• Henry George Keene to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Place of Dispatch: Hertford · Place of Destination: Bonn · Date: 01.08.1828
Edition Status: Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated
    Metadata Concerning Header
  • Sender: Henry George Keene
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Place of Dispatch: Hertford
  • Place of Destination: Bonn
  • Date: 01.08.1828
  • Provider: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-33958
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.13,Nr.9
  • Number of Pages: 3S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U. u. Adresse
  • Format: 18,6 x 11,3 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] East India College
    Hertford. 1t Augt 1828
    My dear Sir
    I do not know whether you remember that I had the pleasure [...]“
  • English
  • Bamberg, Claudia
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Varwig, Olivia
Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 360]/version-04-20/letters/view/3659" data-language="">
[1] East India College
Hertford. 1t Augt 1828
My dear Sir
I do not know whether you remember that I had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with you when you paid a visit to
my brother Professor Mr Haughton, at this place – & that I also had the pleasure of travelling with you in Sir John Malcolmʼs carriage to Cambridge
I take the liberty of calling these circumstances to your
[2] recollection for the purpose of introducing my friend Mr Denis Le Marchant, a gentleman of good family pleasing manners & extensive information; & who is very desirous, in passing up the Rhine, of stopping at Bonn for the purpose of cultivating your acquaintance. And as I hope some day to make the same journey, I am glad of the occasion of keeping myself alive in your memory.
You will be sorry to hear, though you perhaps know it already, that
Mr Haughton [3] has been obliged by the weak state of his health to resign his office in this College, & that we have lost the advantage of his society.
You have no doubt found great pleasure in reading the Sanscrit plays which were translated in
Believe me to be
My dear Sir
Yourʼs with great respect
& esteem.
Hen: Geo: Keene.
[4] For
r Professor Schlegel
the University of Bonn.
Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 442]/version-04-20/letters/view/3659" data-language="">
[1] East India College
Hertford. 1t Augt 1828
My dear Sir
I do not know whether you remember that I had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with you when you paid a visit to
my brother Professor Mr Haughton, at this place – & that I also had the pleasure of travelling with you in Sir John Malcolmʼs carriage to Cambridge
I take the liberty of calling these circumstances to your
[2] recollection for the purpose of introducing my friend Mr Denis Le Marchant, a gentleman of good family pleasing manners & extensive information; & who is very desirous, in passing up the Rhine, of stopping at Bonn for the purpose of cultivating your acquaintance. And as I hope some day to make the same journey, I am glad of the occasion of keeping myself alive in your memory.
You will be sorry to hear, though you perhaps know it already, that
Mr Haughton [3] has been obliged by the weak state of his health to resign his office in this College, & that we have lost the advantage of his society.
You have no doubt found great pleasure in reading the Sanscrit plays which were translated in
Believe me to be
My dear Sir
Yourʼs with great respect
& esteem.
Hen: Geo: Keene.
[4] For
r Professor Schlegel
the University of Bonn.