• John Malcolm to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Place of Dispatch: Mahabaleshwar , Poona · Place of Destination: Bonn · Date: 21.05.1829 bis 30.07.1829
Edition Status: Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated
    Metadata Concerning Header
  • Sender: John Malcolm
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Place of Dispatch: Mahabaleshwar , Poona
  • Place of Destination: Bonn
  • Date: 21.05.1829 bis 30.07.1829
  • Typ: Abschrift
  • Notations: Abschrift zweier Briefe von fremder Hand, ohne Unterschrift. Empfangsort erschlossen.
  • Provider: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-34336
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.29,Nr.112
  • Number of Pages: 2S., hs.
  • Format: 25,4 x 21,2 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] Muhabilesher Hills
    100 Miles S. E. off Bombay
    21st. May 1829.
    My dear Mr. Schlegel
    Here I am near 5000 feet above the [...]“
  • English
  • Bürger, Thomas
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] Muhabilesher Hills
100 Miles S. E. off
st. May 1829.
My dear Mr. Schlegel
Here I am near 5000 feet above the sea enjoying as fine a climate as can be desired at this hot season. The thermometer Farrenheit is never above
75 75 & to day as low as 62 – Here I received an account of all your kindness to my family when near Bonn, for which accept my sincere thanks. – I have nothing to regret – but that I was not of the party. But the day will come, when I shall visit the Professor & offer my homage to him in his seat of wisdom & learning.
Among other accounts I have one of Your oriental room – & as I too continue to live in Your memory I send a few trifles through through
Messrs Treuttel & Wurz to whom I enclose this letter. There is a Babylonian brick, an ornamented Persian Mpt & one small parcel containing
6 Silver coins 3 copper coins & 2 rings from Persia & of which I pray Your acceptance.
I hope soon to obtain a copy of
the Ramayana from Guzerat & I shall send You some copies of our [2] lithographed Persian Mpts when completed.
I leave India at the latest the end of next year & shall I hope visit Germany soon after.
Poonah 30st Jul 1829
My dear Monsieur Schlegel
I send by this opportunity a copy of the
Ramayan obtained as You wished in Guzerat. – I can only add, that never was there a public slave more anxious to break his chain & to wander free from the cares of government over the scenes lately visited by his family in Germany & Switzerland. But he yet hopes to have that pleasure & to pay his respects to professor Schlegel & to revive old times.
You will have received
an account of Your election as a member of the Bombay Litterary Society which is honoured by the accession of one who is so zealous & to able a labourer in the field of oriental lore.
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Unable to open [object Object]: Unable to load TileSource
[1] Muhabilesher Hills
100 Miles S. E. off
st. May 1829.
My dear Mr. Schlegel
Here I am near 5000 feet above the sea enjoying as fine a climate as can be desired at this hot season. The thermometer Farrenheit is never above
75 75 & to day as low as 62 – Here I received an account of all your kindness to my family when near Bonn, for which accept my sincere thanks. – I have nothing to regret – but that I was not of the party. But the day will come, when I shall visit the Professor & offer my homage to him in his seat of wisdom & learning.
Among other accounts I have one of Your oriental room – & as I too continue to live in Your memory I send a few trifles through through
Messrs Treuttel & Wurz to whom I enclose this letter. There is a Babylonian brick, an ornamented Persian Mpt & one small parcel containing
6 Silver coins 3 copper coins & 2 rings from Persia & of which I pray Your acceptance.
I hope soon to obtain a copy of
the Ramayana from Guzerat & I shall send You some copies of our [2] lithographed Persian Mpts when completed.
I leave India at the latest the end of next year & shall I hope visit Germany soon after.
Poonah 30st Jul 1829
My dear Monsieur Schlegel
I send by this opportunity a copy of the
Ramayan obtained as You wished in Guzerat. – I can only add, that never was there a public slave more anxious to break his chain & to wander free from the cares of government over the scenes lately visited by his family in Germany & Switzerland. But he yet hopes to have that pleasure & to pay his respects to professor Schlegel & to revive old times.
You will have received
an account of Your election as a member of the Bombay Litterary Society which is honoured by the accession of one who is so zealous & to able a labourer in the field of oriental lore.
· Original , 21.05.1829
· Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
· Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.23
· Original , 30.07.1829
· Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
· Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.15,Nr.24