• Juliet Smith to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Place of Dispatch: Piercefield House (Chepstow) · Place of Destination: Göttingen · Date: 29.07.1790
Edition Status: Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated
    Metadata Concerning Header
  • Sender: Juliet Smith
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Place of Dispatch: Piercefield House (Chepstow)
  • Place of Destination: Göttingen
  • Date: 29.07.1790
  • Notations: Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Provider: Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
  • OAI Id: DE-611-34477
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.25,Nr.72
  • Number of Pages: 2 S., hs. m. U.
  • Format: 23,6 x 18,4 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] Piercefield July 29. 90
    I am extremely obliged, for the account you had the goodness to write me of my [...]“
  • English
  • Bamberg, Claudia
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] Piercefield July 29. 90
I am extremely obliged, for the account you had the goodness to write me of
my Son – so far from its being trifling to me, I assure you it was highly interesting, & I thank you for entering so much into the feelings of a Mother – I have always flatterʼd myself, that my Sonʼs disposition was naturally good; the greatest failing I ever observed in him, was an extreme Indolence, but I hope from the kind attention you pay to him, & from the example which a Gentleman of your Character will be sure to set him, that will be conquerʼd – & that I shall have the joy of seeing him an Amiable Man! – He appears to have a great wish for a Military Life, & thoʼ it is not exactly what the Father of a large family would wish for his eldest Son, yet Mr. Smith is so desirous of contributing all he can to his happiness, that he has consented to his desire – it will now be necessary to change the course of his Studies & to leave off Arabic & Persich –
[2] I am happy in this opportunity Sir, of expressing the great satisfaction Mr. Smith & I have at your return to my Son, & of thus assuring you we are extremely Sensible of the delicate & Gentlemanlike manner in which you withdrew yourself from him – We hope he will prove his Gratitude for your generous Conduct, by his respectful attention, & endeavors to make your situation as pleasant to you as he can –
Mr. Smith desires his Compliments –
I am with great Respect Sir
Your most Obedient Servant
J. Smith
I hope you will excuse a very hasty scrawl as I write in Company, which prevents
Mr. Smithʼs writing to you himself.
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[1] Piercefield July 29. 90
I am extremely obliged, for the account you had the goodness to write me of
my Son – so far from its being trifling to me, I assure you it was highly interesting, & I thank you for entering so much into the feelings of a Mother – I have always flatterʼd myself, that my Sonʼs disposition was naturally good; the greatest failing I ever observed in him, was an extreme Indolence, but I hope from the kind attention you pay to him, & from the example which a Gentleman of your Character will be sure to set him, that will be conquerʼd – & that I shall have the joy of seeing him an Amiable Man! – He appears to have a great wish for a Military Life, & thoʼ it is not exactly what the Father of a large family would wish for his eldest Son, yet Mr. Smith is so desirous of contributing all he can to his happiness, that he has consented to his desire – it will now be necessary to change the course of his Studies & to leave off Arabic & Persich –
[2] I am happy in this opportunity Sir, of expressing the great satisfaction Mr. Smith & I have at your return to my Son, & of thus assuring you we are extremely Sensible of the delicate & Gentlemanlike manner in which you withdrew yourself from him – We hope he will prove his Gratitude for your generous Conduct, by his respectful attention, & endeavors to make your situation as pleasant to you as he can –
Mr. Smith desires his Compliments –
I am with great Respect Sir
Your most Obedient Servant
J. Smith
I hope you will excuse a very hasty scrawl as I write in Company, which prevents
Mr. Smithʼs writing to you himself.