• John Frederick William Herschel an August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Absendeort: Slough · Empfangsort: London · Datum: 27.03.1832
Editionsstatus: Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert
  • Absender: John Frederick William Herschel
  • Empfänger: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Absendeort: Slough
  • Empfangsort: London
  • Datum: 27.03.1832
  • Anmerkung: Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Datengeber: Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-33798
  • Signatur: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.10,Nr.42
  • Blatt-/Seitenzahl: 1S., hs. m. U.
  • Format: 18,3 x 11,5 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] Slough. Mar 27
    My dear Sir,
    Mr Rajah Ramdhun Roy has promised us a visit to Slough on Wednesday the 4th [...]“
  • Editorische Bearbeitung: Bamberg, Claudia · Varwig, Olivia
Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 326]/version-07-19/letters/view/3547" data-language="deu">
[1] Slough. Mar 27
My dear Sir,
Mr Rajah Ramdhun Roy has promised us a visit to Slough on Wednesday the 4th of april. – It strikes me that it would not be disagreeable to you to meet him and if your engagements will permit we shall be very glad if you can join us on that day
Lady Herschel pays her Compts. & I remain de Sir
yours very truly
[2] [leer]
Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 408]/version-07-19/letters/view/3547" data-language="deu">
[1] Slough. Mar 27
My dear Sir,
Mr Rajah Ramdhun Roy has promised us a visit to Slough on Wednesday the 4th of april. – It strikes me that it would not be disagreeable to you to meet him and if your engagements will permit we shall be very glad if you can join us on that day
Lady Herschel pays her Compts. & I remain de Sir
yours very truly
[2] [leer]