• William Jacobson an August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Absendeort: Oxford · Empfangsort: Bonn · Datum: 23.03.1834
Editionsstatus: Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert
  • XML
  • Absender: William Jacobson
  • Empfänger: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Absendeort: Oxford
  • Empfangsort: Bonn
  • Datum: 23.03.1834
  • Datengeber: Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-33904
  • Signatur: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.12,Nr.1
  • Blatt-/Seitenzahl: 2S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U. u. Adresse
  • Format: 18,5 x 11,3 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] My Dear Sir,
    I believe I might safely trust to your kindness to excuse the liberty I take in recommending [...]“
  • Editorische Bearbeitung: Bamberg, Claudia · Varwig, Olivia
[1] My Dear Sir,
I believe I might safely trust to your kindness to excuse the liberty I take in recommending
the bearer to your attention, even though the announcement of his name were not sufficiant to interest you in his favour.
He is
the eldest son of Professor Wilson, and is sent by his father to Bonn to prosecute his studies there till he is called to reside here [2] in Oxford, which will be, I believe, in October next.
I am, My Dear Sir,
With very great respect,
Most Sincerely Yours
March 23. 1834.
[3] [leer]
[4] Professor Von Schlegel
&c &c &c

[1] My Dear Sir,
I believe I might safely trust to your kindness to excuse the liberty I take in recommending
the bearer to your attention, even though the announcement of his name were not sufficiant to interest you in his favour.
He is
the eldest son of Professor Wilson, and is sent by his father to Bonn to prosecute his studies there till he is called to reside here [2] in Oxford, which will be, I believe, in October next.
I am, My Dear Sir,
With very great respect,
Most Sincerely Yours
March 23. 1834.
[3] [leer]
[4] Professor Von Schlegel
&c &c &c
