515" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37967"/>the King<anchor type="e" n="515" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37967"/> to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to <anchor type="b" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37969"/>Hamburg<anchor type="e" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37969"/> very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.<lb/>I have lately published <anchor type="b" n="5773" ana="12" xml:id="NidB37980"/>a fourth collection of Songs<anchor type="e" n="5773" ana="12" xml:id="NidE37980"/>, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are <milestone unit="start" n="14850"/>[3]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14850"/> now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole </hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">together</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> in <anchor type="b" n="1192" ana="13" xml:id="NidB74136"/>the <anchor type="b" n="12" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71834"/>Jena<anchor type="e" n="12" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71834"/> journal<anchor type="e" n="1192" ana="13" xml:id="NidE74136"/>.<lb/>An engagement I am now entering into with <anchor type="b" n="50" ana="11" xml:id="NidB37974"/>M</hi><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">r</hi><hi rend="family:Courier"> Kotzebue<anchor type="e" n="50" ana="11" xml:id="NidE37974"/> and the managers of <anchor type="b" n="11878" ana="15" xml:id="NidB71835"/>the <anchor type="b" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidB37972"/>London<anchor type="e" n="292" ana="10" xml:id="NidE37972"/> Theatre<anchor type="e" n="11878" ana="15" xml:id="NidE71835"/>, to translate <anchor type="b" n="2180" ana="12" xml:id="NidB71836"/>his future plays<anchor type="e" n="2180" ana="12" xml:id="NidE71836"/>, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.<lb/>I should be glad to know whether <milestone unit="start" n="14851"/>[4]<note type="Notiz_zur_Transkription"><title>Paginierung des Editors</title></note><milestone unit="end" n="14851"/> you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,<lb/>Sir, <lb/>Your obliged and obedient<lb/>humble servant<lb/>B Beresford<lb/>P. S. <lb/>A Line directed to me at <anchor type="b" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71837"/>Berlin<anchor type="e" n="15" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71837"/>, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp </hi><anchor type="b" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidB71838"/><hi rend="family:Courier;offset:4">Hamburg</hi><anchor type="e" n="98" ana="10" xml:id="NidE71838"/><hi rend="family:Courier">, will be my most eligible address.</hi>', '36_absender' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '7635', 'content' => 'Benjamin Beresford', 'bemerkung' => '', 'altBegriff' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), '36_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '7125', 'content' => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel', 'bemerkung' => '', 'altBegriff' => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von', 'LmAdd' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), '36_datumvon' => '1800-04-29', '36_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '15', 'content' => 'Berlin', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:2004272-3', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), '36_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_purlhand' => 'DE-611-38972', '36_signaturhand' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,Nr.24', '36_h1zahl' => '4 S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.', '36_h1format' => '22,9 x 18,8 cm', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'DE-611-2453904', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.3,S.93-96', '36_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'ID' => '12', 'content' => 'Jena', 'bemerkung' => 'GND:4028557-1', 'altBegriff' => '', 'LmAdd' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) ), '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Empfangsort erschlossen.', '36_heditor' => array( (int) 0 => 'Bamberg, Claudia' ), '36_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_hredaktion' => array( (int) 0 => 'Varwig, Olivia' ), '36_purl_web' => '1959', '36_Link_Hand' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ), (int) 1 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ), (int) 2 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ), (int) 3 => array( 'url_image_hand' => '', 'subID' => '144' ) ), '36_Datum' => '1800-04-29', '36_facet_absender' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '36_facet_absender_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Beresford, Benjamin' ), '36_facet_adressat' => array( (int) 0 => 'August Wilhelm von Schlegel' ), '36_facet_adressat_reverse' => array( (int) 0 => 'Schlegel, August Wilhelm von' ), '36_facet_absenderort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Berlin' ), '36_facet_adressatort' => array( (int) 0 => 'Jena' ), '36_facet_status' => 'Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert', '36_facet_datengeberhand' => 'Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek', '36_facet_sprache' => array( (int) 0 => 'Englisch' ), '36_facet_korrespondenten' => array( (int) 0 => 'Benjamin Beresford' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Letter', '_model_title' => 'Letter', '_model_titles' => 'Letters', '_url' => '' ) $doctype_name = 'Letters' $captions = array( '36_dummy' => '', '36_absender' => 'Absender/Verfasser', '36_absverif1' => 'Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absender2' => 'Verfasser 2', '36_absverif2' => 'Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp2' => 'Verfasser 2 Brieftyp', '36_absender3' => 'Verfasser 3', '36_absverif3' => 'Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_absbrieftyp3' => 'Verfasser 3 Brieftyp', '36_adressat' => 'Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrverif1' => 'Empfänger Verifikation', '36_adressat2' => 'Empfänger 2', '36_adrverif2' => 'Empfänger 2 Verifikation', '36_adressat3' => 'Empfänger 3', '36_adrverif3' => 'Empfänger 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatfalsch' => 'Empfänger_falsch', '36_absenderort' => 'Ort Absender/Verfasser', '36_absortverif1' => 'Ort Verfasser Verifikation', '36_absortungenau' => 'Ort Verfasser ungenau', '36_absenderort2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2', '36_absortverif2' => 'Ort Verfasser 2 Verifikation', '36_absenderort3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3', '36_absortverif3' => 'Ort Verfasser 3 Verifikation', '36_adressatort' => 'Ort Adressat/Empfänger', '36_adrortverif' => 'Ort Empfänger Verifikation', '36_datumvon' => 'Datum von', '36_datumbis' => 'Datum bis', '36_altDat' => 'Datum/Datum manuell', '36_datumverif' => 'Datum Verifikation', '36_sortdatum' => 'Datum zum Sortieren', '36_wochentag' => 'Wochentag nicht erzeugen', '36_sortdatum1' => 'Briefsortierung', '36_fremddatierung' => 'Fremddatierung', '36_typ' => 'Brieftyp', '36_briefid' => 'Brief Identifier', '36_purl_web' => 'PURL web', '36_status' => 'Bearbeitungsstatus', '36_anmerkung' => 'Anmerkung (intern)', '36_anmerkungextern' => 'Anmerkung (extern)', '36_datengeber' => 'Datengeber', '36_purl' => 'OAI-Id', '36_leitd' => 'Druck 1:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck2' => 'Druck 2:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_druck3' => 'Druck 3:Bibliographische Angabe', '36_internhand' => 'Zugehörige Handschrift', '36_datengeberhand' => 'Datengeber', '36_purlhand' => 'OAI-Id', '36_purlhand_alt' => 'OAI-Id (alternative)', '36_signaturhand' => 'Signatur', '36_signaturhand_alt' => 'Signatur (alternative)', '36_h1prov' => 'Provenienz', '36_h1zahl' => 'Blatt-/Seitenzahl', '36_h1format' => 'Format', '36_h1besonder' => 'Besonderheiten', '36_hueberlieferung' => 'Ãœberlieferung', '36_infoinhalt' => 'Verschollen/erschlossen: Information über den Inhalt', '36_heditor' => 'Editor/in', '36_hredaktion' => 'Redakteur/in', '36_interndruck' => 'Zugehörige Druck', '36_band' => 'KFSA Band', '36_briefnr' => 'KFSA Brief-Nr.', '36_briefseite' => 'KFSA Seite', '36_incipit' => 'Incipit', '36_textgrundlage' => 'Textgrundlage Sigle', '36_uberstatus' => 'Ãœberlieferungsstatus', '36_gattung' => 'Gattung', '36_korrepsondentds' => 'Korrespondent_DS', '36_korrepsondentfs' => 'Korrespondent_FS', '36_ermitteltvon' => 'Ermittelt von', '36_metadatenintern' => 'Metadaten (intern)', '36_beilagen' => 'Beilage(en)', '36_abszusatz' => 'Verfasser Zusatzinfos', '36_adrzusatz' => 'Empfänger Zusatzinfos', '36_absortzusatz' => 'Verfasser Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_adrortzusatz' => 'Empfänger Ort Zusatzinfos', '36_datumzusatz' => 'Datum Zusatzinfos', '36_' => '', '36_KFSA Hand.hueberleiferung' => 'Ãœberlieferungsträger', '36_KFSA Hand.harchiv' => 'Archiv', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignatur' => 'Signatur', '36_KFSA Hand.hprovenienz' => 'Provenienz', '36_KFSA Hand.harchivlalt' => 'Archiv_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hsignaturalt' => 'Signatur_alt', '36_KFSA Hand.hblattzahl' => 'Blattzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hseitenzahl' => 'Seitenzahl', '36_KFSA Hand.hformat' => 'Format', '36_KFSA Hand.hadresse' => 'Adresse', '36_KFSA Hand.hvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Hand.hzusatzinfo' => 'H Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Druck.drliteratur' => 'Druck in', '36_KFSA Druck.drsigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Druck.drbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Druck.drfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Druck.drvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Druck.dzusatzinfo' => 'D Zusatzinfos', '36_KFSA Doku.dokliteratur' => 'Dokumentiert in', '36_KFSA Doku.doksigle' => 'Sigle', '36_KFSA Doku.dokbandnrseite' => 'Bd./Nr./S.', '36_KFSA Doku.dokfaksimile' => 'Faksimile', '36_KFSA Doku.dokvollstaendig' => 'Vollständigkeit', '36_KFSA Doku.dokzusatzinfo' => 'A Zusatzinfos', '36_Link Druck.url_titel_druck' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Druck.url_image_druck' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_Link Hand.url_titel_hand' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_Link Hand.url_image_hand' => 'Link zu Online-Dokument', '36_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_verlag' => 'Verlag', '36_anhang_tite0' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename0' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite1' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename1' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite2' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename2' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite3' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename3' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite4' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename4' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite5' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename5' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite6' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename6' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite7' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename7' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite8' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename8' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite9' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename9' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titea' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamea' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeb' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameb' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titec' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamec' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tited' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamed' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titee' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamee' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeu' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameu' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titev' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamev' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titew' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamew' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titex' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamex' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titey' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamey' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titez' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamez' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite10' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename10' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite11' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename11' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite12' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename12' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite13' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename13' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite14' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename14' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite15' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename15' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite16' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename16' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite17' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename17' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite18' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename18' => 'Image', '36_h_preasentation' => 'Nicht in die Präsentation', '36_anhang_titef' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamef' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeg' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameg' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeh' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameh' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titei' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamei' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titej' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamej' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titek' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamek' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titel' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamel' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titem' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamem' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titen' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamen' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeo' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameo' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titep' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamep' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titeq' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenameq' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titer' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamer' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tites' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenames' => 'Image', '36_anhang_titet' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcenamet' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite19' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename19' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite20' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename20' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite21' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename21' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite22' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename22' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite23' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename23' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite24' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename24' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite25' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename25' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite26' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename26' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite27' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename27' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite28' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename28' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite29' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename29' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite30' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename30' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite31' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename32' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite33' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename33' => 'Image', '36_anhang_tite34' => 'Titel/Bezeichnung', '36_sourcename34' => 'Image', '36_Relationen.relation_art' => 'Art', '36_Relationen.relation_link' => 'Interner Link', '36_volltext' => 'Brieftext (Digitalisat Leitdruck oder Transkript Handschrift)', '36_History.hisbearbeiter' => 'Bearbeiter', '36_History.hisschritt' => 'Bearbeitungsschritt', '36_History.hisdatum' => 'Datum', '36_History.hisnotiz' => 'Notiz', 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'index_druckwerke_kfsa_21.comment' => 'Druckwerke KFSA (Kommentar)', '36_fulltext' => 'XML Volltext', '36_html' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_publicHTML' => 'HTML Volltext', '36_plaintext' => 'Volltext', 'transcript.text' => 'Transkripte', 'folders' => 'Mappen', 'notes' => 'Notizen', 'notes.title' => 'Notizen (Titel)', 'notes.content' => 'Notizen', 'notes.category' => 'Notizen (Kategorie)', 'key' => 'FuD Schlüssel' ) $query_id = '674070949818d' $value = '„[1] Berlin 29 April 1800.<br>Sir<br>Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but [...]“' $key = 'Incipit' $adrModalInfo = array( 'ID' => '1422', 'project' => '1', 'timecreate' => '2013-02-19 15:48:06', 'timelastchg' => '2018-03-09 14:38:26', 'key' => 'AWS-ap-003x', 'docTyp' => array( 'name' => 'Person', 'id' => '39' ), '39_name' => 'Beresford, Benjamin', '39_geschlecht' => 'm', '39_toddatum' => '1819-04-29', '39_pdb' => 'GND', '39_dbid' => '137991517 ', '39_quellen' => 'WBIS@', '39_lebenwirken' => 'Beresford, Benjamin Geistlicher, Philologe, Anglist Benjamin Beresford war ein englischer Theologe und promovierte an der Universität Halle. Von 1803 bis 1806 war er als Lektor für englische und italienische Sprache an der Universität von Dorpat tätig. Später arbeitete er als Lektor für englische Sprache an der Berliner Universität. Er publizierte zahlreiche Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Englische.', '39_werke' => 'Beresford, Benjamin: The German Eroto or a collection of favourite songs translated into English with their original music. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1797. Beresford, Benjamin: The most remarkable year of the life of August von Kotzebue. 3 Bde. London 1802. Beresford, Benjamin: The Life of General de Ziethen, a distinguished commander under Frederick the Great. 2 Bde. Übers. v. Mme de Blumenthal. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1810. Beresford, Benjamin: A narrative of circumstances attending Mr. Beresford's marriage with Miss Hamilton. London 1782. [Elektron. Ressource 2009].', '39_werkeognd' => '', '39_beziehung' => 'AWS lernte Beresford 1798 in Dresden kennen. Er schätzte die Übersetzungen des Briten. Benjamin Beresford berichtete Schlegel über seine Übersetzungsversuche und den Alltag in Berlin. AWS rezensierte Beresfords Übersetzungen „The German Erato“ 1798 wohlwollend in der Jenaischen Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung.', '39_gebdatumfrei' => '1750', '39_status_person' => 'Vollständig', 'folders' => array( (int) 0 => 'Personen', (int) 1 => 'Personen' ), '_label' => '', '_descr' => '', '_model' => 'Person', '_model_title' => 'Person', '_model_titles' => 'People', '_url' => '' ) $version = 'version-04-20' $domain = '' $url = '' $purl_web = '' $state = '01.04.2020' $citation = 'Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels [01.04.2020]; Benjamin Beresford an August Wilhelm von Schlegel; 29.04.1800' $lettermsg1 = 'August Wilhelm Schlegel: Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz [Version-04-20]' $lettermsg2 = ' <a href=""></a>.' $sprache = 'Englisch' $editor = 'Varwig, Olivia' $caption = array( 'exists' => '1', 'content' => 'Digitalisat Handschrift' ) $tab = 'manuscript' $n = (int) 1 $image = '/cake_fud/files/temp/images/dzi/9c388e61496d85031d0a347061ea0737.jpg.xml'
include - APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 360 View::_evaluate() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - APP/Lib/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109
[1] Berlin 29 April 1800.
Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –
As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave Berlin at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle [2] rank, yet it is a wretched residence (on account of its environs) for a lorn of nature; and, besides, every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing.
The Queen seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on the King to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to Hamburg very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.
I have lately published a fourth collection of Songs, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are [3] now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole together in the Jena journal.
An engagement I am now entering into with Mr Kotzebue and the managers of the London Theatre, to translate his future plays, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.
I should be glad to know whether [4] you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,
Your obliged and obedient
humble servant
B Beresford
P. S.
A Line directed to me at Berlin, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp Hamburg, will be my most eligible address.
Your obliging letter of Oct: last gave me no small pleasure, for I could not but be highly flattered and gratified at your kind wish, however unavailing your attempt has been, to draw me nearer to you. –
As to the emolument, of my present situation, a man would be apt to think me unreasonable for intending to leave Berlin at all; for, as I think I have already told you, I get money enough here; and if there be any honour in teaching royal personages, I have enough of that too. – But royalty is not very generous here, and althoʼ Berlin abounds in enlightened people, among the middle [2] rank, yet it is a wretched residence (on account of its environs) for a lorn of nature; and, besides, every thing here gives way to the noble art of destroying the human race, for learning is nothing and the army every thing.
The Queen seems unwilling I should leave her, yet if her majesty cannot prevail on the King to give me some permanent establishment, I shall remove to Hamburg very soon, where I have, as I have already informed you, very flattering invitations.
I have lately published a fourth collection of Songs, a copy of which I have the honour of sending you with this. The editions announced at the end of the book are [3] now in the press. They will contain some new pieces – I shall send you copies when they come out, and shall then request youʼll take an early opportunity of reviewing the whole together in the Jena journal.
An engagement I am now entering into with Mr Kotzebue and the managers of the London Theatre, to translate his future plays, makes me less solicitous about royal patronage; but more of this in my next. I now look forward, at all events, to that leisure I have so long wished for, to cultivate German literature in general; – a prospect I can assure you, which affords me a very high degree of pleasure.
I should be glad to know whether [4] you make any excursion this summer, that I may order my annual one so as to be in your part of the world when you are there too or else to cross you in our routes. I remain with great esteem,
Your obliged and obedient
humble servant
B Beresford
P. S.
A Line directed to me at Berlin, no 42 Unter den Linden, will find me here till the end of May. – and afterwards, no 18. Kreien Kamp Hamburg, will be my most eligible address.