• Charles Robert Cockerell an August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Absendeort: London · Empfangsort: Bonn · Datum: 22.09.1826
Editionsstatus: Neu transkribiert und ausgezeichnet; zweimal kollationiert
  • Absender: Charles Robert Cockerell
  • Empfänger: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Absendeort: London
  • Empfangsort: Bonn
  • Datum: 22.09.1826
  • Datengeber: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-33441
  • Signatur: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.5,Nr.33
  • Blatt-/Seitenzahl: 3S., hs. m. U. u. Adresse
  • Format: 23,1 x 18,3 cm
  • Incipit: „[1] 8 Old Burlington Str
    London 22 Sepr
    My Dear Sir,
    I have been asked by a particular Friend if I could take [...]“
  • Englisch
    Editorische Bearbeitung
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Müller, Bianca
  • Varwig, Olivia
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Unable to open [object Object]: Unable to load TileSource
[1] 8 Old Burlington Str
London 22 Sepr
My Dear Sir,
I have been asked by a particular Friend if I could take the liberty of recommending
the Bearer Mr Bruce to your favorable notice; as an advantage which he is extremely ambitious of, & would derive great profit from, as well as pleasure. He is a young man of excellent family in Wales & proposes passing some months at Berne previous to his residence & studies at Oxford.
I am sensible that your valuable time must be greatly intruded upon by a vast number of persons who have also this ambition. but I presume to think that your benevolence is willingly bestowed
[2] on those who can deserve it; & that your kindness to me in particular would furnish me this liberty; especialy when I ask it in favor of a young man. mindful as I am sure you are of the vast advantage it is to a youth, to make the acquaintance of those persons, whose merit & celebrity have already excited their admiration at a distance – for at such an age these are solid advantages, stored in virtuous recollection, & serving as guides when the character may have real need of such supports.
[3] I am particularly happy at the same time to recal to your memory one who has deeply felt & well remembered your former kindness, & the interest you took for him when it was espec[ially] useful & flattering to him. I should be delig[hted] to hear from Mr Bruce on his return that you are in the enjoyment of good health & success in the interesting studies you are engaged in so profitably for the world of literature. & of which you gave me so pleasing an account when you were last in England – I am sure you will also be glad to hear that I am in tolerable health, & happy in the study of my art. & I remain My Dear Sir
ever with respect & gratitude
Your faithful humble servant.
C. R. Cockerell.
[4] To
The Professor Schlegel,
aux soins de
Monsr Bruce
Chez Mons
r – Apoticaire
by favor of Mr Bruce Wenzel Pape
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Unable to open [object Object]: Unable to load TileSource
[1] 8 Old Burlington Str
London 22 Sepr
My Dear Sir,
I have been asked by a particular Friend if I could take the liberty of recommending
the Bearer Mr Bruce to your favorable notice; as an advantage which he is extremely ambitious of, & would derive great profit from, as well as pleasure. He is a young man of excellent family in Wales & proposes passing some months at Berne previous to his residence & studies at Oxford.
I am sensible that your valuable time must be greatly intruded upon by a vast number of persons who have also this ambition. but I presume to think that your benevolence is willingly bestowed
[2] on those who can deserve it; & that your kindness to me in particular would furnish me this liberty; especialy when I ask it in favor of a young man. mindful as I am sure you are of the vast advantage it is to a youth, to make the acquaintance of those persons, whose merit & celebrity have already excited their admiration at a distance – for at such an age these are solid advantages, stored in virtuous recollection, & serving as guides when the character may have real need of such supports.
[3] I am particularly happy at the same time to recal to your memory one who has deeply felt & well remembered your former kindness, & the interest you took for him when it was espec[ially] useful & flattering to him. I should be delig[hted] to hear from Mr Bruce on his return that you are in the enjoyment of good health & success in the interesting studies you are engaged in so profitably for the world of literature. & of which you gave me so pleasing an account when you were last in England – I am sure you will also be glad to hear that I am in tolerable health, & happy in the study of my art. & I remain My Dear Sir
ever with respect & gratitude
Your faithful humble servant.
C. R. Cockerell.
[4] To
The Professor Schlegel,
aux soins de
Monsr Bruce
Chez Mons
r – Apoticaire
by favor of Mr Bruce Wenzel Pape