• Fanny Foss to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Place of Dispatch: London · Place of Destination: Bonn · Date: 24.02.1825
Edition Status: Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated
    Metadata Concerning Header
  • Sender: Fanny Foss
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Place of Dispatch: London
  • Place of Destination: Bonn
  • Date: 24.02.1825
  • Notations: Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Provider: Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-33563
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.8,Nr.65
  • Number of Pages: 4S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.
  • Format: 18,3 x 11,3 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] February 24th 1825. –
    I feel assured that the accompanying volume must be interesting to you: – If there be [...]“
  • English
  • Bamberg, Claudia
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Varwig, Olivia
Notice (8): Undefined offset: 0 [APP/View/Letters/view.ctp, line 350]/version-10-19/letters/view/4333" data-language="">
[1] February 24th 1825. –
I feel assured that the accompanying volume must be interesting to you: – If there be ought
presuming in my offering it, I must plead pure gratitude; as my motive, which will I trust ensure your pardon. The discovery of the rare „Hamlet“ took place just as I had finished reading your most delightful Lectures on Dramatic Literature [2] when I found it was to be re-printed, I immediately felt a desire that you should see a copy: – I entreat you to receive it in testimony that you have endeared yourself to one English heart – by your just appreciation, & ardent, heartfelt encomiums on our beloved Bard.
I cannot express the high gratification
your Lectures have given – they are indeed a rich intellectual [3] feast – & seemed to rouse in me thoughts, feelings & perceptions which were never elicited before. –
I am a very obscure & I half fear you may think
bold, individual, and must therefore again apologize for this approaching you: –
To be assured that
you do not think that I have „wronged myself to write in such a cause“ would be a satisfaction, & to receive such assurance in even one English sentence (for German is, alas! quite a dead letter to me,) [4] from your own hand, would indeed delight – Sir, your most grateful peruser, & warm admirer –
Fanny Foss. –
o 36 – Essex Street – Strand – London.

Professor Schlegel
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[1] February 24th 1825. –
I feel assured that the accompanying volume must be interesting to you: – If there be ought
presuming in my offering it, I must plead pure gratitude; as my motive, which will I trust ensure your pardon. The discovery of the rare „Hamlet“ took place just as I had finished reading your most delightful Lectures on Dramatic Literature [2] when I found it was to be re-printed, I immediately felt a desire that you should see a copy: – I entreat you to receive it in testimony that you have endeared yourself to one English heart – by your just appreciation, & ardent, heartfelt encomiums on our beloved Bard.
I cannot express the high gratification
your Lectures have given – they are indeed a rich intellectual [3] feast – & seemed to rouse in me thoughts, feelings & perceptions which were never elicited before. –
I am a very obscure & I half fear you may think
bold, individual, and must therefore again apologize for this approaching you: –
To be assured that
you do not think that I have „wronged myself to write in such a cause“ would be a satisfaction, & to receive such assurance in even one English sentence (for German is, alas! quite a dead letter to me,) [4] from your own hand, would indeed delight – Sir, your most grateful peruser, & warm admirer –
Fanny Foss. –
o 36 – Essex Street – Strand – London.

Professor Schlegel