• Elisabeth Wilhelmine van Nuys to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Place of Dispatch: Wien · Place of Destination: Wien · Date: [1808]
Edition Status: Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated
    Metadata Concerning Header
  • Sender: Elisabeth Wilhelmine van Nuys
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Place of Dispatch: Wien
  • Place of Destination: Wien
  • Date: [1808]
  • Notations: Datum sowie Absende- und Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Provider: Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
  • OAI Id: APP2712-Bd-7
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.App.2712,B,22,22
  • Number of Pages: 3 S. auf Doppelbl., hs.
  • Format: 12,5 x 10,3 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] [Blumenkranz]
    [2] If You read my dearest friend the book I send here, only so far as the tape shews [...]“
  • Editors: Bamberg, Claudia · Varwig, Olivia
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[1] [Blumenkranz]
[2] If You read my dearest friend the book I send here, only so far as the tape shews – I believe Youʼill love Mrs P much better – I only am afraid it answers too much to Yr present disposition, and perhaps am wrong to send it – but, if Youʼill spend a minute for it, let it not be towards the night. – or As to the visit I mentioned I wont make it to day; from church Iʼll come home but [3] let me be so happy as to see You, Iʼll console You, and read for You and do any thing in my power to dissipate melancholy ideas – oh You deserve nothing but joy – why cant I prepare it for You unmixed with grief!
Yesterday I heard the Lamentations at
St Peter very sorry not to meet You! to day by 4 I go to the minoriten [4] later to St Etienne – let me find You at the first because this hour is fixed (from 4 till 5) I am home before 7 and – alone with certainty!
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[1] [Blumenkranz]
[2] If You read my dearest friend the book I send here, only so far as the tape shews – I believe Youʼill love Mrs P much better – I only am afraid it answers too much to Yr present disposition, and perhaps am wrong to send it – but, if Youʼill spend a minute for it, let it not be towards the night. – or As to the visit I mentioned I wont make it to day; from church Iʼll come home but [3] let me be so happy as to see You, Iʼll console You, and read for You and do any thing in my power to dissipate melancholy ideas – oh You deserve nothing but joy – why cant I prepare it for You unmixed with grief!
Yesterday I heard the Lamentations at
St Peter very sorry not to meet You! to day by 4 I go to the minoriten [4] later to St Etienne – let me find You at the first because this hour is fixed (from 4 till 5) I am home before 7 and – alone with certainty!