• Henry Brougham Brougham and Vaux an August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Absendeort: London · Empfangsort: Bonn · Datum: 12.08.1828
Editionsstatus: Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert
  • Absender: Henry Brougham Brougham and Vaux
  • Empfänger: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Absendeort: London
  • Empfangsort: Bonn
  • Datum: 12.08.1828
  • Anmerkung: Partielle Abschrift von Schlegels Hand. Absende- und Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Datengeber: Bonn, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
  • OAI Id: 1918258
  • Signatur: S 1392 : 8 : Beil.
  • Blatt-/Seitenzahl: Ms. (1 Doppelbl.=3 S.)
  • Incipit: „[1] Extrait dʼune lettre
    de Henry Brougham Esq., membre
    du Parlement
    – – – But there is a wish entertained by many among [...]“
  • Französisch
  • Englisch
    Editorische Bearbeitung
  • Bamberg, Claudia
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] Extrait dʼune lettre
de Henry Brougham Esq., membre
– – – But there is a wish entertained by many among us, I believe I may say, by us all, to have the inestimable advantage of your assistance, and the hardly less important benefit of an alliance with the celebrity so justly attached to your name. A portion of our plan is, to admit
occasional courses of lectures on any branch of study: and if you could be prevailed upon, to visit England at any season of the year most convenient for yourself (except the months of August and September) and to deliver a course of lectures, either in French or in English, upon any branch of literature most suited to your own taste, you would not only confer upon our University an unspeakable obligation, but render a most valuable service to letters in general. Allow me to beg, [2] that you would consider a little this request, and let me know, whether you think you can comply with it. – –
August 12. 1828
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Unable to open [object Object]: Unable to load TileSource
[1] Extrait dʼune lettre
de Henry Brougham Esq., membre
– – – But there is a wish entertained by many among us, I believe I may say, by us all, to have the inestimable advantage of your assistance, and the hardly less important benefit of an alliance with the celebrity so justly attached to your name. A portion of our plan is, to admit
occasional courses of lectures on any branch of study: and if you could be prevailed upon, to visit England at any season of the year most convenient for yourself (except the months of August and September) and to deliver a course of lectures, either in French or in English, upon any branch of literature most suited to your own taste, you would not only confer upon our University an unspeakable obligation, but render a most valuable service to letters in general. Allow me to beg, [2] that you would consider a little this request, and let me know, whether you think you can comply with it. – –
August 12. 1828
· Hauptdokument (zu dem das aktuelle Dokument mitgeschickt wurde) , 11.09.1828
· Bonn, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
· S 1392 : 8