Advanced Search
Search Tips
Search Tips
Boolean operators and wildcards can be entered into any of the advanced search boxes:
- ""
- A search within quotation marks targets the exact sequence of the search term’s characters, ie. "Briefe über Poesie".
- *
- An asterisk directly before or after a word fragment produces a search for all words which contain said word fragment, ie. the search Hannov* yields the result Hannover, Hannoveraner, Hannoverisch, etc.
- ?
- One can search for a word which may appear with various spellings by inserting one or more question marks into a word (a question mark stands in place of exactly one character), ie. a search for Po?sie yields the results Poësie and Poesie, or a search for se?n the results sein and seyn.
- One can search for various word combinations by using AND, ie. a search for Goethe AND Schiller produces a list of all documents in which both names appear.
- OR
- Documents in which at least one of the search terms appear can be found using OR, ie. a search of Tübingen OR Stuttgart produces a list of all documents which contain at least one of the entered names. Thereby one can also search for different variations of the name, ie. Hannover OR Hanover; Göthe OR Goethe.
- One can rule out certain terms which should not be found in the targeted search area by using NOT, ie. a search of Schlegel NOT Friedrich produces all documents within the targeted search-area in which the name Schlegel, but not the name Friedrich appears.
These search operators and wildcards can be combined, ie. a search of: "Briefe über Poesie" AND Jena NOT Fried* yields all documents which contain the exact word sequence "Briefe über Poesie", at the same time contain the name Jena, but not a word that begins Fried*.
Proper names are distinguished in the register according to GND (Integrated Authority File) and are to be found in all previously distinguished documents by using GND spellings.
Christian Friedrich Tieck to August Wilhelm von Schlegel
- Place of Dispatch: Rom · Place of Destination: Coppet · Date: 26.12.1805
Friederike Helene Unger to August Wilhelm von Schlegel
- Place of Dispatch: Berlin · Place of Destination: Coppet · Date: 05.04.1806
Friederike Helene Unger to August Wilhelm von Schlegel
- Place of Dispatch: Berlin · Place of Destination: Dresden · Date: 10.06.1808
Friederike Helene Unger to August Wilhelm von Schlegel
- Place of Dispatch: Berlin · Place of Destination: Coppet · Date: 14.09.1809
Johanne Karoline Wilhelmine Spazier to August Wilhelm von Schlegel
- Place of Dispatch: Leipzig · Place of Destination: Genf · Date: 07.02.1810
Friederike Helene Unger to August Wilhelm von Schlegel
- Place of Dispatch: Berlin · Place of Destination: Fossé (Blois) · Date: 25.08.1810

August Wilhelm von Schlegel to Karl August Varnhagen von Ense
- Place of Dispatch: Kiel · Place of Destination: Berlin · Date: 25.12.1813