• Tottie & Compton , William Thompson , George Cowie , John Rew to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

  • Place of Dispatch: London · Place of Destination: Bonn · Date: 12.03.1819
Edition Status: Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated
    Metadata Concerning Header
  • Sender: Tottie & Compton, William Thompson, George Cowie, John Rew
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel
  • Place of Dispatch: London
  • Place of Destination: Bonn
  • Date: 12.03.1819
  • Notations: Empfangsort erschlossen. Vorgedruckter Text. Nur Unterschriften eigenhändig.
  • Provider: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: 512520879
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIIa,Nr.6
  • Number of Pages: 2 S. gedruckt, m. U.
  • Incipit: „[1] LONDON, 12, MARCH, 1819.
    IT is with deep regret, we have to announce to you, that from the general [...]“
  • English
  • Müller, Bianca
  • Varwig, Olivia
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[1] LONDON, 12, MARCH, 1819.
IT is with deep regret, we have to announce to you, that from the general distress and scarcity of money, we have been unfortunately compelled to suspend our Payments; anxious that ample information should be given and justice done to every one who unfortunately may have Claims on us, it was deemed adviseable that an immediate Meeting should take place of such Creditors as were on the spot, which took effect this Day, at the
LONDON TAVERN, and was numerously attended by some of the first and most respectable Merchants of this City, when it was Proposed and Resolved, without one dissentient voice, That it would be for the Interest of all Parties concerned, to avoid the Expences and Litagation resulting from a Bankruptcy, that a Trust Deed should be executed by Us, giving up all our Property on Oath, for the benefit of the Interested; when the following Gentlemen were kind enough to undertake the Management as Trustees.
JOHN WHITMORE, Esq. Director of the Bank of England,
WILLIAM THOMPSON, Esq. of the House of Thompson, Forman, and Son,
FROM the highly respectable situation and known honor of these Gentlemen in the Mercantile World, we have every reason to hope that you will see, in these proceedings, our anxious wish, to protect the just claims of every Individual Creditor, and confidently trust your compliance, will enable those Gentlemen to carry the Trust into effect, by authorizing some Friend by Power of Attorney, to execute the Deed on your behalf.
IT is material to state, that in order to prevent unjust preferences, arising from Sequestrations or other causes in Foreign Countries, as well as in England, effectual steps have been taken, to guard the Interest of all Parties, and which would effectually annul all Sequestrations or Arrests, but which will not be proceeded in, provided the before-mentioned Trust Deed, be executed by all the Creditors, whose respective Signatures will only be binding, in the event of the whole being obtained: by this measure, the Property of the Foreign Creditor, becomes equally protected with that of the British, and will be held sacred; for no advantage, nor preference, will on any account, be either permitted or allowed.

[2] A Copy of the Resolutions of this Day’s Meeting, will be forwarded by the ensuing Mail, together with every further Information to
We have now therefore only to express our anxious desire, that the whole proceedings will meet with your approbation and assent, and while we deeply deplore the unfortunate event which has occurred, we beg to assure you that every effort and zeal shall be exerted on our part, for the speedy winding up of our concerns.
With respect we are,
Your most obedient Servants,

Tottie & Compton
WE the Undersigned, being three of the above-named Trustees, Certify the foregoing, to be a correct Statement of the Proceedings of this day.
m Thompson
GeoCowie Jhn Rew
London, March 12th 1819.
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[1] LONDON, 12, MARCH, 1819.
IT is with deep regret, we have to announce to you, that from the general distress and scarcity of money, we have been unfortunately compelled to suspend our Payments; anxious that ample information should be given and justice done to every one who unfortunately may have Claims on us, it was deemed adviseable that an immediate Meeting should take place of such Creditors as were on the spot, which took effect this Day, at the
LONDON TAVERN, and was numerously attended by some of the first and most respectable Merchants of this City, when it was Proposed and Resolved, without one dissentient voice, That it would be for the Interest of all Parties concerned, to avoid the Expences and Litagation resulting from a Bankruptcy, that a Trust Deed should be executed by Us, giving up all our Property on Oath, for the benefit of the Interested; when the following Gentlemen were kind enough to undertake the Management as Trustees.
JOHN WHITMORE, Esq. Director of the Bank of England,
WILLIAM THOMPSON, Esq. of the House of Thompson, Forman, and Son,
FROM the highly respectable situation and known honor of these Gentlemen in the Mercantile World, we have every reason to hope that you will see, in these proceedings, our anxious wish, to protect the just claims of every Individual Creditor, and confidently trust your compliance, will enable those Gentlemen to carry the Trust into effect, by authorizing some Friend by Power of Attorney, to execute the Deed on your behalf.
IT is material to state, that in order to prevent unjust preferences, arising from Sequestrations or other causes in Foreign Countries, as well as in England, effectual steps have been taken, to guard the Interest of all Parties, and which would effectually annul all Sequestrations or Arrests, but which will not be proceeded in, provided the before-mentioned Trust Deed, be executed by all the Creditors, whose respective Signatures will only be binding, in the event of the whole being obtained: by this measure, the Property of the Foreign Creditor, becomes equally protected with that of the British, and will be held sacred; for no advantage, nor preference, will on any account, be either permitted or allowed.

[2] A Copy of the Resolutions of this Day’s Meeting, will be forwarded by the ensuing Mail, together with every further Information to
We have now therefore only to express our anxious desire, that the whole proceedings will meet with your approbation and assent, and while we deeply deplore the unfortunate event which has occurred, we beg to assure you that every effort and zeal shall be exerted on our part, for the speedy winding up of our concerns.
With respect we are,
Your most obedient Servants,

Tottie & Compton
WE the Undersigned, being three of the above-named Trustees, Certify the foregoing, to be a correct Statement of the Proceedings of this day.
m Thompson
GeoCowie Jhn Rew
London, March 12th 1819.